Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU


will definitely use these ideas in the future, also the rocks that bleed are just nightmare fuel, thanks :melting_face:

You have basically taken every Dark Sea feature and put it into War Seas as enviromental changes. Same did I, though. I admit you was first, but I will still drop what I cooked here

Abyss Sea - Enviromental changes

As Invasion started and Atlanteans have begun breaking into War Seas, Dark Sea’s pollution has also made its way there. The border between War Seas and the Dark Sea is becoming thinner and thinner each day, and after some time it will be impossible to tell where it was.

Sea changes:

Large waves, once only spotted in the Dark Sea, now a common thing to see. Maybe not reaching enormous height, they still can be a danger to small ships. Seemingly have no impact on Atlantean ships, as they are used to sail through bigger waves than these.

Whirlpools, albeit slightly increasing their size, haven’t changed much. But, those who live underneath them have changed. Lurkers learned to cooperate with eachother and swim in circles to create their own whirlpools wherever they want. Of course, it takes a plenty on time, and there needs to be a whole swarm of lurkers, but once one whirlpool is made, lurkers cooperate again and won’t stop until there is a whirlpool for each lurker in the swarm.

The majority of whales didn’t survive the pollution, and mere remnants of their population are still swimming in search of cleaner seawater. Sea bottom now has a lot of whale skeletons, and some of their bones can be used to construct something, if only there was a way to lift them up…

Atmosphere changes:

Tornadoes became more frequent in War Seas, and now they can lift up things much heavier than before. And as Atlanteans continue mutating, they developed an interesting way of transportation using tornadoes.
By driving their ships nearby a tornado so they can almost touch it, Atlanteans can get their ship flung in the sky, allowing them to travel faster and even crashing on islands to invade. Of course, no ship, even Atlantean, can survive this fall, and most of the crew aboard will also die, those who lucky enough can survive and regenerate under the debris. Only the most desperate and reckless Atlanteans use this way to travel.

Fog in War Seas is now filled with Dark Sea pollution, and Atlanteans can’t sense or see eachother in it as everything around them is covered in it. Foggy days are perfect for silent assaults of Atlantean crowds, as no of them will know that their horde is attacked until someone directly attacks them. Though, this fog isn’t safe for survivors either, as it causes constant insanity and paranoia.

Sometimes a normal day can turn into the Red Lightning Storm. No sun nor moon can be seen this day, waves at the sea become even bigger, rain doesn’t stop and it is now poisonous, tornadoes appear much more often, both waves and tornadoes can now be imbued with magic, and red lightning relentlessly strikes the ground. Interestingly enough, the lightning mostly aims at Atlanteans, sometimes even setting on fire entire fleets of them. When red lightning hits someone, it burns away a slight portion of Atlantean essence inside of them. Maybe a key to the cure is hidden in the question “What the red lightning really is”?

During night, there can a very rare event occur, called Starlight Rain. Drops of shining white light fall on the ground or in the water. It looks absolutely fascinating and breathtaking, but being under this rain is very dangerous, as starlight burns and poisons whoever is in its range. If it is raining above the sea, all droplets evaporate and turn into small cloud of smoke. It aimlessly flies around, killing any living being that got inside of it, until fully dissipating after a day. If the rain is on the land, one can try and collect some starlight to use it as a component to craft the most deadliest weapon against ships: the Starfire bottles. These can turn fleets to ashes, and better to be used wisely.


Hey, if I started writing journals for my character, need I to create my separate topic with abyss-sea tag to post them to?

Do whatever ur heart tells u too man, this whole project is basically a free for all

im bored heres magic weed for the 1420th post


Stormroot is a strange plant that originally grew in the depths of the dark sea. When the invasion began, the plant began to sprout up everywhere. Stormroot has some rather strange properties to it, in particular when smoked or consumed.

Upon usage, the person under its effects will begin to feel focused, go into a euphoric state, and feel relaxed. It also basically gives warding 1. If cooked, stormroot will make whatever food it was cooked with taste strangely fruity and citrusy. Many users claim that it helps them deal with their tragedies that have come with the invasion.

Although there are some negative side effects. Atlanteans seem to be naturally attracted to Stormroot as well as anyone using it. It also dries the eyes by an irritating amount. It’s also incredibly addictive, which leads to survivors risking their lives just to get some.

While there are a few farms of Stormroot under construction, the only consistent way currently to get it is to venture into the seas. The ships heading out are either crewed by those taking advantage of addicts to make bank, or by the addicts themselves. Those who go out to collect Stormroot nearly never come back.



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gonna probably incorporate this into a chapter of my story if thats cool with ya

the gift of magic weed is one all should have permission to write about


stormroot garlic bread turns people into atlanteans :fearful:

I think we don’t need this

i think we do

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every setting needs weed

I wonder what will happen when Wind-Row wolf-fish pack will discover this

oh god the atlanteans are getting stoned

The age old solution of forming bonds and soothing minds, weed

silly concept i just thought of

atlanteans hiding in sealed chests

imagine ur just trying to open ur haul and see ur loot but then u get jumped by a mini atlantean :sob::sob:

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Mimics? Nice but how did they get into this chest if they are not smart enough to even open it?

through magic

And about sealeds. Are there any living shipwrights left to open them?