Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

well, in this AU, i made it so his staff was made from a dark sea diamond

honestly your Ambanes lore has inspired me to possibly make him the first asymptomatic infected victim

now THAT would be terrifying

Agree, that will be

Also, where did Meng Ozun, Steleus and Kjartan are in this universe? These four should present together

If they aren’t dead, they either escaped sailor’s lodge and are doing their own thing or became infected and now work for Ambanes

Deepwoken moment

silly Neviro Lore

Neviro, Prince of Snowfall and Sirens

When the Boreas family disappeared into the Dark Sea, the high-ranking members of Ravenna’s military presumed them dead. Unfortunately for them, this assumption would be both right and wrong. The Boreas family, were one of many Winterveilians to sail straight into the trap of a siren’s song, and one of the many slaughtered shortly after.

However, the youngest children were spared of this fate. Generally, sirens would kill all males, though on occassion an individual would adopt an infant, causing the other Sirens at the rock to spare it in turn. In Neviro’s adoption, most Sirens had left the ship after murdering most of it’s crew. Upon hearing his and his cousins, a siren named Aglaope would find him wrapped in a swaddle stashed in a crate, along his newborn cousin Alya.

Deciding to adopt the 2 children, she would raise them as siblings. Neviro’s childhood was suprisingly better than his main universe counterpart. He would never have to deal with his siblings hate, pressure to uphold his family’s name or his father’s death. Neviro trained himself to be a spear-wielder on his own volition.

His affinity for wielding spears seemed to come naturally to him, starting off his training with a spear his adoptive mother had stolen from a previous ship. Eventually, she would craft him a spear named Khiṓn from the same material Siren’s made their bows out of, additionally adding gold and blue accents from items she had salvaged from the ship she had found Neviro on.

His sister/cousin would learn how to use spirit energy and snow magic. The siblings would often spar with eachother, with Neviro generally coming out on top. Whenever a ship crashed into the Siren Rock, the duo would fight with an unparalled synergy, cleaving through the ship’s crew in minutes.

Neviro’s skills were mainly focused around his spear, though he also had decent skill with a bow, and had one as a back up. He also had a shield bearing the Boreas crest which use is self explantory. He would learn he had the ability to imbue spirit energy and his darkness curse inheritence onto his weapons, further increasing his strength.

Eventually, around the age of 18, Neviro would find journals detailing the history of Winterveil, who his true family was, and the crimes that Ravenna had commited against his people. Over time, he would grow more and more hateful reading each new account on the ships of those who crashed onto the Siren Rock. Whilst he sympathized with the plight of the Winterveilians crashing into the Siren Rock, he saw being killed as a better alternative to turning into an Atlantean.

His disgust and hate for Ravenna grew to such a point that he decided to leave his home in order to enact justice upon Ravenna, particularly the members of the Bronze Legion and the Caesar family. Eventually, he would repair a sailboat was somehow so durable and stable to the point it could delve into the first insanity range and survive sailing in it. After saying his goodbyes to his adoptive family, he would begin his voyage to the War Seas using a dark sea compass he found in the Siren’s treasure trove. He would also notice many Atlanteans going to the War Seas on his voyage, they also all seemed to ignore him.

Upon entering the Bronze Sea, he would find himself around the Shell Island area and would brutally mutilate the crew of the first Bronze Legion sailboat he saw upon leaving the Dark Sea, having recognized the symbol on it’s sails from a the journals he had read. He would then use Shell Island landmark to plot a course to Ravenna using a map of the Bronze Sea he had found in the Siren’s treasure trove and plotted a course for the Ravenna Castello.


somehow we had the pretty much exact same ideas for Neviro’s lore

but since I’m too lazy to write, this is going on the Trello :sob: :+1:

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schizo concept I thought up

Ambanes and Alpha

Ambanes heard many rumors of a strange group of Atlanteans living on Wind-Row, and decided to investigate it. Deciding that it may not be the greatest idea to take his Atlanteans onto the island, he would walk into the ravine by himself. Upon seeing the traps laid on the island, he assumed no Atlantean was smart enough to set it, and prepared his friendly persona.

When Alpha called in his pack, they were incredibly confused when they leapt towards him. Sensing him being infected, but not mutated, Alpha would call off his pack and look at him confused. His pack would get back to setting up their crude traps for other prey, while Ambanes looked on with astonishment.

Ambanes and Alpha looked at eachother for a bit, managed to both deduce they were leading groups of Atlanteans and just sort of went “Y’know what, you seem pretty chill, lets form an alliance”.

Whenever Ambanes needs to drop off his wounded Atlanteans, he’ll sail down to Wind-Row and the Wolves will take them back to their nest. In return, Ambanes provides them bodies to eat of those he didn’t manage to infect.

