so arcane legacy got its revamp. currently very unpolished and early but i wanna know some thoughts on it.
Apathy and indifference
why does it just look like arcane reborn from the thumbnails
We sent Marua through the ceiling because we couldn’t complete the quest
hell the ramsas fight looks the exact same from the thumbnail
alright I’m trying it
so I spawned in, some wind wizard that used one single spell for the entire fight aggro’d on me like a larry with synapse x
if you go in the stats UI there are some neat concepts, so im very hyped to see what they can do.
And ye its early and unpolished but this is basically a stress release and to get help with bugs, i gotta say i love the stat system alot, since you literally play to lvl and don’t need to grind since its basically all automatic.
And well its arcane so as always the base concept is great/nostalgic.
(body unclear)
tip by me check the ui and be pleasently surprised by the revamped stat system
I mean I dislike how my endurance goes up at lightspeed by just running around on the exact same part I literally spawning in on but it’s alright
what I meant was the eyebrow raise is a face you can do
just wait, it scales with levels it gets slower/ faster depending on how many levels you need to max it i think as it changes depending if i grind it too much or i just play
shit’s unplayable idk why they even released it
found like 10 bugs within my 20 minutes of playtimes
do they even have testers
you can’t even fully charge your blast
its an early access
need more magic energy, you can
this might be usefull, since it looks like you didn’t read it