Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

Chef’s kiss, this food is magnific

Just got a funny little idea for all the fighting style mentors (except Rill Hendrix, couldn’t think of anything for him) if they end up getting infected.

Souvella (Boxing) - Flees Goso Jungle but gets infected by an Atlantean in the process. Becomes an octopus type creature capable of extending her arms for several meters to attack/grab prey.

Dennis Harvey (Cannon Fist) - Manages to sink a few of the smaller Atlantean ships during the Fall of Palo Town but ends up getting bitten. Mutates into a pistol shrimp-type creature capable of sending cannonballs so fast they punch holes through most ships.

Jern Redside (Thermo Fist) - Joins the effort to push back the Atlanteans during the invasion of Ravenna but gets infected before he can make it to Mount Caesar. Mutates into a crab-like creature with heat vents poking from his shell similar to deep sea hydrothermal vents.

Sarloveze (Iron Leg) - Manages to survive for a bit on Harvest Island by kicking Atlanteans into the whirlpools, but one manages to swim out and bite him while his back is turned. Mutates into a hybrid of a scaly foot gastropod and a cone snail with an iron shell and capable of launching metal-reinforced harpoons.

Caria (Sailor Style) - Becomes infected during an Atlantean ambush while out looking for food on the surface of Shell Island. Turns into a mudskipper type creature capable of storing water and firing it out as a pressurized blast.


The Mass-Mutation of the Wind-Row Wolves

although most would avoid becoming an Atlantean, there was one group who saw it as their best, and perhaps only option.

when the invasion of the Bronze Sea was first reported, the leader of the Wind-Row Wolves knew there would be no safe place that would accept him and his group. he also knew that they would likely be killed or infected one by one.

so instead he came up with a plan, have all of the Wolves turn into Atlanteans, this way they could stay and fight together, instead of having to watch eachother die, or put their infected down. if the Wolves were to be infected, they’d be infected together.

the rest of the Wolves, at first rejected the plan, but as the reports of how other islands were doing, soon realized Alpha was right and so the plan was set. they would first lie in wait for an atlantean ship to crash into Wind-Row and then they would descend upon it.

and just as the plans were finalized, an atlantean brig crashed ashore. the Wolve’s swarmed the ship, taking it out with no casualties. phase 2 of the plan began, the feast.

correctly assuming that eating the flesh of the Atlanteans would infect them, they got to work preparing the corpses of the Atlanteans for consumption. with a final, and unanimous vote, the plan was carried through, and they feasted upon the Atlanteans.

by next morning, the Wind-Row Wolves were truly wolves. their bond before they had been infected was on nearly on par with being blood related to eachother, now it was more than that.

any foolish creature that stepped foot onto the island would soon be ambushed by the wolf-pack, led by their leader Alpha. as stated in the group mutations list, all of the wolve’s turned into wolf-fish, but none of the wolves could compare to their leaders mutations.

as said before, the most extensively mutated was Alpha. his vocal cords could now produce horrendously loud howls, often used to stun his foes or signal the wolves. he could also use his vocal cords to screech wind magic at his foes. his teeth, were also similar to a wolf-fish being extremely sharp alongside a strong jaw. his method of attack generally revolved around stunning his foes with his howls, blasting them with wind magic howl, then descending upon them with his pack biting and tearing.

anyways guys the next thing im going to write will be a little more happy (though a fuck ton of people still die in it)



The detailed descriptions of how each mentor got infected PLUS how their mutations reflect their fighting style is chef’s kiss mwah

And the wolves literally WEAPONIZING their infections? There are so many different ways you’ve come up with how each island/group of people dealt with the invasion, and its been so cool to read them all

He wouldn’t get infected anyway, he is too strong.

Here’s a quick little thing on how Sailor’s Lodge fared during the invasion.

Sailor’s Lodge was swarmed by Atlantean ships as they headed for Ravenna. Most fled, but a few tried to fight back, namely owner of the place (forgot his name) and some of the quest-giving NPCS. Ambanes would remain as well, mostly due to his curiousity with the Dark Sea and the creatures that dwell within.

During the chaos, Ambanes was rushed by an Atlantean and bitten, but he managed to kill it by stabbing it with his staff. However, instead of mutating, Ambanes found that the wound seemed to heal perfectly after some time. Amazed at what happened, Ambanes eventually discovered the truth to be in his staff.

I’m headcannoning that in this AU, Ambanes’ staff is was actually carved from a black diamond taken from the Dark Sea. When Ambanes was bitten, the staff absorbed the magic pollution from his veins, storing it within itself. He even found that he could heal others by using the staff to leech out any magic poisoning before mutation could occur.

This worked for a time as most Atlanteans headed for Ravenna, hardly any coming to Sailor’s Lodge. But with every mutation cured, the staff became more and more filled with magic pollution, growing more and more unstable until it unleashed a tide of magic so potent it mutated everyone still at Sailor’s Lodge, Ambanes included.

