Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

Othrys would be safe, until the Atlanteans found the story marker for those damned Titan Caverns… :pensive:


epic greathammer incoming

I’ve got a similar thing going on, most of my writing consists of at least one supernatural character/event :sob:

No but I’m actually really honored you acknowledged this silly project of ours! I really like your writing and I’m so surprised at how far this AU has reached in the forums

I also wonder what would happen to Randal here. Obviously, they would be safe, but would people try to go into that library, maybe knowing there was something there that could possibly help them? Though, I don’t see people on Cirrus talking about it, so I assume that Randal comes and goes to different places. Would he be aware of any of this due to his eyes in the sky, perhaps watching the first venturings of Atlanteans outside the DS, and would that affect his interactions with the MC?

What about the man living on the farm on the outer sky islands? Would people take skyships and exit to there, if Cirrus was ever overrun? And would Atlanteans be able to pilot skyships if the town’s residents didn’t resort to scorched earth? Would the Atlanteans be able to tell people were up here, perhaps from a tragically mistimed descent/ascent or a good sense of smell/magic sense, or would they climb out of curiosity? Maybe someone would be infected up there, since its not cut out from the outside world (as far as I can tell)?

Lots of interesting implications for the sky islands.

Randal would be writing the most fire :fire: zombie apocalypse story ever imagined :speaking_head: :fire: :fire: :fire: :100: :zombie: :potted_plant: :muscle: :open_book:

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Plot twist: this au is being written by randal himself

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This would be a funny easter egg to add ngl

Fr. That new book would be even more FIRE than the burning of the towns below him. :speaking_head::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire_magic::fire_magic::fire_magic::fire_engine::deciduous_tree::fire:

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All this conversation but you all forget the best Atlantean countermeasure,

Invisibility potions

Will further expand on sky islands once Nimbus releases, as I’m sure there will be much more potential for storytelling in the next sea. Someone mentioned before that the people of Cirrus + refugees would be going to his library to search for a possible cure or another solution to the invasion.

For Atlanteans in the sky, I’d actually prefer to keep them near sea level (they’d probably be negatively affected when away from water for long periods of time somehow), as to give the survivors SOME hope. They are aware that there are people up there as they watch brave humans attempt to scale the Stepstones, and most of the time they end up catching up with them and turning them into one of them, or lunch.

For the lucky few who manage to make it to the top, there is a chance that they actually were infected, in which they are swiftly killed in order to protect the island (this was the case for Lady Carina)


You give them so much hope

I prefer to crush every chance of survival

In that case you may as well not right a story if it’s not possible to live

The best ending is the one that makes you cry

I made too many people cry before so now i dont write the actual story, and all my posts are… Whatever they are

It would be funny, but do you think they could negate this, if not lakes that probably canonically exist up there, at least maybe one or two at the Nimbus Sea, sky island clouds? We don’t know exactly what they’re made of but it’d be funny. (Kind of more of a joke. Even if they were somehow moisturizing, they would probably slip off and die, or not be able to get into them.)

I’m also guessing that whether following humans or just noticing something, at least a few Atlanteans would manage to make it up the Stepstones. In which case, would their numbers slowly be whittled down, and continued to be demoralized? Nowm it is extremely difficult and potentially hazardous for Cirrus town due to infection/baiting Atlanteans, to communicate and trade with the world below. Though I’m assuming they don’t do much trading anyways due to their, uhh, spatial position and the giant ass mountain in the way, could there be a way in which this affects them, maybe mentally, or just the knowledge of what is below?

If not any of these, it would seem that Cirrus Island is a relative safe haven that anyone would want to get to, and remains a beacon of hope for people… though im not sure how excited Cirrus residents would be seeing another person up here who could be carrying the infection or having potentially several Atlanteans trailing them up the Stepstones.

Later on, it would also be funny if the Sirens followed the Atlanteans out of the Dark Sea. This is unlikely but would probably doom the residents of the town. But then what would be left? I’m also interested in how blackwater grotto would do; though, considering how near it is to the dark sea and exposed on that side, would it survive? However, I don’t know if you’re discerning in-game from canon, since in canon, it would have to be much more hidden to escape the eyes of the Grand Navy for as long as it has.

oh, does @Elly have a story for you

basically this + the message im replying to

literally one wind mage:

literally one iron leg user sparta kicking them off

In theory, the War sea cluster and many other clusters would have been Dark sea after the Durza blast. So there has to be some force preventing the encroacment

Atlanteans climbing stepstone