Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

Yeah thats why I said almost always

One is enough to start the process, but multiple would definitely speed it up. Probably the reason why Atlantean Argos was able to mutate so quickly before he could get eaten.

Weapons and magic (?) are non contagious, only direct contact like a scratch/bite can infect someone (but as every is in this AU rn, this is subject to change).


magic might not be contagious, but it could likely speed up the mutation process for those already infected

They look like fish, so I’m gonna treat them like fish

we should try deep frying the atlanteans, that might make 'em safe to eat

this would be non contagious; the magic poisoning must make contact with the blood

would make for a pretty sick scar tbh

Probably an 8. You still need food and if you don’t have a fast ship you can’t travel. Also if you get hit it will hurt, but most of the actual threats are not a problem to you as long as you keep running.

Anything is edible if you deep fry it long enough!

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the jaws would be so safe man, I just need to jump up the stepstones for some food every once in a while

Average wind mage/mosquito build

america logic

wind mage singlehandedly saves the war seas by just flinging every atlantean far into the dark sea

that’s assuming the mutated shura doesn’t end up causing the jaws’ spires to melt away with how acidic he’s making the water around there

the acid would melt whatever shura’s on and the entire sea if it was THAT acidic

well, it likely wouldn’t be THAT strong, but it’d definitely cause at least a few spires to crumble

Guys what if Revon becomes the secret protagonist and saves everyone to avenge his brother calvus :scream: there are definitely people out there deranged enough to write 20 pages about this just to make their bby boy revon look good

i’d pay to see that


was originally gonna make revon a researcher observing the effects of the infection on his brother (while also being scared shitless and also really confused as to why calvus hasnt mutated yet after being ill for weeks)

buuuuuuuuuut i gave that researcher position to someone else, in which they will be providing notes on the Atlanteans and their effects on the world