Arcane Oddysey's story is kinda

you’re making my brain cells melt

I actually read the dialogue as if it was before the Cirrus Island. Tho I forgot to account that it was in October… thats still a few extra months but eh, maybe Ill try not to think abt it too much since its not going to affect the story anyway… right?

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plot twist: the npc was actually Hades and he wanted to uhhh kill us and destroy the worl

This makes me curious- might we explore the ramifications for these actions through the side characters? Mordens diary has some of the best characterization so far, showing his frustration with the fact he alone has to carry the horrible trauma and memories, whilst the MC gets a clean slate. It’s a great piece of characterization for Ao’s most interesting character so far. How would Morden feel knowing that moments after he snuck out of the fort, his friend caused an incident that caused hundreds of lives? It’s an exciting prospect to think of.

Might we see diaries seeing into the thoughts of characters like Iris? So far it very much seems like she’s trying her best to ignore the fact that her fathers dead. In all the chaos of the escape from the mines, it’s probably easy for the average person to forget that the prison breakout was Iris’ last hope to try and find her father alive- and when she didn’t, she lost the whole reason she was fighting. It makes me curious about what’s going on in her head right now.

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Vetex’s confirmation that diaries are for side stories not important to the overall plot and the fact that Iris didnt have one has very important implications here: it means whatever Iris’s story is and will be, its gonna be important to the overall story.

That or… with Iris being hotheaded, she doesnt carry one like the others.

Yeah, might not be the outlet she chooses. Someone hotheaded would probably sooner punch people then write about their feelings. Not a healthy attitude, mind you, but it could be a story beat to see Iris take a darker turn for a while she just gets more hotheaded because she’s trying to avoid properly grieving.

Honestly diaries are probably so characters get a better exploration that they can’t get in the actual story.

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It’s a decent way to do it. Not like we can see complex body language and facial expressions to convey complicated emotions and inner thoughts.

Thank you for taking the time to actually answer me :pray: You’re awesome now, I will tell my kids about you

i honestly feel that calvus WOULD benefit from having a little bit more buildup, though. it’s hinted that ravenna, and therefore calvus has been mistreating people since frostmill, so we know that he isn’t the best, but we can see that the ravenneans practically treat him like a god, he’s even respected by the tiberians somewhat, seeing more of why they love him would’ve been awesome
though it’s probably a lot harder to do all that when you’re trying to figure out why the player character turned into a blank cube

now the question is, why don’t they have you executed immediately? it wouldn’t need to be public, as they’ve already killed a bunch of people as a cover up
it’s not a world-ending plothole, though

oh, i thought you’d try and wrap it in with the ruthless attribute. damn.

oh and if you’re tired of reading all of these lore questions could you reply to crimsonpants before you stop looking at this thread? he’s really cool

This makes it sound like he’s about to die soon lol



Bro no wtf are you on about :sob: How does any of what I said suggest a murderous intent

I mean if you’re implying it would ruin the “twist” it wouldn’t really matter since we don’t know anything about the king until we reach Ravenna or close to reaching it (idk haven’t played the story in a while). Mentioning him as early as frostmill would be fine cause by then we literally have no idea what the order is and as far as we know the king is some unrelated figure we MIGHT run into the future.

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I’m onto you bruh

Vetex, you had no idea your silly kid game made me go giggle and sht

…Even Morden doesn’t know player’s past? interesting.
but what does it mean by ‘doesn’t know player’s past’, was it mean Morden doesn’t know about how player got and has a connection with god. Or was it mean Morden and player never meet each other until they both get captured? I kinda hope the theory Morden, Tucker, and player are childhood friend before amnesia are true

Thank god the player had their own personality and lore. I’m so tired of seeing
a game where the players were just doing things while dead inside and thoughtless. We already know our player is too dumb at subtlety and stealth, I honestly would love for more characteristics of our player. (I love player’s lore idk why)

ah, so I was right about that. In the storyline, there is never been any hint on our player likes crime and murder thing if I think about it again. Even more interesting, one of the voices when having the Insanity Effect, said: "Why do they all hate me? Don’t they know everything I’ve done to help?" It shows that player does have the heart to help people. (and ig player is also self aware some people see them as evil? can’t blame them tho, player did literally just kill an actual king.) tho why are there no people talking more about the Insanity messages? Aren’t those messages were the player’s thought talking to themself in their head? I feel like the messages are somehow is related and important to player’s lore, maybe it relate to player’s backstory too

What that… Spared them, they lived and… will return later…? So like, more than one route of the story confirmed…? :eyes: :eyes: haha I’m going crazy-

Happily going to be broke just to buy the book :+1:
I have a question tho, since it is confirmed there will be more than one route, is there going to be a multiple ending too? like there going to be a good ending or bad ending, and I guess a True ending too since in the future the game will made into an actual book?

That’s true. But many NPCs could have tell that the king is such a great person (but not too much so you don’t straight think “that’s sus”), making the reveal have more impact

I don’t think so. Without knowing what sea curses are, the player would probably make theories, by tweaking some dialogues to make the player understand that it’s an important thing, then telling what it actually is in the lore dropping section that is the eternal mines

I think this is likely to be the case imo. When he was talking abt Tucker in the journal, it seems implied he met Tucker only when they got captured? I thought there was something more, but cant remember… eh.

Also, I had the impression Morden didnt know for quite sometime or else he wouldnt be asking abt our memories or told us more abt the past. Morden seems to be a private person, so itd make sense he’d respect someone else’s too. The only thing Morden does seem to know is that MC also has no family left or a place to go from the looks of it. When Tucker’s dead, he says that both of them are left with “nothing”, so both of them are on the same boat. And if this is the case, makes sense Morden wouldnt want to pry, especially if it brings horrible memories.

If you want, I could post an analysis… tho I think I have to break it into three parts cause its getting a tad too long…

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Honestly, valid point since you can have the old guy explain it after talking about Nero using his curse to destroy Winterveil (or his first mention of curses).

Yes please do :eyes:
I would love it if you did post the analysis
and I would be more than happy to read all of it and also willing to read three parts of it
(I have an addiction reading people’s theories and analyses)

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May as well say this since I don’t remember if I already brought it up, but Carina’s introduction felt very random and I sort of was really confused when I first encountered her.

Like she legit just “spawned in” with no prior buildup and this random ass is now telling me they’re the sister of that little twink I beat up at the djinn ruins?

Also her fight was so easy :sob: she literally just appeared and vanished 2 minutes later.