Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

they’re loke cancer colonies æ

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It’s a human katamari ball! (if you know what that is)

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I visualized it more as a net of sorts that crawls and clings onto things and floats through the ocean depths

time to write some silly lore about my favorite character and the adoptive dad of 2 of my ocs, this is based off my ocs and my interpretations of things, so some details will be a tad confusing if you haven’t read some of my previous stuff.

General Argos, the Lionfish of Fallen Ravenna

Long before the invasion, Argos would adopt a child he found on the shore of Fort Talos named Winter, and a child who he found drifting off the coast of Ravenna, whom he named Spartacus. These 2 children would look up to Argos as an idol and father figure. They would eventually become warriors on par with Argos and would follow his footsteps, being promoted to general at a rapid paste, both due to their skill, a bit of nepotism from Argos, and Argos calling in a favor or two. Winter and Spartacus were stationed at Ravenna and Fort Talos respectively.

When the invasion began, he and Spartacus would drive off the Atlantean incursion, but soon he realized the horde was nigh unending. Sending his younger son off under the guise of warning Ravenna of the horde and to help evacuate people to Orthys before returning back, he watched Spartacus sail off into the distance, knowing full well he was never going to see him again. He also sent 2 letters to his sons, both detailing how proud he was of them. These letters reached them long after Argos had mutated.

Argos would call for as many reinforcements he could get, with dozens of ships weighing anchor at Fort Talos, replenishing their numbers. Argos would take up a position on the frontline, rushing into the Atlantean ships that crashed to shore and cutting huge swathes in their numbers, while supported by artillery fire from the fort. He was like a living representation of Fort Talos, a stronghold that would keep fighting until the very end. His armor protected him from infection, though if it cracked, he knew he would be inferior.

Of course, reinforcements began to slow, cannonballs ran low, and soldiers perished. However, not once did morale drop. Argos would inspire them to keep fighting, no matter how many brothers his men had to kill, no matter how many died, no matter how many Atlantean came at once, they would push them back. Eventually though, Argos’s armor cracked, and he was infected. He had seen what had happened to those who were infected, and even had wrote a military report on it. Knowing full well that the fortress’s morale would drop to fatal levels without him, he ordered his men to sail to either Ravenna or aid their brothers protecting evacuees heading to Orthys.

Argos and any other infected men stayed behind, fighting till they dropped. They would slowly collapse from their infections or be picked off by Atlanteans one by one, until they were pushed to the explosives. By the time they had made it to the explosives detonation area, they were down to 3 men including Argos. With a nameless captain holding off the main horde of Atlanteans with his duel great swords and a faceless overseer 1v1ed a Stage 3 Unholy Atlantean that had made its way into the fort with his fists, Argos would delve into the place where fuse/charges were and set off the fuse, before returning to aid his brothers in arms. The charges would explode shortly after killing the Atlanteans.

Those hiding in the dungeons who heard explosions go off at the surface could not imagine anything surviving that, but the 3 infected men did. The Captain would somehow turn into a mutant who both had horn of narwhal and the sword of a swordfish as his mutations both being made of bronze strangely, with the rest of the mutations being a combo of both narwhal and swordfish. The Overseer would turn into mutant with features of a mantis shrimp, whose punches could crack their bronze. Argos would turn into a legless beast, but with horrific levels of speed, being pretty to outspeed for most people even while he crawled. Spines grew on various parts of his body and his helmet and what was left of his armor merged his body. He was a beast that could not be recognized as a human nor had anything inside of him that resembled humanity, or so it seems. There is one thing that shows evidence of humanity under his monstrous behavior and appearance.

