Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

Yep! This is prob how the survivors would get all the warding gear. Though they’d probably have to loot a poor shipwright’s body to get a key to open them

Or it could be a mix of a vaccine and antibiotics

having it will reduce the chances of being infected if attacked

if already infected stopping or even Lessing it but need continue needing warding or it will continue

Btw did I get you with that punch line?

High magical radiation makes you become more magical, if there is TOO MUCH magical radiation your body can’t handle it (like water overflowing a glass cup) and mutates to adapt to it, your concept on how you vent the excessive radiation is cool too, tho i can’t see how biting an atlantean would help, as eating one means you are stealing his magic energy therefore getting even more radiated


Basically it’s a really niche(and funny) way to rid of the magic/heat

LOAP (limit of avg people)

But let just say a atlantean has 100 LOAP

And attacks some guy the magic is transferred from the Atlanteans who has more
to the guy that has less

But here comes a super mega level 1000 guy that can handle 500 LOAP

And has 300 in his system

Well? The powerful guy doesn’t want to be bitten so he bites the Atlantean

The magic doesn’t care who does the transfer it just cares who has the more and who has less
So if he is able to transfer the magic on to the Atlantean

(Ie you can technically cool your self down with molten steel if you are made of tungsten)

(So it’s more of a funny side effect from the main effect: your able to transfer the infection between people infecting others/less infected then you to slow down your infection)

Okay so by this logic if I bite into an atlantean I can turn them into a vitality user

(2nd zombie infection where everyone is turned into a warden/paladin/jugger/knight fr)

If Atlantean mages are anything like the mages on the forums they’d off themselves immediately

forums at our own canonical power VS atlantean army

(battle of legends fr)

But we all know that the Abyss Sea AU can’t exist, because Rear Admiral Adkins would kill them all


ok but like this brings up the important topic of how ocs/self inserts in this AU cannot retain their original power from the game (or the Atlanteans would prob be done for if we had any say in it)

if anyone wants to write lore for themselves in this AU, pls remember that you/your characters are a part of this world, not what it revolves around unlike in canon :+1::+1:

me with my several solar system+ level threat and omnipotent OCs casually just sliding them into the abyss sea AU (trust me this is very fair and balanced I’m sure little timmy the level 90 atlantean will have a fair fight and totally will not be vaporized in 1 shot)

My friends, I’ve just found an insanely op counter to Atlanteans :fearful:


Have fun feeling the sensation of a million bites on your limbs

Me turning into ironman with ironskin 5 and walking through the middle of Rubica

what sensation? with ironskin 5 you could probably have a house thrown at you and be completely fine

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Warding + spirit energy + life magic + Phoenix magic + acrimony = either a normal person or a very atomized atlantean.

extremely atomized atlantean
tad much magic, even if it is ‘positive’ energy

some OC lore I cooked up related to Silverhold’s fall.

Matthew Barion, The Froststeel Judge

Matthew joined the Grand Navy at the age of 13, passing himself off as a 15 year old with help from his unsual height. though never openly against the G.N, he had a strong association with Captain Edward Kenton before he deserted.

around the 106th day of the 303 days of assualt that broke Silverhold, he and 30 other people, deserted on a brig known as the Steel Commander known for being nigh indestructible. the brig would then head north and make landfall on Elm Island, where they would pick up Edward Kenton.

the brig would then return to Silverhold to recover Kenton’s gear and steal the sealed chest opening tools off of the corpse of Silverhold’s shipwright.

after this, the Steel Commander would sail around the seas, bombarding Atlantean crews before then applying the Virtious enchantments to themselves or in the case of Matthew, equiping the set of theurgist aremor that they found in sealed chests they obtained from the ships they sunk.

communications with other groups of survivors and the crew of the Steel Commander have been never been made. any attempts to contact them while at sea go ignored, and any attempts at contacts at land are quickly shot down.

however, every now and then, the Steel Commander will swing around Orthys or the Stepstone to clear out any Atlanteans at its base before returning up north, to the area between the Jaws and Pelion Rift.


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sail to akursius for 1 heavy cannonball
do it.