AO Shower Thoughts

No it’s not a direct translation take some notes on how localization works :roll_eyes:

Okay but it is a direct translation, I hate to say it but Vetex probably doesn’t care that much about historical accuracy, and wouldn’t put in the time to think about whether words like nuclear or plasma fit into his setting.

Even if it’s a localization, I doubt whoever’s translating this stuff would use such specific concepts if the words their translating weren’t directly related.

Finally I don’t believe Vetex is thinking about his game in the frame of translation. I mean they should all be speaking Latin or some Proto-Germanic nonsense, but here they are speaking at least modern English, and not even really using 1800s vernacular. So the argument for localization doesn’t really work.

Finally, bringing it back to my original point. The fact that words like solar flare and nuclear are used, implies that they have concepts similar to them or just straight up know about those phenomena. This implies that the people before Durza’s blast, I’m guessing that’s when most of the Lost-Magics are from and then Ancient-Magics are from the Golden Age, had knowledge of those concepts, meaning that either they studied enough of the world and its mechanics to know of these millennia in advance or magic gives innate knowledge to their elements. Or the final option, and sadly the most likely Vetex just doesn’t care for accuracy.


ah yes, historical accuracy in a game with magic and where the greek pantheon is real

The Lore Doc does say history is the same till 100ad, then technology stagnates when magic is introduced. If this was held to in the game Flare, plasma, and other nuclear magics wouldn’t exist because people wouldn’t have a concept of them. Unless the ancients had other means of discovering these concepts, which I don’t think Vetex intends. I’m not asking just for strict historical accuracy (it would be a very boring game if that was the case) I’m asking for the lore doc to make sense with what’s presented in the game. Also maybe a bit more historical accuracy when it comes to things like “the invention of mining” happening after magic is introduced in 100ad.

im not sure nuclear magic is still a thing, magic was created by chaos, who created the universe and therefore things like plasma, solar flares etc. Im pretty sure humans didnt need a scientific understanding of plasma to discover plasma magic, it was just discovered through mutation which is a natural process that happens to strong wizards

idk about the invention of mining but im pretty sure there is a difference between mining flint in some caves and on the surface, and mining deep underground which is likely where aurem was found

Mutation was retconned, and when I talk about nuclear I mean the synonyms for explosions and the description of Sun Magic.

Seeing as mutations have been retconned, the magics we see in game were developed and written down by ancient mages. This means that they would have had to have knowledge of the concepts the magic is representing. So no matter how one thinks about it, if one goes by the lore doc then the ancient mages had to have some knowledge of science beyond what today’s mages have.

I think it’s similar to the Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson, where the mages of today use words that have been engrained into the collective unconscious so even when they don’t know what exactly the words mean they know it has some association with the magic it works as a synonym for.

i don’t think the lore doc says anything about technology stagnating, and if anything i think that magic would actually advance technology since you can perform so many more experiments so much easier

wait what? when?

I’ve heard from people who have access to Patron chat, so I may be wrong. But I know specifically @PinkButterflyGaming has mentioned it. At least I think it was them.

if anything it sounds like lost and ancient magics are what would be retconned

vetex said IF aa was rewritten then magic in the seven seas would work the same as in the war seas, but it hasnt been rewritten so its not an official retcon

explosions and the sun existed back in the day

So ignore previous comment, I just looked through search and stuff, yeah I can’t see where I first thought mutations got retconned. Apologies for any confusion.

Yes that’s what I’m saying. How did they make synonyms for those magics back in the day if they didn’t know about nuclear stuff.

idk man i dont think you need a deep understanding in nuclear physics to know that a magic that looks like explosions would be called explosion magic, and a magic that looks like the sun would be called sun magic

well with magics like atomic magic they could first learn about atoms and therefore nuclei by researching more on them, then they could form theories on what could possibly happen if one were to forcefully break apart a nucleus, letting explosion magic then gain the synonym nuclear by concluding it would cause an explosion

is atomic magic still a thing
sounds like an outdated concept magic to me

But then that brings back the question of where the idea for atomic magic would come from. Because even if they knew about atomic theory (things being made up of little things) I don’t think they would come up with fission until around the time we do. So again where does the association with nuclear and explosions come from?

i think so, it was on the mutation chart trollus made after consulting with vet and tech a bit, plus it sounds cool so i choose to believe it does

id assume they have more advanced knowledge of chemistry in general considering alchemy and potion brewing exists, overall though i dont think vetex ever thought of why certain words wouldnt exist especially when most synonyms are ported from wom which was far in the future to ao

when was that chart made though, the one im thinking of is quite old