Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

Different general types of atlanteans and classification?

Vastus atlanteans (pure) not near any sea cluster but still there

Children atlantean piranhas stretch their jaws to massive size and take off the entire upper body of their victims. (Most people with the average low durability could tank it without damage)

Fused atlanteans, fused with something, gear, weapons. Fused with ships maybe,(a high amount of them though)

Calamity atlanteans, people who could have (with a high power attack) one shot atleast half a island+

Apocalypse atlanteans, whatever power level 100,000 beings have.

Just some ideas, brainstorm people!

a Madness combat Collab
yea I just got reminded of this
I think this should give an idea of the average IQ of Atlanteans
(also power level that your OCs should be)

do note that Madness combat has a lot of gore that is not realistic but gore nonetheless

This sounds cool to turn into like a story where the protagonist just goes on a zombie killing spree with some of his friends doom style

on their way to get some supplies

I read IQ and had an idea that over time atlanteans become mindless like normal, but as they increase in power they become sentient, not individualy but a hivemind controlled by chaos itself.

I hope not, and not just because it would make them more intelligent. But also because a high level one jumped into the sea and I had to literally had to make it into a steamed fish slowly and I would rather not do that to something sentient.

if they’re becoming sentient then I have to worry about the ethical considerations of eating them so let’s hope thats not the case

I’m cooking them, you’re eating them. Both of us would prefer it if they were not sentient.

nah, anything that is not human is good enough to be eaten

listen man

I prefer my meal to not be screaming at me in guttural terror as I slice up it’s limbs into a submarine sandwich

if you do it right it won’t even scream

the abyss sea VS a bunch of hungry people with chefs

The screams add to the flavour

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Chef’s kiss, indeed

that honestly sounds like a mighty fun battle

the atlantean army VS the chefs association

the fish decided to revolt into the chef? seems like we have to put them in their place

warrior chefs with the knifes and mage chefs with heat magics

warden chefs as taste testers and utility

berserker chefs to tenderize meat

the abyss sea has become the abyss kitchen

and we have turned fort talos and redwake into out headquarters

stop eating the atlanteans and start eating up my newest art topic

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very meh on the idea of classification i think it should range from
Lost Sailors to around Lesser Mutated anything over that

Mutated+ should all be so different and non-repeating so you can’t even really class them together. mean there should still be just overall power levels (like Monstrous, Nightmarish, and Unholy)
but their “traits” and hunting style should all be different

comparing 2 Lost Sailors is like comparing gear builds
comparing 2 Lesser Mutated is like comparing magic types as a mage
comparing 2 Mutated each one is like comparing classes (you going to have to change how you fight)

EX with your
“Children atlantean piranhas”
the overall level is a “Monstrous Mutated”
with the “traits” of
“uses teeth”

they should be a one-of-a-kind Mutated Atlantean

what I personally like a lot about the Atlanteans is how different each of them can be and also it makes your character cooler when you outplay them and for their weaknesses
(don’t forget your OC is only as cool as much as the enemy they fight is and what is cooler than a one of a kind “grunt”)

make a chef war legion canon and make them the most dangerous opposition for the atlanteans

(because the forumers are the chefs and we have people like arlyborg)