Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU


rb1 is now offically canon in abyss sea NO OBJECTIONS

rb1 is now patient 0 move over morden

The final stage of the infection: You become a 1-1 replica of rb1

rb1 can control any atlantean with his alt magic making all of the atlanteans his alts making the risk of being infected twice as much

Because of the heat driving away the Atlanteans, some if not most of the inhabitants escaped into the scorching dunes with many seeking refuge at the merchant caravan.

However the infrastructure can only support so many people, leaving many to scatter across the desert.
Those that underestimate the heat of the sun quickly fall and burn while others freeze in the dead of the night, dwindling the population even further as rumors of some scouts say that they’ve seen the Atlanteans dug water canals with some developing an immunity to the extreme temperatures while others capitalised on the Samerian Ice.

sun monks and the town they are gaurding status?

Atlantean POV:jits be adapting


yo like, since Ravenna sunk all their strength into like naval power (can’t really defend an island from invasion, only stops ships for awhile) while Samaria has an actual army and a navy that isn’t their only defense, wouldn’t they fair much better especially knowing the climate of Samaria better (ignore the misspellings, mobile sucks ass)

Here’s a little funny thing about Mimhere Island

Mimhere Island

For generations, the legend of Mimhere Island has been been passed down among countless sailors. Most believe the island to be a myth, but at least a few foolhardy explorers go missing every year searching for it. Despite being supposedly located deep within the Dark Sea, none have found it despite countless voyages taking place. However, the recent Atlantean invasion throughout the Wars Seas has caused a renewed interest in the legendary island.

A few survivors, a bit less well in the head compared to most, have taken it upon themselves to search for the island so that a cure for mutation may be discovered. Most folks believe these people to be utterly insane, but a few desperate followers have joined them in their endeavors. This motley crew has been seen traveling all over the Bronze Sea, searching for any scraps of information about Mimhere Island that they can, even if the source happens to be less than trustworthy.

With the knowledge they’ve obtained, they’ve set out into the Dark Sea on a grand voyage to find Mimhere Island and save the War Seas. While they haven’t been seen or heard of in weeks, some survivors claim to hear joyful laughter when out at sea. Perhaps they’ve finally found what they’re looking for? No one can say, but all agree that they’re probably having a good time.


I wrote a second thing for Abyss Sea, I guess.


I think most people here forgetting that during the night deserts become freezing temperature



will get around to reading when it isnt literally 2 in the morning :+1::bangbang:

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bro why are you awake :sob:

Time to edit my message (maybe later)

imagine sleeping lol

Says the living tree that decided to hibernate to recover from the biggest reading marathon of his life.

So apparently a Twitter post by the official AO account has confirmed that enemies known as “Atlantean Dragons” will be added to the Dark Sea in the future.

Now I wonder how they will be incorporated into this AU…


the sky islands are cooked :sob: