Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

Ruby Roger: You were great Iris! i will not forget you for as long as i live

This is bullshit writing why did they offscreen Iris, total asspull how did he bypass Flare magic!!!COMPLETE ASSPULL! I KNOW IRIS IS COMING BACK NEXT CHAPTERā€¦

Ah yes, my anti-flare magic technique, i havenā€™t used this bad boy since the Golden Age of Magic


The only other Hexagon member I have a name for is Ouroboros, First of the Hexagon and Tempo Curse wielder, who died in Durzaā€™s first boom.

yknow, Iā€™m pretty sure the fog isnā€™t a ā€œbarrierā€ but just the edge, and sea clusters are just lucky patches ig that didnā€™t get nuked for idk plot reasons?

maybe Iā€™ll introduce my warrior OC into this AU

Heā€™s probably my favorite file to play (since heā€™s the class I know how to use best) and Iā€™ve yet to give him a personality

it got nuked because after durzaā€™s explosion the fog simply expanded to make place for the newfound radiation

damn yā€™all be cooking fr

for me, all of the main story characters start at the level that we first find/fight them in
(innless given a reason otherwise)
IE iris power level should be when we first fight her at level 20-30
there is no real reason for her to be that powerful at the start(and feels unearned)
her being able to 1 shot the soldiers is due to a time skip (and also they were the level 15 grunts)

as for player OCs?
meh do whatever you want i would remind you that your OC would be affected by the dark sea if you say ā€œMy guy is used to the dark seaā€ So this is normal for my OC and so they arenā€™t affected

if you do have a character like that at least make that a double-edged sword

like due to your common trips to the dark sea, you are able to withstand the infection better but you have an aura around you that makes it easier for others to be infected

or due to your common dark sea island exploration, you better know how to counter the mutants but you non-consciously hate anyone even infected or even was nearby

what the heck is ā€œVictorā€™s Devine Effectsā€? .-.

also, why arenā€™t people or hell even the navy trying to take it away from you to save their own people?

anyways if you want some ideas/challenges

someone messes up and causes someone to die and how does that affect your OC crew morale and your OC who is trying to ā€œprotect his crew for as long as he canā€

the ship is damaged by Atlanteans and you have to change ship how does OC deal with it?

you and most of your crew can keep a level mind when dealing with the Atlanteans but how about new crew and survivors?

(Yeah give me any character and I can make problems that make them ā€œMy Guy wouldnā€™t be fineā€)

Shoulder crow, i have a shoulder crow with virtous, heā€™s the only thing keeping me sane atm

The goofiness of a shoulder crow would keep me sane, and besides my guy wouldā€™ve already been at nimbus tryna sell fish sandwiches

as for someone like mist solic, hed be over confident and would try fighting the horde alone thinking heā€™d be unstoppable, in where heā€™d either die or mutate into a shark like atlantean

for Orion Patch, sheā€™d be one of the people that evacuated palotown and settled in silverhold till it got broken down

Yeah I kind of want to wait for the update before I/we start talking about the Nimbus Sea because uh we donā€™t know what it even looks like yet

but who cares i can just ruin your OC evacuation of survivors to the Nimbus Sea with world building >:)

he wouldnā€™t settle for nimbus for long as heā€™s a wandering trader essentially, he sells fish sandwiches of any kind, plus he designed his Brig for sinking atlantean ships, the issue would be fighting one and getting bit

the gremlin sucks ass against fast ships tho, shit was designed to beat armored atlantean brigs because they are slow, but if he encounters an ordinary brig itā€™s gg

meh but I would say your OC should be pretty smart and doesnā€™t really attack him face to face
your OC seems the kind to set traps and more or less do everything BEFORE attacking face-to-face

i mean sometimes hes reckless and he has to improvise something (using toranados in the dark sea to climb mountains)

Iā€™d say eventually theyā€™d catch up and either kill him or infect him into an eel like atlantean, as he was a pretty efficient swimmer and swam faster than a caravel, heā€™d basically have eel legs entirely and would have to wait for unsuspecting players sailing around and heā€™d ambush them, his shoulder crow would logically be immune to the effects and would just fly away, but letā€™s say the crow doesnā€™t have virtous, Itā€™d straight up turn into a shoulder starfish that is very well attached to the shoulder of Silverthorn, the starfish can sense alot of things and acts as a radar system for Silverthorn to hunt.