Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

me with revealing potion

AO rp with tuppers :skull:
robobitch odyssey hello

In that case I could see this happening!

Oh I am cooking my OC to be the one seeing one of the first stages (Basically seeing the fog wall waning, the polluted sea mixing with the clear bronze sea water, and his crewmembers succumbing to the infection) only to be scoffed as a nutjob.

The story is in my docs, only problem is that the infection is still unexplainable in lore, and that story is him fighting off a formation and being found by a GN captain. That is all I am going to spoil

If magic energy does this to the sea, imagine what it’s doing to you.
Support the development and research of spiritual energy today!
(Obligatory vitality propaganda)

My main OC (VERY lawful evil) would be absolutely and completely confused and over thinking that he is trapped in the dark sea somehow and losing his mind seeing the bronze sea due to the madness and trying to snap out of it (too bad it’s real tho)

(Aka a guy a thinks he is in the dark sea and insane
even tho he is in the bronze sea and stable
and that causes him to go insane)

Example of the character trait :
Staving one self due to the possibility of the thing he is eats Isn’t what he see it is and could possibly cause him to change

“ I’m so hungry…But what are the chances that this is a atlantean flesh? Wait! What if it’s a human skull im eating out of? What’s if it’s my made of my pet crow?”

“Sir? It’s a spiced mushroom soup you packed with a bowl you made from the tree your sitting on”

Speaking of lovecraftian stuff, what do you think about a MASSIVE squid-like atlantean that roams the water and is known as chtulluh


if this was a gamemode they would make for some sick raid bosses, with Atlanteans attacking the player alongside the boss

can I make a blood cult where we sacrfice atlanteans to the warden gods :smiley:

This is how I see the infection working in one of 2 ways:
it’s like radiation you can get better but it adds up and there is a point of no return

And my head cannon way:
Magic is like heat and the body a metal

At high magic it lets the body/mind be molded into a stronger and harder shape

the dark sea slows magic from venting, so like heat in a vacuum causes a build up and like steel being heated stops being moldable and more like a liquid
(without a something like mold for the body causes Atlanteans)

So due to the expansion the dark sea and stopping everyone from venting it is making everyone stronger but being attacked/biten
causes a spike of magic that is unable to be handled by most

So the the best way to get rid/vent of the magic? Bite Atlanteans
(do note you will give them a power boost and you need more pollution in your system then the Atlanteans but it’s a valid way to rid of it)
or just uh go a room with less magic pollution and let it leak into the room (it will cause the room to be polluted tho so find a new room or clean it somehow)




One thing I’ve recently though of is warding potions, how would those fit in here.

would T5 warding made from narwhal horns be enough to completely kill off the infection in its early stages or even stop atlanteans even if not permanently?

perhaps it would allow you to keep your sanity, but you’d still get mutated

Warding can stall the mutation process and ultimately may be able to be used as a deterrent for insanity based mutation, but if a victim is bitten i dont think warding could expel the poison at that point

meanwhile we got insanity potions insta-mutating anyone who gets splashed by them

Theurgist armor, virtuous scrolls, golden petals, and narwhal horns are in HIGH demand.

assuming the Atlanteans (from the dark sea) have sealed chests on their deck, would those sealed chests be Dark Sealeds?

I personally think It’s like tea/coffee when your sleepy
It’s “Warding” it lessens the effects not the cause

(My head cannon it’s like a spaceship heat sink the the heat is still on the ship but it’s compartmentalized it’s still there but not effecting sensitive parts)

Theurgist gear would probably be given to some good fighters in this universe since it’s an armor that you don’t want to lose