they still HAVE TESTERS
theos just fucking left for the milk the moment I talked to him he didn’t even start his text message he just disappears, at least add in a delay
thats not much tho…
and i would like to say that instead of saying “i found 10 bugs in 20 minutes” you should probably report them
or maybe make it just happen when you leave
why are they even trying to make another AA remake we already have arcane reborn
this was made before arcane reborn tho
I mean AR and AL were old ones, both were working on remakes
ok this is fucking atrocious though
I just got the magic dagger
why dont they just team up with the AR team
and now, I am permanently facing in one direcition
they don’t like each other from what i know, the community are pretty splitted.
And AR want to remake AA and be just like AA while AL want to add new features and remake parts of it
How is that project going?
interesting concepts, but it takes time
the hitboxes for everything apart from my blast (which is still questionable) is horrible
i like how they remade the stats system from scratch, feels more modern.
AR just used the old one from AA
(body clear)
was fighting ramses just now, this is what i call a boss my god. They revamped him and it actually looks fun i gotta say
would be fun if i could actually progress in the game
my god is it laggy, my fire blasts come out like a second after the circle