Ambanes would study off of Alpha’s leadership, allowing him to command Atlanteans better. Alpha and his pack would learn the ability to make some more complex traps instead of just spikes or rolling logs, like punji sticks or snare traps.


ooooooh I gotta write a oneshot about this

This one is a dangerous alliance. And I assume its main enemies will be the Atlantean Greenwish cult

Spear, bow and shield… I have great skills with shield, once before tried to use the bow and still sure I am good with it, but the spear can be a problem due to my shit aim. Maybe I will try this weapon kit in the future. I am a Knight after all

Ambanes: Huh, so this is Wind-Row island. That Atlantean pack I heard many rumors about must be somewhere on the hills of this island. Yes, I can even see some ruins on the top. Crew, full sail! We arrive to northeast end of the ravine!

(The Bestower arrives to the northeast part of the island. Ambanes commands his crew to stay on the ship, takes his staff and goes into the ravine)

Ambanes: I can feel their presence. Though it feels a bit unusual compared to other Atlanteans. What is wrong here?

(Ambanes sees traps set up on his way. His eyes widened)

Ambanes: What? There are Ungifted here? I assume I need to be more friendly with them.

(Suddenly, a loud howl is heard from the ruins. A pack of strange wolf-fish creatures descend into the ravine. Ambanes is shocked)

Ambanes: What… are you? Ah, you must be that pack of Atlanteans I have heard rumors about.

(One of the Wolf-fishes steps forward. He seems to be their leader. He stares at the intruder with confusion)

Ambanes: Hello there, are you a leader of this pack?

(The Wolf makes a quiet roar. He has never seen any human that smells like infected. He then tilts his head down, accepting Ambanes as an Atlantean)

Ambanes: You are not aggressive. Can I call you Alpha? You are the leader of your wolf pack after all.

Alpha: (tilts his head)

Ambanes: These traps, where are Ungifted who placed them?

(Alpha is confused. He then looks at his pack)

Ambanes: They were accepted into your pack?

Alpha: (roars)

Ambanes: It was YOU who placed them?

Alpha: (tilts his head)

Ambanes: So you are much smarter than other Atlanteans. Same as me. But your traps are still primitive, I might help you with them.

(Alpha looks at Ambanes. He doesn’t believe him)

Ambanes: Let me show you.

(Ambanes returns to his ship, signals his crew that everything is alright, grabs some materials and returns to the Wolves)

Ambanes: Yes, like that, and… Ready! This is called a snare trap. I hope some of you still have something hand-like to construct these yourselves.

(Wolf pack comes closer and sniffs the trap. They admit it will be effective. But with one quiet bark Alpha brings all them back)

Ambanes: What a leadership. I see you have more skills in being a leader than me. Can you teach me?

Alpha: (tilts his head)

Ambanes: Great! And by so, let’s make an agreement. I will help you with traps, and your pack will accept my wounded crew members to heal. And you, Alpha, will teach me how to be a better leader, deal?

(Alpha roars. He then jumps over Ambanes and runs straight to his ship. His whole pack stays behing)

Ambanes: Where are you going Alpha?

(Alpha walks closer to the decks. He smells Ambanes’ crew and decided they are not a danger either. Then he finds some fresh bodies in the corner. He grabs one and brings it back to Ambanes and the pack)

Ambanes: Oh, so you were hungry? Well then, I can feed your pack.

(Meanwhile Alpha shares the body with all pack members. He eats first, then higher ranks, then lower, then female wolves with puppies, then old and sick)

Ambanes: Wait here, I will bring you more. And I can do it each time I arrive here. Now is it a deal?

Alpha: (tilts his head)

(And from now on, Wind-Row Fish-Wolves and the Gifted Ones have become one of most dangerous alliances in Bronze sea. When Ambanes had wounded in his crew, he would prepare some bodies of those his pack killed, sail to the Wind-Row and feed them to the Wolves. In this time all wounded Atlanteans walk off the ship to the huts, where Wolves nest resides. Each receives his treatment, just like if it was a pack member. Ambanes then proceeds to visit trap fields, showing the Wolves how to properly construct advanced traps, while Alpha shows him his leader talents. However, little do they know, that on the other side of Bronze sea, there is an other cult that won’t be so welcoming to the Gifted Ones…)


Clears throat

Mage solos…


Those lowly beings cannon compare themselves to the descendants of the Gods, wielders of the True Power, the Power that comes from the Creation rather than from Chaos

Mages - Magic racism
Wardens - God complex
Paladins - …


“I dont drink seawater, i take riverwater and add stormsalt… what do you mean its supposed to be arcane salt?!”

okay time to look at my OC
magic? check
fighting style? they use canon fist so not as risky
weapons? lmao 2 of the 3 is ranged
vitality? ekrix go brr
im telling ya, cfist ekrix savant has best chances of survival

Diving spots are now under constant Insanity 1 effect. Stormsalt and arcane salt share same model and texture, with only difference being their color. I think all arcane salt has already been polluted to the point it became stormsalt