Stop being a degenerate

This rant is inspired by this post

Can you all have some fucking self control?! you mfs be acting really weird when you see an art character with big breasts or big muscles and proceed to call it “just trolling”?

What the FUCK is wrong with you? How behaving disgustingly like that on the internet is funny? Are you so thirsty for attention that you need to act like that?

All you do is indirectly normalize this bad behavior to the point we accept this awful behavior. You are no less annoying than those who put porn and cut it to Jetstream Sam or Doom guy and say “No horny”.

I won’t say names, but for the love of everyone, just hold your pants and find a positive better way to get attention.

I̶ ̶h̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶I̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶w̶r̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶d̶u̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶v̶a̶l̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶b̶e̶c̶o̶m̶e̶.̶




Then find a place to be like that.

Go to Rule34 or Pixiv with display mature turned on and said whatever shit you want there.

It’s not hard to write a degenerate comment there if you have no impulse control.


Finally someone fuckin said it because holy shit this is getting annoying.


Ha… s-should I be scared?? (I just sent an artist request and will be posting something soon if I get it)

Will I be okay…?


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I’d be more concerned with how most of us (myself included) probably aren’t even done with high school. If yer going to make horny jokes, at least do it when little Timmy isn’t watching.


You won’t get banned so long the drawings you posted here aren’t erotic.

This rant is more about those who act like women are an extinct species

They should at least know their place, either they go to a website made for NSFW or don’t behave like weirdo in a place where stuff like that shouldn’t even be here

I was asking this since my post was gonna have female characters in it (being my two files), but eh, looks like its just gonna take me and my willpower to ignore those guys if they do flood the thread somehow

Though, back on the topic, this is really a problem when it comes to being on the net in general.

Its not the same as face to face interaction, so when people interact, it doesnt feel the same as face to face interaction and are thus, kinda desensitised from what they’re saying online. Its good for peoe who do have genuine problems interacting with others, but it becomes a problem when they lose self-awareness on what theyre saying to someone.

Would you say half of the stuff you say online to someone’s face irl? For a lot of people, probs no.

Also, theres also to note the fact that other people are doing it, influencing other people to do the same, to the point it becomes normalized. You need certain self-control and awareness to not be too swayed by opinions or behaviours of random strangers on the net. Of course, not trying to sound like “the internet controls you” conspiracy theorists, but it might not be far off.

There’s a fine line between being funny and then going a bit too far into humor to the point it becomes kinda creepy… just, no.

But yeah, for goodness sake, PLEASE be civil and treat it as if you are talking to someone face to face. Because you are, you just forget that because a metal rectangle is in front of you instead.



The nsfw/down bad jokes on here are hardly ever funny and often just repetitive or lack creativity and fall flat. The platform would be mostly better off without em because 99% of the time they end up coming off as weird or in poor taste


Ugh… weirdos…

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The fact that I left the Forums for a while and come back to this says a lot about the current state of it


the way i see it, if you turned the pic into a man in your head and it still makes you uncomfortable, then it’s weird and should be challenged

this kinda reminds me of a certain rpgmaker game… i just can’t wrap my head around it yet…

but jokes aside, weirdos can’t hide their thoughts sadly

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youre missing the point entirely

the issue is that its weird and makes the artists uncomfortable, they dont want their art sexualized, its not about the art itself


isn’t it still about the art if it makes the art

nvm i understand now (halfway through post)