Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

imagine abyss sea x helldivers

Ty, and yea, she will get more horrors and traumas for more character development :smiling_imp:

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Good news at ocs in my au are basically level 225

(full sentence goddamnit)

1 more thing
imagine captain maria’s theme x brought to insanity (dark sea ground combat theme)


I Layed out what happens in my abyss au so far

Day 1: Sandfall/Shell Island’s Fall
Day 2: Finds Ravenna
Day 3 - 4: Recovering from the wounds, The Order Agents arrive
Day 5 - 6: Reparing the damage done to the gremlin, Getting Volunteers for his mission
Day 7: Silvy’s crew sets out to find survivors and supplies
Day 8 - 11: Constant atlantean attacks
Day 12: Julian mishap/Atlantean invasion
Day 13 - 14: Ravenna falls, Ravennans retreat to ceasar or othrys, Atlanteans blockade othrys, Ceasar is in lockdown from the Order in the palace
Day 15: Silvy returns stealthy to see a large portion of empty, damaged, destroyed ravenna and atlantean vessels.
After noticing atlantean presence in the shape of ships and seeing some in ravenna, Silvy sends victor and mari to scout ahead and finds Mount Ceasar to be the safest place


This turned into one of the biggest things in the forum. Gg, Mirage. You’ve created AO’s first large scale, multi-user AU.

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Started? Yes. Created? Definitely not without the help of so many talented people on here

Honestly I’ve just been taken aback time and time again by the creativity and dedication all of you have towards this project, you guys should be going out there starting your own things with the amount of amazing ideas you all have, whether it be for the world of Abyss Sea or the characters within it.

also did something big happen in the community for the au that i missed or wut

Not that I’ve seen, I’m just impressed on how far its come considering the thing started at like the end of January.

Same here; actually, when i made this writing topic, I was considering posting it in the Art category with a drawing attached to it so that it wouldn’t get immediately buried

oh how wrong I would be :skull:

I have been considering this, even though I haven’t contributed to the Abyss Sea megaproject (yet… Might do so eventually, considering mutations can occur and be under control with high sanity. Might make one of my characters finally get some interesting attributes if I just buff him enough to get the aesthetic right)

Or I could just reference Abyss Sea stuff with another project, idk.

Oml i just realized that :sob::sob: but even with no ‘official’ works you’ve been in this discussion for so long that you’ve basically been an integral contributor in my mind

im bored, time to shitpost

Corsair womp womp moment

Now, with having no contact with the outside world, for a while Maria’s men had absolutely no idea that the invasion was going on and were chilling, wondering why no one was sailing to the Bronze Sea (most of the refugees got cut down or veered far from the Forest of Masts out of fears the Atlanteans had made it their home).

When they saw a ship after weeks of not seeing any they jumped at the chance to loot it and fired their harpoons at it. The ship put little resistance to being dragged, odd as it was a ship-of-the-line. The pirates thought it was their lucky day dragging in a ship this large.

Small issue though.

It was an Atlantean ship.

I think you can tell where this is going.

Upon boarding the ship they find the top deck vacant and assume that the crew had been washed over board. Assuming whatever cargo was in there was still there they opened the hatch. The men who opened the hatch got dragged into the cargo hold, where onlookers described “The screams of men who were being torn limb from limb” came from the lower decks.

Soon Atlanteans flooded the island, causing the Corsairs to try and resist as much as they could. A few of them climbed the spires and hid, surviving the onslaught. These poor souls would survive off of fruit and made little to no noise. The rest fought their best, but were slaughtered.

Captain Maria and the last of her men who didn’t hide made their last stand on the central brig and eventually were swarmed by the infected quartermasters and crew.

The Corsairs at the Forest of Masts would turn into octopi based mutants, growing tentacles which they would use to essentially chain down their targets. They also were dangerously intelligent, though still feral, similar to the Wind-Row Wolves and were incredibly greedy, killing each other over little disputes. Some of them even fused with the harpoons they used to drag ships to the Forest of Masts, using them for their original purpose or as weapons.


One more thing, atlanteanfied Maria was like ‘hey those water tentacles from the i-frame attacks are pretty nice’ and infused her own tentacles with water

i-frames 4 every1

I literally haven’t posted anything to contribute iirc what :sob:

idk i just feel like i see ur name everywhere (am i hallucinating?? it might be less on abyss sea and more on my art in general tbh)

either way i appreciate it when u do reply :sob::+1:

actually erm u did contribute cause u gave me the idea for what to do with Argos :nerd_face::point_up:


ig I did actually. I forgot lmao (I will do it again once I decide wtf my next basic idea will be)
and yea it might just be your art; I like your stuff. ver gud

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i forgot about this thing i was doing and it got buried under a million under things… Maybe I’ll get back to it but there’s a ton else I wanna do

I had another idea for Abyss Sea in mind though if I do ever get to it… Won’t spoil but imo it’ll be a lot cooler and better than Johnny’s story

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