Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

also absolutely love how the two AUs currently running on the art category are:

chill highschools :hungry:


The Horrors™ :sleeper:

Now we need a “Terminal Montage” ,(or snap-dub idk) version and we have the three trinity of Arcane AU-

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The Horrors™ has managed to deviate into:

The Horrors™ (original)


The Horrors™ (tasty)

soon the two will unite

Highschool au and The Horrors™ meet

What is going to happen?

Find out more on Agora News!

when i said to run with this idea, you guys fucking SPRINTED with it :sob::sob:

its just the characters from Abyss salty that their Academy counterparts actually has family members that are, yknow, alive :skull:

I love how this AU went from “hey wouldnt it be sick if these happened” to “hey guys, heres a detailed description of how redwake starved to death”

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and i will eat it up every time :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth: you guys are the backbone of this project fr

It’s hard to read these stories since every time they describe the Atlantean’s appearance my mouth just begins watering

i need to put you guys in a whole separate box and drop in an Atlantean every once in a while to feed u

damn, yall cooked a lot while i was asleep (wrote too much last night, slept like, 12 hours today)

In a very literal sense I think you’ll find

over five hundred replies in the span of a few days, that’s gotta be a record around here

anyways guys heres a detailed description about how a bunch of guys got killed at Blasted Rock, part of my original take on Orthys n’ stuff, read that first if you havent.

The Massacre at Blasted Rock

during the evacuaction of the Bronze Sea to M.T Orthys, the Bronze Legion needed to have a port somewhere to resupply and repair ships, and it couldn’t be on Ravenna, due to it being overrun, or Orthys, due to it attracting Atlanteans to the one area civis are running off to.

Spartacus decided that a port should be on the Cassia Bay/Blasted Rock area. plans were made for Wind-Row originally, but the mutant bandits there ambushed and killed several men who had rowed out from their ship to scout ahead.

Cassia Port was located on the north-western end of Blasted Rock, and serviced ships on their way to Orthys, and ships that defended the ships on their way to Orthys. operated mainly by soldiers whose ships had been sunk while defending the refugees that had been rescued, it had done pretty well, up until the end of the move to Orthys.

whilst the men packed up and got ready to head to Orthys, they were swarmed by a horde of Atlantean ships. before any ship could get out of the harbor, an onslaught of mortar shells hammered the port, killing a good quarter of the men garrisoned there.

the garrison, knowing they had no options but to fight to the death due to their only route escape being destroyed, prepared for a last stand. among these men, was Yang “The Clever”, Spartacus’s cannoneer. Yang was born in Ravenna, to a Ryujin mother and Ravennean father.

with orders to reload and fire as fast as humanly possible from Yang, the men unleashed a counterbarrage against the Atlantean horde, sinking some ships and killing off a decent amount of the horde, but it wasnt enough, and the horde began to crash onto shore.

covered by the relentless cannonfire alongside gunfire from some men in watch towers, the vanguard force fought the Atlanteans tooth and nail at the shores. however, be from fatigue or wounds, the vanguard eventually collapsed, and were slaughtered by the endless tide of Atlanteans.

soon, the men at the watchtowers were slaughtered, and though they tried to put up a fight, the men at the cannons soon fell as well. the last to fall was Yang, who living up to his title, he would manage to trick the Atlanteans into to blowing up the port’s gunpowder store, alongside several other barrels of explosives.

Yang would mutate into an Atlantean resembling a pufferfish, in particular the tiger puffer. those foolish enough to attempt to close in on him will find themselves soon impaled with several spikes laced with tetrodotoxin. any supplies left lying around Blasted Rock are also to be treated with caution, as its said they may have been laced with tetrodotoxin if sharp, or rigged to explode if well, explosive.


and the discussion has remained mostly on topic, which is definitely impressive

ALSO i love how even “deserted” islands are getting some attention, goes to show that the invasion is really hitting the entire Bronze Sea

I’ve actually placed Julian on Blasted Rock, wandering the desert and slowly losing his mind (probably after the massacre), I wonder what wouldve encountered there

man i’m brainstorming hard but i can’t even write rn cuz i have to wait, just noting some stuff cuz the next chapter will be followed by another chapter in the same 24 hours, yall inspiring me and thats a hard feat

Julian shows up to Blasted, sees a ruined port, like dozens of sunk ships, hundreds of corpses, and fuck-ton of traps and poison lying around, alongside a mysterious figure leaking a trail of poison wandering the dunes in the distance. I think he would be, mildly concerned to say the least.

too bad glass is clear, he cant hide behind it