AR Thread #1 Revamp Test Edition!

He still does this kinda too?

But not nearly as much

wow bro calm down someone doesnt know a certain acronym that you know damn you’re really gonna get a nobel peace prize for that one

bro what???

How is it some schizo thing to say you expect people on this site to know an acronym most people on this site use?

there are several value lists yet not everyone knows values, there are plenty of rules yet not everyone follows them, there are lots of patch notes yet not everyone knows every single one

just because the majority know doesnt mean you should expect absolutely everyone to know, plus they’re a new member shrug

i get not wanting to explain but being an ass after it was explained to them is unecessary

Except I do.

This isn’t me correcting someone who doesn’t know multipication or telling someone the difference between red and violet.

This is common sense

If you’re in a discord server. Everyone says lmao and a guy asks what lmao means are you going to think they’re being unironic or are just kidding.

Of course i’d expect people in the site to know an acronym. Im saying it for that specific group.

“Im not spoonfeeding you secondary go look it up or leave”
This is passive aggression. Compared to other peoples responses on this site this is close to being an ass as a watermelon is to a berry.

I am not kidding btw Will we be able to change our guild color after tgr? - #2 by Fat_fishe
Please don't hate me for this - #10 by Retribution

last post because I don’t want to derail the thread any longer

spoonfeeding = handing over easily findable info

secondary = an extremely new member. Newgen was a year ago

broski he’s clearly a new member, you could have literally just said “AR is slang for the game Arcane Reborn, a fan-made adaptation of the original Arcane Adventures”. I gotta agree with element on this one you’re just being an asshole for no reason


Already summed it up.
Im not talking about it anymore.
Will be damned to hell if the thread gets locked because of a question.

no, all you did was give a lame justification on how it was “common sense” and therefore obviously right to be a dick to a new member when you could have just as easily just explained what it was. I also love how you chalk up what you said as “passive aggression” when there is literally nothing passive in what you said :rofl:

Let this be my last reply Let this be my last reply god let this be my last reply.

“Guy finds buzzword”
“Buzzword is used by alot of people”
“Guy finds it relatively easy”
“Guy expects newer people to find it just as easily”
This is my thought process.

Secondary = New
This implies that I understand he’s new. And acknowledge that he doesn’t know yet.

I wasn’t being a dick to him. Even if I was I wasn’t trying to. I literally just said go look it up in a slightly ruder fashion.

The easiest way to find it is by being told :skull: you told a mf to google a 2-letter acronym for an extremely niche community :moyai:

The search worked out for me :person_shrugging:
Just looked up AR and scrolled in images till I found something

I am about to be fucking killed

You’re in a forum for Arcane Odyssey, not Arcane Reborn. There will obviously be some people who don’t know what AR means since it’s a game for a niche community and while I agree that it may not be the majority, it’s simply not hard to just tell them what it means.

“spoonfeeding” “Either google it or leave this thread”

Bro how tf are you telling me thats “passive aggressive”. You’re obviously sounding like a conceited dick here to a newcomer who just asked you the meaning of a particular acronym, I don’t know what you’re arguing or justifying :rofl:

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for me it didn’t give anything related to Arcane reborn, search results are personalized, you can’t rely on that for a small-ish community built on a big platform.

Spoonfeeding literally just means handing over something easily findable. It was findable for me so I expected it would be for everyone else.

“It allows a person to express anger and related emotions without directly communicating these feelings. People expressing passive aggression often retain the ability to deny that they intended their behavior aggressively.”
Plucked straight from the wiki

If I was trying to be a dick I would’ve just said “He doesn’t know” with a laughing gif

That’s weird as shit :confused:
I searched it up and it was the 7th thing I saw.