Apollo's doodle thread

3 of them came to silverhold, forcing my pve friend to also fight, and they still ended up dying and running away while acusing me using healing potions (it was the pve friend while they had slowness 5 gel)

summary of all my ao character lore because im bored:

apolo purple:

Apolo was boy born from two very famous and respected bounty hunters, who decided to settle down in a small island at the edge of the war seas once he was born. At the time, the assassin syndicate was growing in power in explosive magnitudes, and many bounty hunters and navy members started to go missing.

There was always a large assassination reward placed on Apolo’s parents due to them being skilled bounty hunters, which was one of the reasons why they settled down on an island hidden from the public in order to raise their child safely. However, with the rising power of assassins, even such safety measures weren’t enough to prevent the assassins breaking into their home and murdering Apolo’s parents in front of his eyes. (Apolo was like, 5 at the time by the way)

One thing his parents have begged for out of pure desperation, was to keep their only child alive, not knowing how sickeningly cruel the syndicate has became. The assassin lord who was leading the assassination laughed, and agreed to the deal, before killing them off. Afterwards, they grabbed Apolo and threw him into the basement of the assassin brig, blindfolding him and tying him up to prevent his escape.

The assassin syndicate in this lore of mine was… absolute war criminals to say the least. Them kidnapping and keeping defenseless children and women were common, and not for any sort of respectable reasons at all. I reference history a lot in my oc lore, and if you are familiar with world history revolving around war and conflict… you probably can infer what I’m implying. :grimacing:

Either way, Apolo would continue to be held in the assassin brig, being fed the bare minimum food scraps and water to keep him alive. He wouldn’t be free until 14 or so years later, where a severe storm broke the brig down, leaving him to hold onto the debris until he washed up somewhere.

The place he washed up at was none other than Akursius keep, and being already in an absolutely broken down mental state, the insanity effects of akursius of him did not affect him. He would settle down on akursius keep, slowly accepting the freedom he finally had. In the following months, he started to regain a sense of self, but his mind was still stuck as a child from the trauma despite being 19-20 ish physically.

Within those months, the souls that died during the winterveil massacre
sensed apolo’s potential as a warrior that could protect what was once their land from further harm. In apolo’s dreams, they asked for him to protect the land, which he accepted, putting him into a signless contract.

Of course, he didn’t know it was a contract. He didn’t even know who the souls were. He was just happy to help, like a clueless child he was.

Through the contract, Apolo gained some special powers from the souls buried under akursius keep, mostly allowing him to inflict insanity to those he was near or those he attacked directly with his weapons.

Thoughout his new life, he would meet new people, new friends, start to make a living out of selling those cursed mushrooms… etc. But after a few years, he started to grow out of his childish mind… and he felt weird. He felt out of place for being a person who lived in a place everyone was deathly scared to go to. He felt weird that he could inflict insanity to anyone who got too close to him, even if he did not mean it. You know how when you became a teen in your middle school years, you felt so wrong about the things you enjoyed in elementary school? that was basically what apolo was going through

out of feeling desperate to fit in with society, apolo would seek out a new place to live. He went to cirrus island from his friend’s recommendation, and would settle down there… or at least he tried to.

The souls of winterveil dissapointed at him for abandoning his post, would come to curse him. Making him weak and sickly more and more until the day he felt something was seriously off, and that he had to return back to akursius keep. When he arrived, he could barely keep himself standing as he begged the souls for forgiveness. It was too late though, to the souls, he was betrayed them, and he had to pay for it.

After his death, the souls would reoccupy his body, turning him into a lifeless puppet where all he would do is mercilessly kill whoever stepped foot on akursius keep. A surely twisted way to uphold the contract of protecting the land…

You can’t even blame anyone for his story. To the soul’s perspective, he totally broke the contract. To apolo’s perspective, he probably forgot the contract was even a thing.

Poor guy, it depends on the timeline, but in one of them, he stays as a puppet that guards Akursius keep until the end of bronze sea.


same childhood as apolo, born from highly respected bounty hunters, but the assassins didnt have power

being born from respected bounty hunters, an extremely large pressure was put on apollo from his family and his peers. growing up, he would constantly be judged for his performance and his skills, despite the fact they were above average in every dimension. his parents would become increasingly abusive because they were scared apollo would humiliate their bloodline.

apollo eventually got sick of all of it, and ran away from home. he lives as a roaming warrior, preferring to go on adventures and finding treasures rather than to engage in combat.

apollo’s lore is quite not that deep, hes moreso supposed to be a projection of myself and my main struggles in life! apolo is somewhat a projection of myself too, but im not discussing that further here lol

augusta caesar:

basically, a lost royal of ravenna.

jade claesson:

A girl who had parents and family who didn’t like the fact she used magic. Her family saw magic as danger, and would constantly put down jade for wanting to pursue it. Later on, she was kicked out from her house. Trying to find a place to fit into, she realized her magic skills were there… but never enough to join a clan or a group to help her stay afloat. Running out of options, she set her hands on crime… placing herself into the assassin syndicate where they easily accept any outcasts of society.

i have more ocs but these are the ones i care about


Wow Apolo purple’s story ending is tragic :sob:
He deserves better :frowning:

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yeah :[ at least his soul will probably go rest at elysium…

He deserves better.

alright but who wins in a fight purple or zen

they are the same person technically… (apolo’s last name is purple only because he couldnt remember what his last name was and decided to just go with his fav colour, also the same reason why apolo is spelled with one L instead of two… he didnt know how it was actually spelled)

however, apollo is just sick and tired of combat, and therefore doesn’t train his skills! while apolo enjoys the freedom of combat and him having control on if he wins a fight or not, so he trains a lot more often

along with the fact apolo has insanity imbuements for his weapons… his normal counterpart wont win in a fight with him

This is why I like to bully assassins I find on AO with zero remorse and harass them until they leave the game.

I may or may not be responsible for causing several newbie assassins to completely quit AO and leave the “experience” for good.


Iron leg warlord takes zero skill btw.

you are a bad person and deserve the death penalty. via hanging

Okay before I’m literally beaten to death I just want to say that I NEVER witchhunt people and when they leave the server I just go about my normal business.

When I say “Harass” I mean like, grabbing their bounties and following them around across the server I’m in until one of the following happens:

-they leave
-they swap to their mage alt (I’m fucked, actually, depends on the mage, earth mages are usually fodder and shadow mages are a death sentence for me. I’ve been getting better at dealing with the latter however.)
-they ask their friends to team on me (depends but usually I’m fucked)
-they combat log mid fight

assassin players are less toxic than navy tbh. hunt the navy man :100::100::100:

Navy players are just stupid tbh there’s no point in hunting them

I’d rather piss off egotistical edgelords rather than little 12 year old fetuses who don’t even know that cannon fist exists.

also I can’t really hunt the navy since my man @A_friendly_Bear is in it and he’s kind of a G so I can’t do em bad like that.

i left the navy after they announced that deckhands are renown free, and honestly i dont really care, none of my friends are in the navy and when one was, i was usually with him

As a former Navy member I can confirm that we indeed, kinda suck

a redraw of a older doodle


updated apolo info! yall better be nice or else i will slam the block buttons


yee-yee ass cursed mushrooms

okay but really; very neat

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haha im like 2 millimeters taller than them

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this means you are shorter than me irl

i see that as a skill issue tbh