Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

Here’s my take on what might be the largest battle of this AU so far, the invasion of Ravenna.

After the collapse of Fort Talos and the fall of the other island allied to Ravenna like Shell Island and Frostmill, all available vessels would be recalled to the home island as the Ravenneans prepared to defend their homeland. The entire island was fortified, with cannon and mortar emplacements set up to fire on any Atlantean ship that approached.

When the Atlanteans finally did show up, they did with hundreds of vessels, the largest concentration seen anywhere in the Bronze Sea. The fighting lasted for weeks, but while the Ravenneans held the home-field advantage, the sheer overwhelming numbers of the Atlanteans followed by even more coming in meant that the Ravenneans were slowly but surely losing ground.

Tiberia was the first to fall, followed by Rasna as the hordes closed in on the walls of Rubica. As it soon became clear that the battle was lost, King Calvus ordered the remaining civilians into Mount Caesar as he personally led the final charge. Though he claimed a great swathe of Atlantean lives that day, he was eventaually struck down and wounded, forced to evacuate as the Atlanteans overran Rubica.

With the fall of Rubica, the remainder of the Ravenna Navy fled to Mount Othrys with as many people as they could save, chased by Atlanteans the whole way. Those who managed to make it into Mount Caesar are now led by Revon and Julian, the former directing the remains of Ravenna’s army while the latter seeks to find a way to cure his brother whose mutations have been coming on slower thanks to his Aether Magic.

It’s even been rumored by survivors that Revon’s secretly been leaving Mount Caesar in short trips to find ingredients for a potion to cure Calvus. Some have even suggested that he’s been luring unsuspecting people in to test his potions on them. Of course, that’s just a rumor… right?


There is definitely nothing shady going on here.

There definitely isn’t a reason as to why Calvus hasn’t mutated yet.

anyways almost forgot to eat dinner from the sheer amount of COOKING you guys have done here

What we have cooked could feed an entire village

indeed my brother

The Fall of Silverhold

everyone knew it was Silverhold’s fall was inevitable.

with Kai mutated, along with most of the commanders who had been stationed in the Bronze Sea, Silverhold was in chaos. there were periods of in between waves. some lasted a few hours, some a day or 2, at most a week. assualts lasted, a week, maybe a month straight at most.

you want to know how the long the final assault that broke Silverhold was?

303 days.

303 days of straight fighting, of sleepless nights, just to stall the horde. there were not enough people for 6 hour shifts, so people were forced to fight for 12 hours straight between sleeping just to hold the line.

the fact they survived that long was a miracle.

eventually, a group of 31 people left Silverhold on a brig known as the Steel Commander, along with a considerable amount of cannonballs. at the ships wheel was a Commander named Matthew Barion. their fate is unknown.

Silverhold’s morale dropped drastically after that.

Of the 3 Commanders (Elizabeth Spencer, Jacob Hughes, and Matthew Barion) in the Bronze Sea still alive, Elizabeth had been commanding the G.N forces up at Cirrus, whilst Matthew had been leading the naval side of the defence of Silverhold.

Jacob attempted to keep Silverhold at high morale, but with Matthew having deserted, leaving the naval defence force in disarray and shattering their morale, it was impossible.

it wasnt long before the first ship crashed onto shore, one of the ships of the fleet defending Silverhold had fallen to the infection, and crashed into the prison dock, and infected marines poured out of it.

with the supporting fire of Silverhold no longer supporting them, the fleet was rapidly overwhelmed, and the set of dominos that would lead to Silverholds collapse finally began.

among the first to fall was Jacob, having taking a position at the front lines, but Silverhold would fall in a matter of hours, and soon, the only survivor space that was on the seas and actively fighting the Atlanteans instead of hiding away had fallen.

shorter than the others since I couldnt really see any other way I could stretch out the inevitable. Shell Islands next, it doesnt exactly fall but there will be death.

aaaaaaaand there goes the bronze sea

welp, just in time for the Nimbus Sea update!

