Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

cant wait for a mutated unholy level three atlantean to get ahold of this and climb the stepstones

brand new schizo concept!

Corrupted Sunken Items

When the invasion began, the waters of the War Seas became as dangerous as the Dark Sea’s waters. Due to this, the many sunken armors and weapons within the depths of the War Seas began to become corrupted. While “Atlantean” Sunken armors/weapons exist, these corrupted Sunkens have turned into an unrecognizable compared to their original counterparts. These corrupted sunkens have a built in Atlantean modifier that can be purified, but the armor/weapons will keep their form.

Spiked Sunken Iron

A set of armor made out of arcanium metal that has spent hundreds of years underwater, alongside some time in toxic seawater, causing its properties to change. It seems to constantly produce toxic seawater. It is covered in urchin spikes, seemingly having grown out of the armor itself.

A strange set of Sunken Iron armor, toxic seawater has seemed to have made its properties change. The urchin spikes are laced with a poison that gives effects similar to water poisoning. Its modifications seem to provide an effect that gives its wearer some armor piercing to their attacks alongside a power boost.

Stats Given: Defense, Power(Atlantean Modifier), Size, Insanity (Atlantean Modfier), and Armor Piercing.

Shelled Sunken Warrior

A set of purple and gold armor made out of arcanium metal that has spent hundreds of years underwater, alongside time in toxic seawater, causing its properties to change. It seems to constantly produce toxic seawater. It is covered mussels and barnacles, seeming to have grown from the armor itself, adding an extra layer of armor without adding much weight.

A strange set of Sunken Warrior armor, toxic seawater seems to have made its properties change. The mussels and barnacles seem to act as a sacrificial layer, especially while the wearer is in the middle of an attack. Its modification’s seem to provide an effect that gives its wearer damage resistance during attacks, alongside a power boost.

Stats Given: Defense, Power (Atlantean Modifier), Attack Speed, Insanity (Atlantean Modfier), and Resistance.

Poisoned Sunken Sword

A medium-sized, one handed sword made out of arcanium metal that has spent hundreds of years underwater, alongside some time in toxic seawater, causing its properties to change. It seems to constantly produce toxic seawater. A strange poison coats the blade, dripping from urchin spikes seemingly having grown from the sword itself.

Unique Skill: Poisoned Tide

Stab with great force, bringing out the sword’s power and dealing damage in a large area whilst rising up. In your wake, you create a trail of poison clouds that will rapidly spread around the area.

Status Effect: Bleeding and Poisoned

Toxic Sunken Staff

An ornate purple and gold staff made out of arcanium metal that has spent hundreds of years underwater, alongside time in toxic seawater, causing its properties to change. It seems to constantly produce toxic seawater. Water produced from the attacks of this weapon seem to poison whoever is wounded by it.

Unique Skill: Fury of the Depths

Release the power of the Dark Sea imbued in the staff in the form of a powerful spiraling force, dealing damage repeatedly with a slow-moving projectile. While the projectile moves, it sprays water which poisons those it strikes, excluding the user. It also leaves puddles of water around it’s area of effect.

Status Effect: Water Poisoning


saw it in a comment but apparently since atlantean items would help you blend in more would sunken items make you almost invisible and hidden to atlanteans

my theory is that some of the narwhals and kept in breeding farms for more horns

also not all the horns are made into potions


…there are rumors of theurgist weapons which deal extra damage to atlanteans (made from narwhal horns)

Saw this, so thought I would make a Warding version of it

Theurgist Rapier

A rapier that is a Narwhal Horn on a sword handle, which seems to imbue some kind of divinity to its attacks.

Status Effect: Bleeding and Warding (Deals extra damage to Atlanteans, adds a DoT ontop of the added flat damage)

Changes the name ‘Piercing Strikes’ to ‘Strikes of Warding’

Theurgist Spear

A spear that is a Narwhal horn on a stick, which seems to imbue some kind of divinity to its attacks.

Status Effect: Bleeding and Warding

Changes the name ‘Impaling Strike’ to ‘Divine Impalement’

Theurgist Shield

A lightweight shield made of numerous golden petals sown together, use it for blocking in order to slightly increase your damage resistance, it seems to provide some kind of divine protection when used, has extra blocking power and durability against Atlantean attacks.



Harpoon thuegrist gun

Golden Petal Gatling
Ship attachment
Consumes golden petals and fires them off in rapid succession

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Okay, I have this idea about Warding Engines.

