Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

me and the 4 other people cooking ungodly amounts of lore in the span of a few days carried this AU to fame


rn they are currently directly copy and pasted, but eventually I will make proper descriptions for all of them (with proper credit ofc!)

Thank you all for your wonderful ideas, and if you want to, keep making more!

theres a trello?

lore lore lore lore lore lore lore lore lore lore lore

there is now, and I will try to get it out soon

edit: its out now lol, still a major wip

Link for all those who don’t want to scroll to the top:

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Dumb idea for infection ig?

Exhaustion, either a sub-type of Exposure or a new type of infection in general.

when a person is in a magic dense area, over-time they will be infected and eventually be turned into an Atlantean. this is Exposure (I think). Exhaustion on the other hand, is infection through weakening your natural immunity to mutation whilst in an area with a large amount of mutants or in a somewhat magic dense area, though not dense enough to mutate on its own.

all humans do have a natural immunity to mutation, since even sea clusters have medium magic pollution. Being attacked by an Atlantean weakens this immunity enough to where you can be infected and being overexposed to Dark Sea rain will do the same.

this immunity is closely tied with your magic energy, so expending energy to do attacks will weaken it. due to this, a person can be infected in an area with medium-high pollution or a large horde of Atlanteans (as Atlanteans passively produce pollution) if they arent careful with their energy usage.

since circle casting uses the most magic energy, mages are the most weak to this, however since warriors and berserkers use aura they are also weak to this effect.

wardens just kill themselves anyway and use an entirely different type of energy to attack so their immune to this (their spirit energy also has repelling effect on Atlanteans since vitality users are basically the antithesis of them + it buffs their natural immunity to infection)


No Tilly, no taxes, lets go (my char had cargo business in Palo Town)

no more taxes, but no more customers either :sob:

no customers means no more haggling

Palo Town certainly looks like the best place to stay in

Getting shot by cannonballs that fly at the velocity of a bullet
Baited by some cuttlefish camouflaging woman
Executing order 69
(Magic drained by some worm in a cave)

I mean…I can theoreticaly guess that there are still people in 2 caves
One near cannonfist mentor and other is underwater one

Surely you wouldnt go insane after hearing an atlantean shrieking for help while an atlantean holding a rocket launcher patrols around the vicinity (along with your magic energy being constantly drained)

wait is this just affecting the war seas or all the sea clusters?

will add to the trello’s faq :+1:

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also just had an idea
well I’m sure someone else already has, but what if island flora and fauna starts to change to match the ones found in the dark sea? like the cursed forests or metal trees?

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We’re getting mutated with this one

also another thing, how long does infection take to completely turn you into a lost sailor? and ig into an altantean from there? also are there any signs that you’ll feel when you become infected?

since this AU is quite literally Arcane Odyssey but with climate change, I could definitely see this happening to the islands in the War Seas. They would still be recognizable as the islands we’ve come to know, but with terrains similar to those found in the Dark Sea – barren, deserted, and ominous.

Interestingly enough, items now exclusive to Dark Sea islands could now be found in the polluted Bronze Sea ones.

oooh that would be cool

also something a bit gross, since thorn flowers grow from blood as shown from some dark sea islands

well maybe where there’s a lot of corpses you’ll find the flowers growing on them or around them