Apollo's doodle thread



itsa spooky monf

i’m stealing the dog’s ring then feeding him to the sharks.

For some reason, it reminded me of Klonoa in Halloween outfit

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thats a ring pop! its licked so idk if u wanna steal it

random urge to rant

kinda hate how stupidly annoying the forums are when it comes to art of any female characters or buff male characters, people have absolutely 0 self control and write as if their internet footprint won’t be permanent… not that i expect anything better from a forum full of a lot of teens, but instead of punishing the people reacting weirdly, mods often seem to punish whoever made the art instead (i might be spitting bs on this though lol)

i know i say some gay shit regarding buff men but its nowhere near the level that some on the forum comment on giant boob women art


oh. Then i feed him to the sharks with the ring still on :man_shrugging:

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holy shit.
I’ve been waiting for someone to fucking say this.

Why do mfs have the urge to say how much they are going hornballs to the max over a drawing of someone? Why???
Why can’t people keep it to themselves?? I could do it - and I still can! And I rarely do even that much!

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Ngl I’m starting to feel like its becoming a “joke” just to get attention now or just for fun out of boredom to get some laughs :sob:

Expected forum humor

(Brb i could share a possible reason but reason num.2 defo teenager humor)

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Alright so this could be a possible reason:

And Ima be honest here I was one of those people who’d be a “hornball” person but mainly because of this reason: For possible laughs or just play-along with the post.

Before Arcane Odyssey I’d say there were quite a lot of those types of people but they were mostly for the laughs and jokes, sometimes even the person who made the art would play along and overall it was a fun time to be in, however, this would influence current art and how other forum users would react too these art pieces.

When AO released you know new artists and some without any knowledge of the forum-history, which means they wouldn’t know about forumers “horniness humor” that played along for months since there wasn’t really anything entertaining back then probably and yeah again, more so for the attention, laughs, and jokes. Entertainment.

As again, this would most likely influence the present-day community which would now, be filled with these types of “horn-balls” by old-users, and some would probably pay-attention to the old-users and past messages and some-what play along, or just an out-right troll.

One user in particular (Possibly) would be Fireinnerice, who as a troll/joke, well he, you know:

But I doubt any of this was actually serious considering this was aimed at iris pieces only and was an account made for that reason. Once every 3 months, he’d come by and do the same process, and during the bottom message, I’d say that got laughs out of users and chuckles. Was pretty common too see posts like that in the past tbh but nobody really cared back then

But yeah it is now pretty much gettin out of hand, some would go beyond as asking for NSFW commissions even though that wasn’t really the case, some did say it was a joke for “NSFW commissions” so that’s most likely their teenage humor or forum influence 2021 - 2022

And then the second reason:
teenagers (obviously)

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oh jeez didnt even realize there were trolls specifially to hornypost on here…

even if its not too serious, i do hope mods start to cut down on people who just act overly… affectionate towards characters. it’s fine to do it in private idc but as soon as its brought onto the forums, i get annoyed by it because i swear i can throw a rock in this forum and it would land on a hornball doing their hornballer things

well, not that i trust the mods to not be biased anyways, funny how like dozens of near nudity suggestive artworks stayed on the art catagory but a mod closed down that artistic nudity of calvus bc it was “too suggestive” lol


Gotta love forum art sometimes :sob:

Anyways yeah I stopped this humor few weeks ago because present-day forums, not the best to act like the past anymore

still love to see good art though
comments still give me chuckles to this day (Humor moment)


how i be lookin at people like fireinnerice fr


anyways interuppting my rant discussion with a doodle

quick stylized self portrait of me in my halloween costume

heres the actual costume image for anyone who wishes to view!

(BOO!!! its me! scary!!! first time i ever sent a partial face reveal on here)


W costume

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should’ve dressed up as a plague doctor smh

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Some of the mods I see even are the ones with no self-control with that behavior.

so they brush it off as okay, and think it would be funny

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Even if they were trolls, said behavior should not be encouraged.

by encouraging trolls to behave like is giving people reason to behave like that because it’s funny or lols for them.

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Yeah, im genuinely annoyed of all the people whos passing it off as '“funny” or “not that serious”

Although some may find it funny or not serious, its just generally weird to have a comminity thats so hornyballing everywhere, especially because arcane odyssey is 13+ (kids exist)

Some may argue “let teens be teens”, but it still breeds a community where things that should stay private come out to the light, where it could become an issue to everyone


yeah i honestly have no idea how the ao community got like this, barring a few specific people during wom, it wasnt like this before in wom or aa

its super annoying and making a community so open and weird about that stuff, even as a “joke” allows creeps to easily fit themselves in

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