AO Power system Flowchart

mage is stronger than imbues


vet has said countless time that magic triumphs all basically, except curses.

(but there’s always countless exceptions depending on the context)

False actually! I’m the one who originally asked the question about magic imbued attacks compared to normal mage attacks and vetex stated they are equal.

I mean, it uses magic, so maybe that makes sense.

I still want proof of that interaction.

also why does this matter considering I’m not in the mood to go figure all of this out rn

Even the fact that it’s not External Curses and actually Experimental Curse is something that was only cleared up extremely recently by vetex, showing this guy did his research

“I can degrade other people’s work and slander you by lying but I dont’ want to argue.”

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Thank god it’s a post I made so that should be possible

If I hadn’t know this beforehand this information would’ve been practically impossible to find, wich is my point about information in this game’s lore and systems being a mess.

Ig it’s gank won

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I mean I could’ve literally just gone through your post history so I don’t see how it’s gank won :confused:

Because if I hadn’t told you that I had obtained the info, you probably wouldn’t have been able to find it, wich is solidified by the fact your original answer was incorrect

so like

there’s this thing called

going through vetex’s history

but considering I’m always wrong, please just 100% invalidate everything I say :hugs:

@2brian hi rb1

When will there be a universe where dubious doesnt get into an arguement over goofy asf things


I’m sure every time I have a question I’m gonna read Vetex’s entire history, there’s also the Discord and other sources btw

That’s the dude who keeps making alts right :confused:

Sans titre

I don’t think maple is a mod :zipper_mouth_face:

(oh wait he is when did that happen)

oh really?


nvm they have the shield thingy

maple’s been a mod for like at least a year now i think

I never noticed for some reason :person_shrugging: