Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

btw can you give us a slight spoiler on what mutated character you’re gonna draw next? argos was absolutely horrifying i was expecting a fnaf level screamer when he disappeared :sob:

all I can say is that…

…she wont be the one needing saving this time

Oh right, Mayor Silly

Wait? If you can’t eat them… Can you tame them or something like that?? I will treat them good I swear!!

What goes on in your brain?

you are going to fucking DIE!! if you try that


ATLANTEMON, gotta tame em all.

Well they’re insane and hungry, so try to figure out those issues first

(sentence complete)

He can fix them, trust me

Why would you try to tame Adkin’s pet?

its the other way around
cause it’d be funny to be annihilated

I know, it’s just weird to bring up his, “interests”

we’re not gonna question those

anyways before i draw her tho (im honestly a bit too frightened to even start yet, searching up sound effects is gonna be hell) i am posting a little lore thingy that is less spooky

If Vetex used cataclysm and blew up the pelion rift, would it kill everyone in the bronze sea including the atlanteans since the pelion rift is probably on the edge of a continental plate.

What if anyone remotely powerful got infected.

Anyone remotely powerful (Top 30-20) could probably just facetank most Atlanteans with minimal damage. And don’t get me started on the top 10

calvus, infected
argos, infected
morden, infected
other characters are up to interpretation
argos is the only one fully mutated out of the three

after having checked out some of these, why did it go from general atlantean stuff to full on body horror