His sons had two insignias that were emblazoned onto their cloaks and armors, along with the flags of any ships or squads they commanded. Winter’s was a snowflake that was made of / colored bronze. Spartacus’s was a lion made of / colored in bronze that was roaring. When exposed to either of these insignias, Argos seems to be unable to attack the person who is holding/wearing something with one of the insignias on it and his eyes will seem to water. When exposed to both, tears seem to pour from his eyes and what seem to be sobs will come from him, he’ll also rapidly back off from whoever is wearing/holding something with the insignias on it.


the urge to write something really tragic/comedic about Elius and Julian is creeping on my back


that just made me think of something, what if just a random ass ice mage / conjurer / warlock created a small iceberg and just lived there

icebergs at ravenna

newest arthub discord development

due to the immense amount of stress revon undergoes (infected brother, taking care of niblings, trying to keep it together for the remaining survivors of Mt Caesar) he finds a way to ease his mind


Well, atleast he shouldn’t turn into an atlantean when he dies of lung cancer.

Yeah he’ll singlehandedly create a new infection

1, he now consumes this

2, dont forget alcoholism!

guys let’s make Revon addicted to every addictive substance

Lets also make him addicted to every non addictive substance as well.
He craves everything

Everybody gonna be asking what that smell is 'til Revon eats all the food cache with bloodshot eyes.

Atlantean silvy would fit the marine ones fr

sailor style users after boiling the water(the alcoholism must go on):

Boiling? Get that low-grade excuse of a beverage outta here! You either drink it raw or not at all!

some silly lore my silly brain thunk up

The Mount Caesar Civil War

When Revon showed to be an incompetent and paranoid leader, whispers deep in the depths of Mount Caesar spoke of rebellion. Most of the people in the rebellion were Tiberians, though there were many Rasnans, and a tiny amount of sympathic Rubicans. Among those leading this were a faceless General of the Bronze Legion and Faustus Bronze of Tiberia.

This faceless general was a hero among the Ravenneans known for being incredibly generous, though he hid his face behind a mask of bronze covered in snowflakes, he had donated much to Tiberians and poorer Rasnans/Rubicans. He had also stood on the frontlines during the invasion, and was one of the last people to enter the mountain. His men were incredibly to loyal to him as well, and most of them sided with him when the rebellion began.

Faustus had become the defacto leader of the Tiberian’s caverns, having a group of decently armed Tiberians lomg before he recieved new armor and weapons from the General. He respected the General, though was freaked out by his mask, questioning why he had to constantly wear it.

One day, when Revon had his most of his soldiers pull out of the Tiberian and Rasnan caverns in a fit of paranoia, the rebellion began. There was little resistance in the Tiberian caverns, but the Rasnan caverns broke into a full on battle. Meanwhile, the enterances to the Rubican caverns were turned into a warzone as rebel and loyalist forces brutally clashed against eachother, flooding the lower caverns with blood as the dead piled up.

By the end of the first week, hundreds were dead, 2/3 of the main caverns had been taken by the rebels, and attempts to breach into the Rubican cavern were making more and more progress by the day. Revon was in a full blown panic attack, smoking horrific amounts of Stormroot to counteract his panic. He also barricaded himself in the deepest part of the Rubican caverns with his best soldiers.

By the day, more and more defected to rebels side. It was a nigh unwinnable war, no matter what options Revon could take. So in a fit of desperation he released Calvus onto the rebels, praying he could dispatch them, and perhaps by feeding him, return his sanity.

Calvus tore apart anyone he saw, rebel or loyalist. The Rubican caverns became a feeding ground, and as terrified refugees ran to the other 2 caverns, loyalist and rebel forces intiated a ceasefire. Calvus had murdered dozens, even hundreds in his madness, and had mutated to stage 3 somewhere along the line. Due to this, 1/4th of the Rubican caverns lay dead, whilst 2/4ths were infected. The remaining 1/4th had fled to the lower caverns.

Soon, the war became a fight against a swarm of Atlanteans. The remaining soldiers under Mount Caesar reunited once more under the command of the faceless General, ending the Mount Caesar Civil War, and beginning the War for Mount Caesar. Alas, that is a tale for another day.

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this is No.1 rule of surviving an apocalypse
dont panic