Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

A single blast from Martin spins the planet’s rotation back into place

fortunately though, he is a confirmed berserker

sorry, one PUNCH(cue reference), from Martin puts the planet’s rotation back into place


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no way he is a warlock

alright this is insane

edit: nope, we couldn’t even see his attack, he was too fast, the fire was the player’s own phoenix

it’ll be the likes of the AG’s golden armada all over again

how sure are you that it was their own phoenix
psure it would’ve said something with phoenix and not just ‘wall’

I cooked so much that I randomly got regular

because there wasn’t any orange/red near Martin other than the 3 circles in the floor that indicate the phoenix, and since martin is a confirmed fighting style user (look at his fighting stance) it has a high possibility of being a Shot (look at the character the moment he dies, looks like a Shot projectile)

this gotta be one of the longest non-rp writing topics out there

we ought to make a group chat for this thing

Abyss Sea discord server?

never really use discord unfortunately </3

My dark sea diamond diving business is making BANK in this universe

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go get that bag!!

If you wanna deal with curse users, you could have like the bronze sea effectively fully turned into dark sea, with the weather and everything, so that the rest of the war seas just doesn’t think that there’s anything left there and just ignores it

what exactly does the bronze sea look like right now, because if it was all sunny then it wouldnt really fit the tone of the story

Pretty much like the dark sea, only with less turbulent waters and slightly clearer skies. However, the Stepstones breaks through the poisoned clouds, creating a pocket of sunlight that shines down onto the sea below + Whitesummit

I don’t mean purify as in curing
I mean purify as in eradicating (the host AND the infection)