Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

i mean
he can hit himself with a rock pretty hard and just
not reform?

Since we’ve gotten down how all the islands fell at this point. Let’s take a look at how they’re doing now, starting with Palo Town.

Palo Town, though now ravaged by Atlanteans following its fall, is still a popular spot for survivors to scavenge supplies. The high density of products in its markets means that there’s usually at least a few groups that come every month. However, Atlanteans still stalk the place, hiding in old buildings to get the drop on survivors.

The mutated Mayor Tilly dwells in the abandoned town hall, stalking potential prey as she mimics the voices of those she’s slain. Though some are able to see through the ruse, many more have fallen to this trap as their voices become new tools in her diabolic arsenal.

Dennis Harvey, the now-mutated cannon fist mentor, stands watch as a sentry. He still carries with him the cannonballs he cherished so much in his past life, now empowered even more as his pistol shrimp-type mutations let him launch them with a force unseen in any other user of this fighting style. Sailboats are capsized, caravels turned to splinters, and brigs turned away by this walking artillery piece.

At the center of the town stands the old execution platform. Once used by the Grand Navy to make an example of criminals, now splintered mess still guarded by the old executioners. Executioners who, now turned into Atlanteans, act almost like guards for Mayor Tilly. They tirelessly patrol the town, keeping an eye out for any fresh meat.


The Whispering Caverns Crew

oddly enough, a group of survivors took up residence in the the Whispering Caverns shortly after Silverhold’s fall. this group, made of Ravenna-G.N forces, would drain the mine and use it as a safe space.

with a sentry at the ready to call everyone back into the mine and to seal it once everyone was in, people freely walked the surface until an Atlantean ship came around, at which point everyone was to book it back to the mine, where after a short headcount, would be sealed.

at the surface, it was abandoned, whilst inside was a relatively comfortable space, though lack of wood meant most things were made out of stone. the survivors diet mainly consisted of cooked giant mushrooms and fish.

every now and then a brave group of these survivors would set out in a sailboat disguised as an Atlantean ship, and would quickly gather as much food and wood from the Forest of Cernunno before they got caught by the mutants there.

in all honesty, it’s probably nicest survivor space that isnt Orthys or Cirrus. the mines are a never ending supply of rock, theres a decent amount of coal for fire, and food wont run out. not to mention not being attacked by Atlanteans 24-7. also the supply room thats there also has a bunch of goodies the survivors made use of like armor n’ weapons + other crates in the old watchtowers.


this is a good situation

of a situation

dont worry, to balance it out, most of them are disabled in some way

Other than the sky people who isn’t dead?

who isn’t dead or mutated*


I will write about leaderboard players in the Abyss Sea, starting with the good reps from the lowest titles to the bad reps from the lowest titles. “The Savior” is already in the works.

in the lore ive written, Orthys folks, Ravenna people, and the Whispering Caverns crew are still alive, Shell Island got evacuated to Orthys, other interpretations differ though.

Welcome to Arcane Kaisen Abyss Sea, where every character is either killed or Mutated beyond recognition, except Iris, she’s forced to witness all this shit go down

the least shit edit by nickyz1


lets hope Nimbus is faring better :sob::pray:

Vetex: releases nimbus sea

Me, in my writer opus:

for those that didn’t get it, this is the Akame Ga Kill’s creator

the fullblooded Vastus Atlantean pulling up just so we can have a lore reason to fuck over Skyhall:



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Wotan’s probably bored of all the weak fish-faced freaks that showed up on his doorstep

(said sea dwelling homies died in the Atlantean invasion)

i will give him a fair challenge soon… soon… chapter 5…

nah Jotunheim’s in Vimir, Sameria is just getting obliterated

Given the fact that Sameria and Jotunheim are planning to go to war, I assume their rulers and by extension their military are in roughly the same ballpark of strength

Or maybe I’m wrong and Wotan is just the Him of Arcane Odyssey