Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

Ive been thinkng of pure gluten for the entire day and for some reason this + that is making me want to throw up.



Oh. Okay. Good thing my boy has atleast some sanity left. (Also fucking shit your story is amazing bro. Keep it up :slight_smile:

iā€™d hardly call it my own, what with literally everyone contributing to building the narrative from the ground up, but ty!

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Welcome :hugs: (Iā€™ll be posting some art soon when I have motivation. Cause itā€™s kind of hitting me hard that I canā€™t lead myself to draw :')

aaaa Iā€™m always so excited to see new art or writing for this AU!! canā€™t wait ^^

Blud so weak the atlanteans dont want him :skull_and_crossbones:

Sending Ravenna back to Ravenna as a pile of ashes.

@Mirage thereā€™s so many palo iterations but which one is the canon one?

(ples mine :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:)

mayor tilly eats someone with a grand fire curse, absorbs it, and proceeds to destroy the world :smiling_face: :smiling_face:

how on earth-

how did a wood mage kill tilly but someone with a curse died

Revon could probably die with a curse

isnā€™t the fire curse user rupin tho-

rupin is a little

Well, he was the fire curse user


well uh


@Mirage was tilly killing a curse user canon or is that just a joke im a bit in shock

It was a joke :sob: i cannot make any island tale ā€œcanonā€ as it may dissuade others from writing their own interpretations. Aka, all and no iterations are canon

oh ok

You know what that means for redwake

ā€¦yes, the redwake chefs are technically canon