Arcane Oddysey's story is kinda

Personally I feel like the story could really flesh out the characters that we already have an include them more. We KNOW about Iris for a fact since we beat the shit out of her, and she has a starting cutscene.
If you didn’t pay much attention to Morden or generally just don’t remember him since we see him in a single cutscene at the start of the game, then it’s understandable, but you should start remembering him post-Sailor’s Lodge, and finally Neviro… god fucking damn it, I’ll be honest with you, I had NO idea who he even was my first playthrough, we talk to him twice in Cirrus Island, at which point people are kinda underwhelmed/overwhelmed by the story, they just wanna fight something at that point.

Like seriously I cannot blame people if they reach the end and just go “where the hell did this guy come from”. Hell, I’m sure people remember Shura way more than Neviro.

Hopefully in the next sea update, we do get a bunch of interactions from/with Morden and Iris, to ground the fact they’re protagonists alongside us, since Neviro just freaking left, again.

I feel like the dialogue references a lot of stuff we haven’t gone to through the story (at that point), and new players will either forget or just never know what they were talking about. (Did you remember that Sameria, Keraxe or even Winterveil were a thing while you were playing? Probably not, this is the type of lore that only people who are RESEARCHING the lore will know about).

What makes the story BORING per se, is that half the time you don’t have an objective or know what you even are trying to achieve. The overarching purpose of your adventure is finding out about yourself, then it deviates to finding about the order and finally about killing Calvus. In Arcane Adventures we kinda had Durza as the overarching antagonist, and went through the story expecting to fight him, with the rest of the story as sidequests and, well, adventures that you go throughout to make yourself stronger.

In Arcane Odyssey, you’re pretty much lost, you go on doing misfit objectives that it doesn’t feel like the story is connected at all. (It is, but it doesn’t feel like it when you’re doing it).

I do have high hopes that the next storyline update comes with a few more interactions that makes the characters… characters.

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yeah it is

Rule of thumb is Curse users are on average almost always stronger than non-curse users (with very few exceptions)

player finds a kingdom → they get to know their backstory → they execute the person who is connected to the Order of Aesir → they get no usefull info → repeat

how could this be when fighting the order members is quite literally the only way the player learns information. you need to read dialogue

divanochi can you NOT talk in this topic ? Thank you

Nuh uh uh :point_up:

:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :fire: :fire:

Recently I’ve started playing Dragon Age: Origins, and because of this feature (individual side quests for specific characters), it makes the side characters more interesting and a lot more enjoyable to interact with. And adding to what others have said about Edward being more beloved than the main cast, this is exactly why! We get to do a side quest for him and also get rewarded for it via an upgrade and getting to know him more. It makes Edward feel less like a commodity and more like a person.

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I think what most people have a problem with when they say the main cast isn’t fleshed out enough is that we don’t get to experience their character. Most of the fleshing out was done in journals, like you pointed out. And like others have said, more dialogue options or side quests for each character would be a great way to do this. (Some great examples of this being done are found in Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, as well as Dragon Age: Origins.) There hasn’t been enough “showing” and there’s been too much “telling,” and this is because all the development was done off-screen. I’ve talked about this some a few months ago, but I had a problem with how isolated I felt within the story. We don’t really get to interact with the characters other than a select few times.

Yeah, the other characters in the game aren’t treated as though they’re party members or anything; they just kind of exist as quest markers. It would be interesting if, for specific quests or even bosses, a relevant character would help you out (at least the first time, for boss fights). Also, it would have been cool to accompany Morden to the Dark Sea as a preview of what we would see in what is currently the post-game.

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You’re exactly right. In my opinion, the first time we could’ve seen this was when we fought Calvus. Instead of having Calvus immediately knock Neviro out (like a previous poster pointed out, seriously, how does Calvus manage to stab Neviro in the chest with a giant pitchfork and not kill him, and not bother to see if he actually killed him? Especially if he’s been hunting him?), Neviro could help us fight Calvus. One theory I have of why this wasn’t done was to show how much of a threat Calvus is, but if this had been built from the get-go it would’ve felt like a better payoff. The other theory is that Neviro being incapacitated will later on contribute to his arc of feeling “too weak” and feeling guilty for being unable to help. But even then, I feel it would’ve been a bit wiser for him to contribute in the fight at least for the first stage. Calvus wrecking Neviro before the fight is just plain insulting :sob:.

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I’m loving it so far! I’m at the point where I’m about to attend the Landsmeet. What about the second game? I’ve heard some not-so-great things about it :woozy_face: but I already bought it so I plan on playing it too at some point.

I can’t wait for Revon to betray us and then watch as their health bar increases from 400 to 400,000,000 and as they monologue we can attack them doing 400,000,001 damage flat regardless of the attack we do.

It got a pretty divisive reception, it basically was just smaller in scale/scope compared to the first game and the story was more “contained” rather than sprawling across a larger map like the other games. The story is still good though, I’m personally a fan of it even though it’s different (the combat is pretty different too)

Hmm, well as long as the story’s good I could care less how much more contained it is. Is the story a good different? Or a…peculiar different?

I mean, Neviro’s strength is clearly more in rhetoric and intelligence, but it would have been interesting to see the first phase of Calvus as seemingly his only form, which Neviro could help with, and THEN Calvus knocks him out, gives the monologue to the player that he gives at the beginning of his fight in-game, and goes into his second phase with a new health bar.

That was my exact thought. That Neviro could get knocked out by Calvus at the beginning of his second phase. His monologue being in the second phase too is quite interesting as well. It’d show how he’s starting to lose his cool more and more. It seems that Calvus is typically depicted as being deranged, when in actuality, Carina said he’s actually quite chill. It wasn’t until the destruction of Fort Talos, I believe, that he became infuriated.

Yeah, exactly. The longer he sees things not going his way, the angrier he gets (which would explain why he’s so frustrated when he’s talking to the player).