AOE and Agility Demons, PVP is less skill than before

i dont like interacting with the community a lot but when i was trying to pvp with the darksea build i practically never lost, only against a couple of mages. ive fought people with thousands of kills and theyve basically all shared my sentiment that pvp is just not fun anymore. doesnt matter whether u run max size or speed or agl or whatever it just doesnt take a lot of skill if ur stats are maxed lol

alr, atleast u can somewhat catch him, but that doesnt discredit how braindead agility is rn, im surprise testers missed that

yeah uh no you’re not catching me with even 200 agility

@FridgeUchiha Imma say this kindly but you know absolutely nothing about this, please don’t try to make a suggestion here with nonsense. Justifying the stat builds atm is just plain ridiculous…

im experienced, not top a player thoe im still better than majority but top players get the best of me 90% of the time i dont pvp as much as i used to. I got a lil over 1300 pks but i usuaklly only spar top players at munera if i do pvp. I’m not saying thuis cuz O IM BAD ASS AND A REALLY GOOD player im saying you guys who are complaining about stats take some accountability geezus.

ik plenty about pvp bro I’m, here cuz im an enthusiat yal needa take acountabilty and just get focused on ur grind instead of complaining

ya, i also used to pvp a lot, 2K player kills, took a 3 month sorta break where i barely pvped, and im still used of the old 1.13 and 1.12 pvp, the 1.14 pvp is highly different and not only bc of dodge reflexes

they’re trying to make a point on how attack size is watering down combat & how the uprising agility meta is obnoxious and harmful for the game’s lifespan

or moreso how you don’t have to make sacrifices elsewhere to get these things

yeah if u got 400+ agility i won’t catch u but eh not beimg rude im sure its great for traveling but idk about viablity in pvp.

yeah you ain’t doing crap to someone you cant hit pvp wise it’s perfectly viable

yes you do u have to sacrifice tons to get 200+ in any substat, agility meta isn’t an issue especcialy since if people are RUNNING cuz thats what agility players do, its not like they can kill while running and whenever they try to come back if ur aware enough u punish them.

well if your looking to kill someone with 400+ agility im not saying its impossible but any one with the capacity to anticipate u will punish every time u get close enough to hit them.

200 agility is much easier to get as an addition to your build than you may think

the issue isnt that they’re killing you while running (now of course they could do this if they wanted) but that this type of running is being enabled in the first place.

have you heard of piercing shot it’s so easy to hit without being punished by t jumping

if people want to run instead of fight let them and how can u kill someone while running away? also i agree 200+ agility is ez to attain so why is that a problem if people are making builds to run away they, just don’t want tofight leave them alone, if people want to fight u always will have the chance to win cuz if they want to get close enough to hit u they are in just as much danger as you are in.

its true, but hitting a moving target with musket is incredibly difficult, and id just give them my flowers fi they did. if someone is running away I’m most likely chasing them if were engaged in a full on fight but im not going to chase them in straight line either .

so it’s fair that they can run whenever they want, but you cannot run from them? they’re at an inherent advantage. they have no risk going into a fight against someone without the agility, they can leave. the person without agility cannot outrun them if they try to leave.

you could argue this is “the niche point of agility builds to be oppressive and inescapable but also uncatchable” but i absolutely do not think anyone nor even vetex himself would want this to be encouraged in his game. it’s toxic and annoying.

make up your mind

ok look there is full picture to this ur only looking at one aspect if someone is heavily invested into agility, they have to sacrifice in areas that you’ll more likely be stronger than them in, so no u wont be able to run away but if ur not HEAVILY invested into agility then u never intended to be running away in the first place as soon as they’re close enough to get hit they’re getting swatted like a fly or they can run away indefinitely and not continue to fight, or try to engage again with the risk of being swat like a fly.

200 agility being ez to attain doesn’t mean u don’t have to sacrifice other stats to attain it.

ite u guys take care it’s about accountability all these “meta builds” u want to complain about aren’t going to solve ur guys skill issues