Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

this community has a constant need for dating everything that moves

me trying to find a way to add moris into the AU even though 1. they havent met and 2. Morden is being held in captivity

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hear me out

the Order still captured Iris father to experiment on him, Morden and Irisā€™ Dad are put in the same room

Morden is forced by the Order into killing dad

Iris finds where the Order experimented on Morden and her father

shit happens, iris frees morden and they destroy the Orderā€™s base

Thereā€™s no laws against the Atlanteans Batman Nicky

fuck this im gonna go ask the guy who absorbed the slash curse post cassia town to go/jo me

Atlanteans are the only non boss enemies that are immune to love potions. Even sharks are immune but they arenā€™t

I just wanted to bronze sea get violated, then that entire side of the earth get blasted out of existence. :sob:

this is shit, never cooking a romance ever again

on paper? sounds lovely

in reality? idk if running off with the guy that quite literally killed ur dad and is capable of mass destruction is the smartest idea, but who am I to judge

exactly, conditions too harsh to make it work and i had to write this within 5 minutes

romance is hard bro

Iā€™ve tried my hand at it a couple of times, but every time I step back and reread what I wrote I realize that godDAMN my perception of love is very warped and this is NOT a good relationship

thats why i hate romance lol, its so hard to make it good + my vision of ā€œloveā€ is horrible


But like hear me out, I first come near them right? Although they might insane, but they hungry. so using my best cooking skill. (I only know how to make desert and rice idk I ainā€™t a cook). Once thatā€™s over, I give them my finest food and I make a deal with them. They protect me as I make food. You see, I know they make fish noise, but like. I could be their translator. So itā€™s all going be alright bro.
(Edit 1: Good gosh my typing is dogwater-)

My Roommate Is An Atlantean

romance anime are getting really out of hand these days

Someoneā€™s going to make a tragic friend with a warden atlantean

My emotional support Atlantean

I have returned to the kitchen

Group Mutations

generally, atlantean mutations occur at random, with little regard to the victimā€™s abilities or traits, however in certain cases, various people of interest gain specific mutations relating to their traits.

however, these arent the only cases of mutations taking the form of a persons traits. on certain islands, mutants have been found to be strangely similar to eachother. at first, many thought the mutations were to adapt to the islandā€™s conditions, but this was soon to be proven wrong.

instead it was found that individials of certain groups would often mutate with similar traits to eachother. some notable examples of this are the people of Redwake and Forest of Cernunno branch of the Greenwish Cultists.

The Redwake Sharks

the mutants of Redwake, better known as the Redwake Sharks, are a group of mutants who came from Redwake. known for having a horrific hunger and their ability smell blood from miles away, it simply became impossible to hide with an open wound. the sharks would eventually approach, and if you tried to fight them, youā€™d simply attract more and more of them, not to mention other atlanteans. the strongest of the Redwake mutants was Chief Alfarin, the former shark hall guards, and the patient 0 of Redwakeā€™s mutants, Thorbjorn.

The Crocodiles of Greenwish

the first mutant group to be discovered, the mutants of the Forest of Cernunno branch of the Greenwish cult were found to have all mutated into crocodiles. their behavior is based around swarming whatever breaks the waters surface. chief among these beasts, was the mutated Cerynx, with arms covered by earth magic and scale.

The Wind-Row Wolves

The Wind-Row Wolves kept their original name, as what they had mutated into still fit quite well. all of the bandits had mutated into creatures based off of wolf-fish in particular the Bering Wolf-fish. behaviorly, they act similar to a wolf pack, hunting in a pack, or more specifically, ambushing as a pack. the strongest of these beasts, and what seems to be their leader is well, is Alpha, their old leader before they became infected.

(I plan to write more about how the Wind-Row Wolves mutated in the future)


i never wouldā€™ve even thought of a group of people sharing a similar mutation, that is so smart omg (and saves me a lot of time coming up with unique designs for each mutant lol)

blessed be the chef has brought us another peak meal