Essentially we take narwhal horns in a big lantern, while an acrimony will activate the horns. Which in turn creates a warding field the size of a house minimum. It can be used to ward an island with a big lighthouse with a lattice of horns and acrimonies.

The question is, where are we going to get tons of acrimony?

Figured I’d do a little thing to see how magically-attuned Atlanteans could adapt to their respective magics over time:

Long-Term Effects of Magic on Atlanteans:

Atlanteans, much like humans, are capable of using magic. However, due to the magic pollution coursing throughout their bodies, they are capable of using magic with much greater intensity than most human mages ever could. Of course, this more intense magic has had numerous effects on said Atlanteans. Namely, the adaptation of Atlantean bodies designed to allow them to use their magic in ways other Atlanteans can’t.

Across the Bronze Sea, a few survivors have reported seeing unusual Atlanteans with peculiar appearances and abilities. However, one thing remains constant with the reports: the Atlantean in question being able to use magic. It is unknown exactly how these Atlanteans obtain these abilities, but a general consensus is that they are obtained when a magically-sensitive Atlantean manages to survive long enough to allow the magic pollution within its body to build up to exceptionally high levels. Thankfully for the Bronze Sea, these kinds of Atlanteans are very rare.

The following is a list of adaptations that Altanteans possess corresponding with their magic types.


Atlanteans highly attuned to fire magic are capable of setting their outer bodies ablaze, appearing as a being made of pure flames. Anything around them often ends up either collapsing from heat exposure or catching fire, though the flames can be doused with a large enough quantity of water.


Atlanteans highly attuned to water magic are capable of surrounding themselves in a sphere of water that acts as both a mode of transportation and protection. The more water that gets added to the sphere, the larger it gets, though the Atlantean does have a limit on how much water it can contain at once.


Atlanteans highly attuned to lightning magic grow dozens of urchin-like spines that arc with electrical power. In addition to being able to discharge electricity, these spines have the ability to attract electrical energy towards them, providing the Atlantean with a temporary power boost. This comes in especially handy during thunderstorms.


Atlanteans highly attuned to air magic have highly-enhanced lungs that can rapidly inflate and deflate at will. Inflating these lungs enough air allows the Atlantean to fly, though they aren’t exactly graceful while floating through the skies. Additionally, they can expel this air strong enough to scatter large crowds, knock down weaker buildings, and even flip over large ships.


Atlanteans highly attuned to metal magic are able to absorb metallic objects into their own bodies, using them both for weaponry and protection. As they use this ability more and more, even their bones start to become covered in the metal they absorb, making them quite slow but extremely hard to kill.


Atlanteans highly attuned to magma magic have the ability to heat up the ground so much it turns into lava and cover themselves in it, which rapidly cools to create a layer of obsidian-like armor. This armor can even be ejected in the form of a hail of razor-edged obsidian shards, lacerating all in the Atlantean’s path.


Atlanteans highly attuned to earth magic gain the ability to encase themselves in a boulder-like shell and enter a state of hibernation. In this state, an Atlantean can go without food or water for an undocumented amount of time, only bursting from their shell if they sense the vibrations produced by potential prey.


Atlanteans attuned to sand magic gain the ability to rapidly swim through the ground as if it were water. They can use this ability to ambush from below and even create large pitfall traps to catch prey off guard. Some of these pits are large enough to swallow entire houses.


Atlanteans highly attuned to snow magic are capable of rapidly cooling the air around themselves, causing things to freeze around them and turning rain into snow. They can even cause short-lived blizzards large enough to bury most islands under at least a foot of snow.


Atlanteans highly attuned to ice magic gain the ability to rapidly cover objects in a layer of ice. They often use this ability to freeze the ground during combat, making their opponents slip and constantly fall down as they close in for the kill. Additionally, they have also been known to preserve food for later using this ability.


Atlanteans highly attuned to light magic are covered in bioluminescent markings all over their bodies. Not only can they use these markings to lure in prey, they can produce a flash of light so bright that it temporarily blinds anything within a certain radius. Additionally, they can flash their markings in such a way that beings of weaker will actually end up getting hypnotized, unable to move or fight back.


Atlanteans highly attuned to shadow magic gain the ability to project an area of pure darkness around themselves that only they can see in. Even the brightest lights appear as little more than flickering candles in this field, making it very treacherous to navigate through.


