AO Shower Thoughts

the theory for atoms actually originates as far back as the 5th century bce in ancient greece, where they called the building blocks of matter “atomos”, meaning indivisible

for fission, i think that having a magic that controls atoms or at least replicates their properties somewhat would drastically speed up the research process, not even mentioning other magics that could be used for science too

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That does make sense, I can imagine someone trying to make like just telekinesis and accidently making something that can rend the building blocks of the universe apart. Similar to stonewards and the Surge of Axis manipulation on Ashyn. That’s a lot of jargon that basically says, people with the power to control the physical world accidently splitting atoms. Which is comparable to the idea you described.

Edit: Did you learn about Atomos from OSP (Overly Sarcastic Productions) like I did?

maybe, i just vaguely remembered that the theory for atoms was first formulated way back in ancient greece and googled it to confirm, britannica was my source then

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Very cool

still waiting for antimatter and dark matter magic fr

they would disappear soon

crystal curse would crash the jewel stock market

What is the composition of ash magic

before someone says:
“oh well duh dubious it’s volcanic ash duuhhhhh” :baby:

Volcanic ash’s components can heavily be changed depending on what volcano produced said ash.

so, which type of ash is it?

also, could ash magic (or the ash curse) be overpowered for farming and sanitization businesses?

does controlling the ash curse just let you control any kind of heavily charred and petrified object?

some other things:

does acid magic react to bases?

does earth magic turn into sand magic if you somehow crush up the earth spells?

why don’t any AO characters have nipples? how do robloxians reproduce?

how come calvus’ chestplacte is molded in a way that would imply he has chest muscles when no AO body package gives any kind of thing like that?

have I been drinking too much dark sea essentia?

is there an actual steam “magic” that’s not just an imbue effect but it’s own thing entirely?

why have I never seen a solid magic imbued wave that’s not ice?

why is citrine so fucking damn ugly what the fuck holy shit?

is neviro’s spear an actual weapon or does neviro use it to bluff since he’s more of a talker?

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rocks, minerals, and glass

if it’s burnt to the point of becoming ash, then probably


maybe, though it might just dissipate first

no nipples because all they drink is bloxy cola, and they reproduce through the spawn pads

it was planned for aa as a mutation

they sink

it’s yellow

you see how the point is black? that’s because it’s made of graphite, the spear is actually a giant pencil so he can write giant letters

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okay but
what’s the literal composition of the ash
different distributions of things can heavily change ash’s properties

does that mean spawn pads are constantly giving birth

how do robloxians make families?

did calvusdude2012 join during the earlier years of ravenna before we came along and go “ABC FOR KINGDOM ROLEPLAY IM KING PLIS”


where is it


but yellow lightning looks cool
and yellow water

so that’s how neviro wrote his journal…

what acid is acid?
what minerals are in earth/sand?

id assume it all depends on the user maybe

we still have 1 big question left

how do robloxians make babies

:eye: :eye:

where is the spawnpad room

he puts his studs in her inlets

you’ve put a very weird image in my head and I don’t like it

they make a new account

Yes more utility based magics! I love it when powers are used to enhance peoples’ lives rather than just brining destruction!

(If you can figure out how to transform matter to magic energy, you could potentially create permanent structures without a curse. Very useful for farming and irrigation.)

when you think about it

ash is an extremely clean substance

which sounds ironic, but it’s true, ash comes from sources so unbearably lethal and hostile that no bacteria (except a few extremophiles, though these guys are harmless) would ever even think of wanting to live in a scorching hot cloud of cinders and rock.

ash, by virtue of being made of rock and minerals, also is incredibly beneficial for plantlife assuming it’s not apocalyptically hot and it’s been cooled and mixed with soil and fertilizer.

oh yea also random fun fact but wood ash is often used to help grow plants like garlic and @ImaLettuce


No more grinding for gems just creates them

There’s a literal siren out at sea

If you remember Zeus. It is most likely by airborne droplets.