Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU


San Sebastian better tenfold quit yapping.

San Seb is genuinely ass even old Vardo was better

Itā€™s got them British and as well all know Australia is the Daughter of Britannia and also ā€œGirl I Left Behind Meā€ is Fire so quit yo goofy ahh yappin.

the only reason San seb is even remotely fine is because the 42nd highlanders can drown out the Britā€™s SHITTY music with actually peak songs.

Ew someone likes SCOTTISH music!?

(Iā€™ve marched to Scotland the Brave itā€™s fire.)

this thread has been colonized by G&B

anyways ima stop here because itā€™s 2 am where I live and this post is derailing

how will this effect the apocalypse

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Now thatā€™s interesting

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Sorry for disappearing for 2 weeks (not like any of you noticed I was gone), my home internet somehow died
Itā€™s still dead though, so just here to say that I probably wonā€™t be online for the next 2 weeks or so


ur totally fine, this topic has been a little dry for the past few days

will hopefully be revived soon (ive got some ideas :eyes::eyes::eyes:)

I just need to stop procrastinating

bro bouta drop the worlds most horrific piece of art

Okay I apparently jinxed it because my internet works now
Gotta abuse this ā€˜positive jinxā€™ for more stuff now



Not a serious piece of writing lol:




Alr i planned how to kill most of my clan members

Mike dies trying to save the team with his shield,
Instead he and his shield was destroyed, all the way to bone but because of shielding he saved the ones who were in the shield.
(Jullian, nova, math,ruby and ludwig did a surge on calvus which weakened him exceptionally so calvus did a placed explosion move)

Mathy tries to avenge mike, dies from drawback which takes away all her energy and life completely but manages to remove a portion of calvusā€™s face and his arm.

general julian (who we assisted to holding off calvus so that the survivors can evacuate) attempts to fight off calvus but gets dispatched on the spot.

Deshawn paladin attempts to stop calvus going all out with punches that even break the spikes on calvus, just for him to be pierced in the back by one of his legs.

Ludwig attempts to save deshawn and gains its attention, getting slammed and knocked out Nova, Silvy and Ruby attempt to fight him and save ludwig, nova and silvy are easily knocked out.

ruby secretly absorbs an atlantean essence she kept during one of their explorations and gets stronger, she gets strong enough with the help of aura and power potion to manage to kill the already weakened calvus with a full powered surge directly in the face.

Jullian kills ruby as her request to not be turned fully and die in peace.

Mount othrys has a permanent large crater of the explosion he caused.

6 members survived
Victor - bird is immortal
Silvy - ironskin
Nova - ironskin
Deshawn - paralysed
Ludwig - knocked out cold

5 Dead

Mathy (died damaging calvus enough to give ruby the opening)
Kel ( died in sandfall)
Mike (turned into a bone in order to save the team)
Roger (off screen on a sailboat, near the rift)
Ruby (used atlantean essence in a desperate attempt to fight off the weakened calvus, and willingly died to avoid turning)


wouldnt it be funny if Lord Ulcirus thought his children had died, but is in such levels of denial that he sends out men to their death in a desperate attempt to search for them across the bronze sea while the invasion goes on, leading to nearly all ships sent out to get destroyed execpt Arwalds and couple others who band together to get the fuck away from Ulcirus as he chases down Arwald and Co. for deserting whilst still desperately looking for his kids.