Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

legendary beast atlantean is behind all this

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A Guide on Survivor Safe Zones
(day 0 is when the invasion begins)

Mount Orthys: Day 14 - Current

probably the safest non-sky island safe zone, also has unlimited supplies basically. main roadblock is getting to it and scuttling your ship before Atlanteans notice you. repels Atlanteans from coming into to it without reason, but they WILL follow you.

Cirrus Town: Pre-Day 0 - Current

safest island in bronze sea that existed Pre-Day 0. main roadblock is getting there.

Other Sky Islands: Day 12 (first settlement) - Current

safest places in the Bronze Sea, main problem is getting to the sky itself. largest settlement on Skycliff.

Redwake (and The Jaws as a whole): Pre-Day 0 - Day 128

once was incredibly safe, fell to starvation. water around the Jaws is acidic, would not advise going here. area around it is swarmed by the Redwake Sharks, one cut and all of them are on you.

Shell Island: Pre-Day 0 - Day 187

evacuted to Orthys on Day 187, resources plentiful but near Dark Sea border. decent hiding space for a small family or a solo survivor, but large groups are unfeasible.

Blasted Rock: Day 17 - Day 92

was only formed as a temp base, was swarmed shortly before Orthys finished the evac. while not the worst place to go, just head to Orthys at this point. repels most Atlanteans from entering the island, however nothing stops them from following you or staying on. it is also home to General Julian and some sort of mutant that has scattered traps all over the island.

Whispering Caverns: Day 209 (Day 452 in current form) - Current

originally was just a small hideout of a medium sized group of Bronze Legion deserters, fleeing G.N doubled the group of survivors there after Silverhold fell. nicest place that isnt Orthys or Cirrus. a group of Frostmill residents, Ice Smugglers, and Frost Brigands on a fragment of Frostmill that split in its direction crashed into it and joined the folks livng there as well.

Frostmill: Pre-Day 0 - Day 153

island shattered into pieces, chunks are either infested with Atlanteans or crashed into islands and then got swarmed. one chunk with people on it crashed into Whispering Caverns and was safe there though.

Palo Town: Pre-Day 0 - Day 27

fell early in invasion, home to all sorts of nasty critters. upside is that it is filled to the brim with goodies any soul brave enough to venture in could snatch up. dont advise living there, but supply runs in it are going to net lots of loot.

Ravenna: Pre-Day 0 (Day 48 in current form) - Current (Day 48 for the cities)

fell early in invasion like Palo, few surviors hiding in Mount Caesar however. swarming with Atlanteans, but like Palo has a fuck-ton of supplies. living here is either incredibly brave or incredible stupid, just use for supply runs

Wind-Row: Pre-Day 0 - Day 38


Forest of Cerunno: Pre-Day 0 - Day 30

similar to Wind-Row, but only if you go into the water. use to gather wood, fruit, and/or herbs long term settlements are unfeasible.

Fort Talos: Pre-Day 0 (Day 129 in current form) - Current (Day 129 for the fort)

stay close to other people or settlements, something stalks the dungeons. filled to the brim with weaponry, but also with dangerous beasts that roam the halls. possible to settle here long-term, but expect fights. use for supply runs otherwise.

Silverhold: Pre-Day 0 - Day 406

fell to Atlantean assualts, still has a lot of em roaming the halls. filled with weapons and supplies, but its impossible to live here long-term. use for supply runs.

Whitesummit: Pre-Day 0 - Day 42

originally did well, got turned into a meatgrinder after an infected G.N brig crashed into it and a swarm entered Blackwater Grotto. still swarming with infected, and no good way to get any loot in it without exterminating everything in there. do not go to it.

Sailorā€™s Lodge: Pre-Day 0 - Day 39

decent amount of Atlanteans, technically not impossible to clear em out and live here, but youā€™ll have to deal with ships crashing into the place. not enough loot to warrant supply runs, nor can it sustain more than a few families. theres better options, but this isnt the worst place.


Atlanteans after I go on land (Fish cant breath air)


this man alone just soloā€™d our whole apocalyptic world

weā€™re gonna have to 165570! this guy, martin.


the fish breathing in the constant downpour over the Bronze Sea:

Has the fate of Maya been decided?