While the rest of the Sailor’s Lodge survivors became feral beasts, Ambanes found that his mind was strangely intact. However, he soon became overwhelmed by a new urge, to spread the gift of mutation across the rest of the Bronze Sea, commandeering a Brig as he and his flock set off from Sailor’s Lodge.

alr i’m writing chapter 1 right now, focus on shell island so if anyone wanna help me with ideas i’ll be up to it

cool thing i think you may like this but for the order of aesir would have made this all happen to get to the epicenter ig in the au the epicenter may have tons of tons of magic or mana idk and so they needed to monsters out so ig they forced them into the other seas but that would be cool with they push the monsters into the seas for their power and ig why they experimented would be bc they want ed to control the monsters so it would be WAY WORST then it is rn in the normal storys of what they did to ppl (srry if theres spelling mistakes)

Love it! But I, uh… think you might’ve copy-pasted a large chunk of it several times in a row.

fuck lemme fix that, knew something was fucked up earlier but I couldnt find it

Aw I was in the middle of reading through that and thought I was having a stroke or something

yeah mb mb

I think Cirrus Island is legit the safest place in the entire War Seas.
We can see they have trees and sky fruits up there. Will there be a crazy shortage of food if they abuse the trees? Yeah.

Will Louis Nebula get a crazy monopoly of food due to his perfect sky pumpkin harvesting plan? Probably not, due to galleons being outright useless at this point.

a different, and more hopeful take on Mount Orthys.

people knew full well that Ravenna would fall, some went into Mount Caesar to hide , some went to the sky, many went to other islands, but the majority went to Mount Orthys, and brought the main hordes with them.

the Ravennean navy was in disarray, but a notable leader took command of a large fleet. soon, the navy reorganized under him and would follow his orders as they fought against the horde. this man, was Argos’s adopted son, Spartacus.

with a naval doctrine focused on defending the refugee ships to Orthys, no matter the cost, the remments of the Bronze Legion would launch nigh sucidal attacks to stall the hordes of Atlanteans. every man and woman would fight to the bitter end to stall the horde, even after their ships were crippled to a point of no repair, they would fight on the sinking ships, distracting the hordes.

many of those whose ships sunk would even try and climb aboard Atlantean ships just to stall them for a little while longer, some would be rescued by their allies, some would find debris, in particular explosive barrels, and light it ablaze to try and sink or heavily damage a ship.

meanwhile, the refugees needed someone to guide them through the caverns, and a man would rise to the ocassion, lighting up the darkness with his magic, Feremius Lurco who would later gain the title of “The Torchbearer”.

other peoples would help protect and organize the exodus through the caverns, some notable figures being Sir Gaius, Sir Revian, Dame Caessenia, and Faustus Bronze.

soon, the exodus to Mount Orthys had slowed, and as the last ship landed at Orthys and the people aboard moved through the caverns, people began to strip ships of their cannons and mortars for future use, as well as moving cargo from the ships for the same reason. the ships would then be scuttled out of fear the Atlanteans would be attracted to them.

during this time, the atlantean assualt was ramping up with all the activity, but the defenders stayed resolute. eventually the last ships of the Bronze Legion were stripped of their parts and scuttled, apart from one.

The Bronze Blitz, was the fastest ship Ravenna had ever made, and Spartacus had a plan for it. it would be used to draw away Atlanteans from Mount Orthys, however he knew whoever would go on it to draw them away would never come back.

there was 1 man who volunteered to be the sacrifice.

this man was the Torchbearer himself, Feremius Lurco. many urged him not to go, he had become beloved by those who had helped guide to safety. he argued that if anyone was going to attract the Atlanteans, it would a man who could constantly light up the night with his fire magic.

his final voyage would shortly after begin, becoming a floating pyre as he sailed off, firing off fire magic blasts like flares, soon attracting all the Atlanteans of Orthys.

after he gotten enough away, he pulled down the sails and waited for the Atlanteans to surround the ship. he would then use his fire magic to detonate the gunpowder barrels stored in the cargo deck, causing a firey explosion to engulf all the ships in a somewhat large area around him.

none of the refugee ships ships bound for Orthys were sunk.

of the 1000~ ships that made up the Bronze Legion’s navy 900~ were sunk defending the ships bound to Orthys.

a further 90~ were sunk whilst protecting Orthys whilst people unloaded cargo and took the cannons from the refugee ships.

9 were stripped of their armamants and were soon scuttled.

the last 1, the Bronze Blitz, was blown to bits off the southern coast of Ravenna, alongside dozens of atlantean ships.

Atlanteans are naturally repelled by areas with high levels of spirit energy, as its sort of the antithesis to the dark sea. due to Poseidon’s temple, the area is concentrated enough to make Atlanteans not go there by themself, however they will go there if they find signs that humans were there, which is why the ships were scuttled.

if an Atlantean is ever to get up to the Titan Caverns, they’ll met by several cannons point at the enterance, crewed by the remnants of the Bronze Legion. The Bronze Legion, or at least the largest splinter of it, is now based in Orthys, protecting its inhabitants.

I’ll probably go into a deeper dive of Mount Orthys settlements in the future. next up on the list is either Shell Island or Silverhold, hope I didnt fuck it up this time tell me if theres still a repeated section still around and I’ll nuke it.


I mean, galleons are used on Cirrus, so their probably still valuable


YOUR SACRIFICE WILL NOT BE IN VAIN (this was absolutely heartbreaking, and you can rlly feel how desperate everyone was throughout this short story, oml the pain)

but at least we got more lore!!!

Infected white eyes, instead of becoming a grotesque monster it grows human arms and legs humoursly, perhaps even comically, placed near its tail and head, and just sorta walks around


next art post is related to him btwww ^^

ambanes jumps a poor supply runner
the story

chapter 1 is out, felt small to write but it isn’t, hope yall like it