Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

Gentlemen, this can be used for users who want their characters to be the mc in their own abyss sea au, but im sticking with keeping Silverthorn as a side character that’s helped others survive through drug abuse

there wouldnt be a better 1000th reply out there :)))

ty everyone for the continued support this past week and a half (have I mentioned its only been like a WEEK AND A HALF SINCE MY FIRST AS POST)



and it was all thanks to my absolute detestion to discord/any other similar group chats

just because the dark sea now covers bronze sea doesn’t mean all the narwhal horns got drifted over by water currents

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chat do NOT involve Grand Fire Curse users, in any situation even with the whole catastrophe thingy they will destroy the entirety of the world.

Dont diss my goat hes sleeping right now, he will fix the rest later

Who does blud think he is?

someones coming after Martin’s throne :rage::rage:

but he made my guy jobless!!!

Someone’s probably done this already, but here’s my take on the Sirens.


The Atlanteans weren’t the only monsters that came out of the Dark Sea. In the weeks following the initial invasion, many sailors reported sightings of strange women clad in white robes singing a beautiful, enchanting song on some islands. However, these reports were almost always followed by incidents of these women sprouting large feathered wings from their backs and attacking any who drew too close. The Sirens had arrived in the Bronze Sea.

The Sirens typically stay on the more deserted islands such as Darkpine Isle or Mango Isle, largely to avoid competing with the generally-stronger Atlanteans for territory. However, the Sirens’ instinct to head for high ground means that many flocks try to set up camp on places such as Shell Island or Wind-Row Island. Some have even been seen trying to fly up to Cirrus Island, though they typically get shot down by the town’s defenders before they get too close.

After the Sirens were confirmed to be in the Bronze Sea, the Order of Aesir took an interest in them. Agents were sent out to capture as many Sirens as they could, bringing them back to the Order’s facilities to be experimented on. While it is generally believed that the Sirens possess human-level intelligence, testing has been slow due to the Sirens’ innate instinct to attack anything not of their own kind.

Some researchers have even suggested the possibility of creating a Siren-Atlantean hybrid by injecting Sirens with Atlantean blood. However, given that this would likely cause a mass breakout, this proposal has been put on indefinite hold. Of course, some of the more unscrupulous Order scientists might try and bend the rules a little for the sake of their experiments…


ayo cirrus survivors you hearing this from up there?!

cooking up something rn

probably introducing another original atlantean of mine (I have nothing better to do)

I already have a voice planned for it (definetly not creepy trust me)

I’m playing it on loop and oh man is it making me want to turn on the lights at night

while you guys are cooking I’m gonna be working on fleshing out the trello, as I’ve decided instead of working on specific island/character stories I’ll focus more on the worldbuilding aspect of the AU :+1: :+1: sort of like the “base rules” of the scenario

for now, I’ll be leaving those tales for all of you to interpret :)))

Day 1
something about experiments that exponentially increase danger potential

Day 2
It escaped.

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can i just mention that there are already THIRTY (If i counted correctly) ABYSS SEA RELATED WRITING TOPICS


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this topic reawakened the writers of the forums to flood the catagory with Abyss Sea stories

reawakened? more like an electric shock to the heart and then immediately injecting 5hr energy straight into the bloodstream :sob:

we just straight up necromanced the writers of this forum