Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU


i made this off of a whim ngl i dont think im good at art but i feel like it would be a cool atlantean design

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i based it off of an an aneater with the tounge,a hippo with the teeth cause hippos have simular teeth,and a rhino with the horns and stuff, and the claws horns and beard lookin thing is earth aura fused with it it could be a design for cernyx atlantean form

I gotta see how you finish your meal

Fr boutta cook some up

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I have a few questions, if someone somehow recovers from the infection, can they get infected again?
does it spread like a virus or some kind of other disease?
are there variants of the infection.

Well, following the laws of immunology in real life, when the immune system is exposed to pathogens, the immune system creates regulatory t-cells which would immediately detect and neutralize should the same pathogen invades the body again, thus creating immunity.

If mutated Atlanteans are created via bacteria, viruses and so forth, then it is likely that the human body would develop immunity. But most likely the Atlantean mutation probably isnā€™t spread via pathogens. This is AO of course.

Of course, Iā€™m simplifying my first paragraph a lot, but itā€™s a general idea.

makes sense.

Iā€™m oversimplifying it by a CRAP ton by the way. Immunology is complex.


I feel like infection is the wrong word to use

I imagine its more like a venom from the mutated, and it poisons the spirit of those who have been affected by it, and is not like an ordinary disease

If someone does recover somehow they are still vulnerable

wait but that means the atlanteanā€™ed can develop immunities against warding

okay, makes sense.

I wonder where Mirage got the spiritual poison idea from :eyes:


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totally did not steal it from some goated writer on the forums, not at all

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the funny thing is that she cant move, free kill?

Alright, this is cool but now we have Nimbus. Imagine the opportunities.

Oh yeah. I would imagine that the pirates at the forest of masts are probably doing ok.

I can imagine refugees in the Forest of Masts using the shipwrecks to build a town

Question: what does Abyss!Morden look like? Iā€™m actually curious