Seeing how Mayaā€™s planning on starting an empire, she could be a leader within the Mount Oythris civilization, leading a fleet of survivors who deliver supplies cross island, or trying to establish a new fortress somewhere like Goso Jungle

I think sheā€™d be able to lead and fight well, considering she was starting a nation within the regular AO story line, regardless of the player completing a quest.

#2 I see as the best option and my personal favorite, but iā€™ve made alternatives!

  1. Maya leads a group of Sailors to Mount Oythris, where she develops a civilization (Iā€™m unsure of what the whole civilization in Mount Oythis is right now, but I see this as a good option if one isnā€™t made). This would work, as Maya could also try and unite all of the ā€œMount Oythris Seasā€ together (like her original goal of uniting all kingdoms), through passages for both Nimbus sea and Bronze sea refugees.

  2. I think this is a good option for what happens, and my personal favorite The same group mentioned above sails to the Bronze sea north to develop a group for remaining survivors. The sailors from sailors lodge would follow as they venture around Munera garden, past silverhold, then around Frostmill, as they land at Goso Jungle. At this point, not many atlanteans would be in the area, and they would have avoided the Palo Town massacre by sailing around frostmill. Souvella acts as a guardian for this group, as they spend the next weeks fortifying Goso jungle with ship hulls, and the best materials they can find. Many die, but Maya and Souvella remain through the attacks, Maya as a leader of this nation, and Souvella a General. Deserting marines, criminals, and refugee who can prove themselves join the civilization. Any person who can provide for themselves can become a member of this union (I want to come up with a name, so give me suggestions!). Much later, a form of a cluster within the collapsed world is formed between Goso Jungle, Darkpine Island, Elm Island, Mango Island, and Dawn Island. All islands would be fortified, Goso Jungle acting as a capital. Between the Isles, would be a path lined with shipwrecks, where armored sailboats would make supply runs to neighboring islands. The passages would still have atlantean attacks, however due to the population of this nation being made up of skilled fighters, any atlanteans not within a horde (or an inherently strong atlantean like an unholy beast). This is an IDEA, but I put my starting vison here, feel free to make changes if it seems better that way. By the end it does seem like it could be a little far fetched, but by the time I suggest the full nation to have developed, the largest horde would be terrorizing the Nimbus sea.

  3. (If you read all of #2 you might have forgot about the options lol) In this she leads a fleet of supply runners. I havenā€™t though too much of this, but it might build off some other things nicely.

  4. Maya just dies. I think itā€™s a bad way to go out, as sheā€™s got potential but itā€™s an option.

This is my first large post like this, so feel free to give feedback, im just listing ideas! Iā€™m not sure if Maya is already in the lore, and if she is, you can use this as an idea, or ignore it. If you read it all good job and thank you :smiley:


Forgot to add Maya to the status list, but she is most definitely a survivor!

Love what you have going for option 2, would definitely be interested to see what happens if you want to develop it further :eyes::eyes::eyes:

Iā€™d love to! Ill try to get some more development when I can!

Definitely underlining this, cause this scenario is meant to be a challenge. If you want to be able to tell a decent story in the context of this AU, you need to add some stakes that causes your characters to grow and change (figuratively or literally, if you decide to mutate them)

me personally??? my oc is dead in Aesir testing facilities lmaoooo rip diane

amazing, i could try something with #2 for chapter 6ā€¦ will see, keep cooking cuz you made it good :nod:

i will mention her in chapter 5 looolz

Basically she was in the process of mutating into Stage 2 after being taken in as a Lost Sailor, but the Order killed her off before she got dangerous

This happens to a lot of their subjects.

Gonna explore the Order more in this universe soon, but for now, just know that they are as shady as their canon counterpart.

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yeah CH 5 will explore a lot of the orderā€¦ the problem is waiting for CH 3

edit: i got too tired of waiting, i will just make ch 2, 3 and edit 2 when mirage posts silly tilly art

Man Carina didnā€™t even get turned into a cool mutated monster she just died. Tis a sad time for hound sibling fans

my OC having to deal with the challenge of city/kingdom management up in Orthys (he has never touched politics and now finds himself having to manage an entire army and stop infighting with all the survivor groups on Orthys)

thanksgiving table vibes :sob: