Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

if ye think about it saior styles just basic combat too

yeah, its stats are basically Basic Style but better

This Abyss Sea universe, with so much violence and death and guns.

I bet it smells like guts.

Guts and Blackpowder.

realistically which class would survive the longest
not warden i dont wanna talk about warden
warden has barrels and i dont want to deal with having some 4k hp guy chuck explosives at people
my bets on savant it has a lil bit of everything

we making it out of Hougoumont with this one! :speaking_head: :fire: :fire: :fire:

mages have range, mobility and snare, it doesnā€™t matter if a scratch is the end of them if nothing can even come close

the mutated atlantean with a gun:

we are cannonized to be able to survive a bullet to the head, and guns cant infect people

oh damn
still though many high eveled atlanteans ganging up n one mage could eat the mage easily

true, thats where strategy comes, people usually plan out their actions (unless they are one of the 3 top dogs)

hear me out
a warlock, warden, and a warlord team up its over
that or like idk four savants

good team, but no zoner?

a warlock, warden, and a warlord AND a mage

that or 4 savants again

sorry for absence was playing project bronze forever :skull:

Magic classes are more powerful in this environment as their abilities are amplified due to the pollution, but they are more prone to infection

Fighting classes run the risk of getting hurt due to their close proximity to their enemies while in combat, but are quick on their feet and are able to get out of dangerous situations easier

Weapons classes have the advantage of range, though their weapons could weigh them down and are just another thing enemies could grab onto

Vitality classes are able to withstand insanity better, but are still pretty useless even in this universe

imo iā€™d say warlords have the best chance of survival, though i am not too knowledgeable with the builds so take this with a grain of salt


4-way savant solos

Hereā€™s some lore on Ambanesā€™ funny cult

The Gifted Ones

After the cataclysm that saw Ambanes and the rest of the Sailorā€™s Lodge survivors turning into Atlanteans, the now-mutated Ambanes seeks to spread the ā€œgiftā€ of mutation throughout the entire Bronze Sea. After discovering he could control his mutated bretheren, he commandeered the last remaining ship, a battered brig, and set off with his flock to travel the seas, spreading their gifts to all they encountered.

Ambanes and his crew, now called the Gifted Ones, can be easily told apart from other Atlanteans thanks to the the elaborate patterns that Ambanes paints on them. Their ship, the Bestower, also bears these patterns, appearing more like a bizzare art piece than an actual warship. They are a primarily nomadic group, only stopping to rest or gather supplies from shipwrecks or islands.

Ambanes is often the only one seen on the outside of the ship, steering it as most of the crew lay in wait below decks. Whenever the Bestower encounters another vessel, Ambanes typically plays the role of a kindly man, one that heā€™s perfected over the course of his mutation. Any who do not flee will find themselves ambushed as Ambanes calls his crew out from the depths of the Bestower, setting them loose like a pack of ravenous dogs.

Thanks to Ambanesā€™ control and guidance, the Gifted Ones are far more coordinated than other Atlanteans, though their actions are still far from strategic. Ambanes himself mostly acts in a support role, though thanks to his enhanced strength brought on by his mutations, heā€™s more than capable of holding his own in a fight, using his staff to batter and bludgeon those who dare reject his gifts. Heā€™s even gained the ability to use his staff to absorb incoming magical attacks and send them back at the caster.

Upon subduing an enemy crew, Ambanes will use his staff to mutate them all, sending them on their way once he is done. Should his own crew suffer any serious losses, Ambanes will take the strongest Atlanteans formerly part of the enemy crew and add them to his own. While Ambanes has been driven away on multiple occasions, he and his flock always return, ready to spread their gifts.


im telling you manā€¦ 4 way savant soloes allā€¦

I am still sure Ambanes is connected to spirit energy somehow. So in the story there needs to be a spare place for his spirit powers. Come on, his staff is very sus, its not a normal staff at all