(okay but seriously, how are you churning all of these out so quickly, you goddamn machine)

we are fueled by the limitless flame of imagination (and gatorade)

i’m fueled by monster energetic coffee flavour, but i get the spirit! keep letting us cook

silverhold fell. womp womp.
surely nothing bad will happen to the cirrus refugees in the coming cooking

Here’s my take of the invasion of Fort Talos.

When news of Frostmill’s fall spread across the Bronze Sea, Fort Talos was reinforced with more troops and vessels to prepare for an attack. General Argos ordered the dungeons to be converted into a safehouse in case the Fort were to fall, but no one could have foreseen the Atlantean ambush coming in the dead of night.

The Ravenna ships were overwhelmed as the Atlanteans scaled the walls to the fort, dragging hapless defenders down as people fled to the dungeons in fear. General Argos seemingly gave his life as he ordered his men to pile as much explosives as they could into the fort’s central building, igniting them as he was dogpiled by at least a dozen Atlanteans. The explosion could be heard as far away as Palo Town, the surface of the fort collapsing entirely as any up above were incinerated.

Down in the dungeons, the people silently mourned the loss of their beloved general as they went on with their lives, fortifying the dungeons in case of attack. However, Argos still lives on. After the collapse, he was infected and buried under tons of rubble, his legs being crushed as his upper body mutated into a lionfish-esque brute.

After prying himself free from the rubble, Argos now prowls the more abandoned sections of Fort Talos’ dungeons, preying on those who stray too far from the more populated areas. While the people living down there are unaware Argos still lives, they have noticed that a few of their number haven’t come back from scavenging expeditions yet…

its just so peak, everything here is the absolute peak of fiction, everyone is cooking like a master chef

tysm for providing some lore on how the fort collapsed, literally was wracking my brain trying to figure out how it happened (i just rlly wanted cool atlangos)

thanks everyone for filling in my plot holes :DDDDDD u guys are the best

vetex better hire us as writers after this

fax, pure fax, we out here cooking :speaking_head: :fire:

vetex pls hire these guys idk why they’re writing for my silly AU of your game but they need to cook on a LARGER SCALE!!!

someone here needs to get in the proper eldritch horrors writer mood

if i brainstorm enough i will be cosplaying Lovecraft here ngl (not the racist part tho)

lovecraft’s cat becomes an atlantean

A Summary of Shell Island

whilst the Monoah tribe either stuck to the highest cliffs or deep into the ruins below Shell, a few stayed behind at the village believing it wasnt that the invasion would just blow over.

the men of Camp Gladius fought tooth and nail to hold the line, and for a while did. however, somewhere along the way Caria fell to the infection, along with many other men of Camp Gladius.

one of these men, Sir (I am too lazy to get a Ravennean name right now), one the Centurions of shell became infected, going mad and slaying multiple civilians and destroying a brig that had come to get Shell Island coal.

eventually, the mines of shell island were cleared out singlehandedly by that beast, not realizing it had turned to an Atlantean. It would inhabit them until the Bronze Legion of Orthys would come to rescue Shell Islanders, killing it after encountering it deep in the mines.

Camp Gladius was a garrison of 30 men, by the 53rd day of the invasion it had dwindled to 5, including Captain Larcos. Larcos was the only one who guard the ruins, while the other 4, 1 ensign, 2 legionnaries, and 1 centurion guarded the Shell Islanders upon the high cliffs.

Camp Gladius was once full of cheery men, telling stories around the camp fire. Now all that was in it was a long since burned out camp fire, and ruined tents. the barricade blocking off the main enterance to it had long been reduced to splinters, and Monoah village was in a similar state.

The only reason why the Orthys Legion came to save the folks at Shell Island was because a group of Shell Islanders fixed up a destroyed ship, went to Orthys, and begged for help. which then caused the Orthys Legion to send a crew to go over to shell, fix up the crashed Atlantean ships there, and get everyone out.

The Orthys Legion is what im calling the Bronze Legion of M.t Orthys. I’ll write more on how Camp Gladius fell, but im running out of steam for this one in particular.