AO Power system Flowchart

not really ngl

I can do that too if I wanted to without much experience

(no hate)

And there’s an unlistable amount of people who can draw a “pretty cool looking character” what’s your point?

one takes practice and one doesnt

it’s not hard to open up a program and just, copy paste info in an easy to read way.

Firstly it’s not copy pasty since this is society when the statements made by Vetex actually don’t contradict eachother and can be found in a reasonable amount of style :
Sans titre
And I don’t really see how your drawing is sooooooooo much better than this seeing that a program can probably make something better in a few seconds

ew, AI art supporter, opinion instantly invalidated.

congrats, you didn’t just shoot yourself in the foot, you jumped into a woodchipper :skull:

also, what’s stopping an AI from also just making another flowchart that’s similar to this one? if anything, it’s even easier for it.

I never said I supported it, I used it to show how your argument makes no sense, your argument was this post had no value since it was made quickly and with the of an editing software.

I also find the word “ew” a bit ridiculous in this context, I dislike AI generated art because it lacks creativity, but I fail to see how in earth the concept of AI generated art is disgusting.

Respectfully this is making you look desperate and like an asshole

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I just don’t get how such a simple graph got so much attention but eh whatever idc anymore

Sounds like yes hate to me

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Your arguments to defend your idea that this post got too much attention were :
-A statement that you believe it was easy to make and doable by anyone.
-A statement that the info was easy to find.
-A straight up lie stating that I support AI art when I mentionned it, on top of being false, in what world do you attack people about AI?
-A statement that due to the fact you drew a character that you judge cool, you have the expertise to criticize this.

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because it is


admittedly this one was a little bit cringe but really this applies to any artist on the forum who, y’know, can spend hours making something of way higher skill and quality than, a flowchart made on excel.

you never directly claimed you supported nor disliked it so I assumed the former because you brought it up to begin with.

I’m sure since info on the AU was is easy to find you’re gonna be able to tell us in less than 30 seconds the powerscaling of imbuements versus mage controlled magic.

Making a readable flowchart is something alot of people can’t do actually, and I still don’t see what you mean by “higher quality and skilled”, what are your criteria?

bro it is not hard to learn how to use powerpoint there is no actual technique or practice involved compared to some other things I’ve seen on here (like roblox builds or big art projects)

there is no skill in making charts I don’t get whats hard to see here

Firstly, it wasn’t only about making the chart itself but the information, and you dind’t respond to my question, proving my point.
Secondly you’re saying there’s skill in drawing characters, but non in drawing out a chart? That really sounds like a bias.

“What I do is insanely skillfull but what other people do is easy.”

I did?

gathering information by sifting through old forum posts isn’t very hard either

Somebody is grumpy


This question, answer it

is actually quite a simple one too