Atlanteans attuned to crystal magic have the ability to spread an infectious “disease” via their magic attacks that causes the victim’s body to rapidly crystallize. Once the victim’s body has completely turned to crystal, it explodes, scattering the infectious shards over a wide area. The shards retain their infectious properties for around a week after the initial explosion.


Atlanteans highly attuned to wood magic have been able to form a symbiotic relationship with plants that now grow on their bodies. Not only do the plants provide them with some camouflage and the ability to somewhat sustain themselves via photosynthesis, they can also use their magic to influence and control plant life within a certain radius.


Atlanteans highly attuned to ash magic gain the ability to create illusory copies of themselves out of ash, which they can direct using magic. The copies are far weaker than the Atlantean itself, but they explode into a petrifying ash cloud when defeated, making them dangerous to fight up close.


Atlanteans highly attuned to plasma magic can temporarily turn their bodies into a state of pure energy, appearing as a ball of plasma. In this state, they are capable of moving at extremely fast speeds, though they can only maintain this state for a short time before they need to return to their physical form.


Atlanteans highly attuned to explosion magic will grow volatile growths all over their bodies packed to the brim with unstable magical energy. Once the growths are large enough, the Atlantean can detach and hurl them at enemies like biological hand grenades, causing mass destruction wherever they go. The larger the growth, the larger the explosion it will produce.


Atlanteans highly attuned to acid magic gain the ability to rapidly transfer their magic to physical objects via touch, melting them within the span of a few seconds. With this ability, they are capable of melting their way through even the strongest materials, sinking ships easily, or dissolving any weapon that manages to hit them.


Atlanteans highly attuned to poison magic are capable of breathing out a cloud of highly poisonous gas that kills most plants on contact and is highly deadly to humans. The poison cloud lingers for a time, allowing the Atlantean to lock down certain areas or use it to trap potential prey for an easy kill.


Atlanteans highly attuned to glass magic gain the ability to turn their bodies completely transparent, even their bones and internal organs. This ability makes them unparalleled masters of stealth, able to blend in with every conceivable environment.


cant wait for an atlantean to have 4 arms to even further boost their potential output!!

I dunno what put before random bits of lore I write anymore

Spirit Energy V.S The Infection

Seeing as Spirit Energy is essentially the antithesis of Magic Energy, it’s really only natural it had some sort of effect against an infection that comes from overexposure to Magic Energy. Those with high Spirit Energy had an immunity to the infection, though this immunity had a price.

When a person with high amounts of Spirit Energy was hit by a blow that would infect them, it would instead hit MUCH harder rather than infect. Any infection that entered the bloodstream was rapidly rejected by the Spirit Energy, damaging the user over time as the Spirit Energy went scorched earth on it. The more infection, the more damage the user would take.

At a certain threshold, the battle between the Spirit Energy and Infection will simply grow to a point where the person essentially blows up in an explosion of Spirit Energy. In this explosion, any of those hit by it whilst infected as a Lost Sailor or less will be cured, though it will give them heavy wounds.

Spirit Energy entering the system of a infected individual has a similar effect as infection entering the system of a person with high Spirit. The Spirit Energy will damage the infected over time, other causing them to blow up in a spirit energy explosion if they’re past the phase Lost Sailor or cure them if they aren’t.

Either way, Atlanteans and Spirit Users deal increased damage to the other, alongside the DoT. Technically, users of spirit energy could cure Lost Sailors, but due to the rarity of descendents of the gods, not even mentioning that only a fraction use, Spirit Energy and the rarity of Spirit Weapons and their users, not many people are around to cure people. Besides, Spirit Weapon users have to basically perform surgery to cure people, whilst the Legacies of the Gods simply have to surge spirit energy into the person.


silverhold is fucked up rn


there bouta be a sunday super slam at silverhold

already cooked up another [ABYSS SEA] forumer’s matchup special

just garnishing it and we good

i feel bad cause everyones been cooking and i havent made something in so long

am working on new animation tho, will come out. sometime :pray:

(totally did not forget to send the file over from my school pc to my home pc to work on it over the weekend, ahaha thatd be crazy)

oh may we please have a hint for the next animation great one

basically this image:


the faces in the corner of the room I be seeing when I wake up in a cold sweat at 2 am:

me sleeping peacefully in my brig when I see the sleep paralysis atlantean out of the corner of my eye