Arcane Odyessy: Island World Building

Arcane Odyessy is a revamp we are all looking forward to and I know that there will be a lot to come with it. So lets talk about what the world needs in order to create a distinctive and collective full on atmosphere.

I have recently created a NEW MAP, and I am going to reveal it Today in order to exampliate what World/Island Building should look like.
If you have not checked out my other maps, they are here:

So lets get straight into it. I used Inkarnate to make this map once again and it shows a decently sized Island surrounded by ocean, named Hittitia (wow suprising). It is home to a nation called The Imperial Kingdom of Hittitia or Neo-Hittite Empire.

Now this nation has a lot of history, but lets get to the integral human structures and cities of this nation.

  • The Capital City of the Kingdom is ¨Constantinhus¨ and is currently home to the Imperial family of the Kingdom/Nation. It also is the third largest city in terms of population and size.

  • The Second Largest City is ¨Algericas¨, known for being the center of the former Republic of Hittitia and an Urban Massfield holding the most people out of any city.

  • The Largest City of Hittitia is infact the major port ¨City of Azmir¨, which currently holds the Second Largest Population of the Kingdom. It is also the home of the naval fleet of Hittitia.

  • Other cities do exist such as ¨Tenkoso¨ home of the great royal castle, and ¨Orkana¨known for their unique culture and practices.

Now I expect the islands in AO to be much smaller in terms of size and population, but I think it would be great for each major island in the game to have some sort of center or landmark. This would respresent their distinctive identity and their technological advancements.

Next we will look at the natural structure of Hittitia and the natural structures it currently withholds.

Here is a quick look at a non labeled view of Hittitia:

First, it is pretty obvious that you can see that most of Hittitia is desert wasteland, and as that does pose a challenge for life to exist their are many major habitable sources which support life and arability.

Looking at the North of the island you can see a big cluster which is green and arable, this is where majority of the population lives. Which is about 70% or 3-7 hundred thousand people.

You can also see a bunch of lakes, while most of these are unhabitable, some of them are found to support life.

If there are any desert plains in AO which are habited by a civilization, please give a logical reason on why and how that is possible.

Now on to the major landforms and geological structures, there are currently mountains (not in the geological map) which line dash across the desert. Not that important… BUT VERY IMPORTANT

These mountains give life to some of the most important rivers for civilization, which lead on to their own tributaries. One of them being a DELTA, which is extremely important to Hittitia because of its strategical and arable importants. Many have settled in these low flat and wet lands because of it arability. Currently 2 of the major cities reside on this Delta plain and another one resides on a major river.

There are also a bunch of other islands around Hittitia so yeah pog.

Now on to the history:

Theres now complete way I can put this together without it being 3 paragraphs long so in the fastest way I can put it…

Hittitia has gone through many ideological changes throughout its history, first being established as a Federal Democracy, but then turning into an Empire. Soon after their decline they became an Imperial Monarchy, but after a 7 day revolt a Republic came into power centered in Azmir. This did not last long as a Coup Detat occured which established once again an Imperial Monarch.

Currently, more secular cities such as Azmir and Algericas tend to be more democratic while the rest of the Non Secular areas tend to be more imperial leaning.

Conclusion: I hope vetex can take this as an idea for the future world building of this game. As well as continue to make AO exclusively unique with it.
Sorry for my bad English and I hope this was enjoyable reading.


Funfact: The Hittite Empire was a real thing in ancient times, which kind of fits in perfectly since the Ancient World is ideally related to the game and the map file is referred to as the ¨Neo-Hittite Empire¨ soo. Also edits will be made. Feedback appreciated. This is also my second topic pog.




big word

I’m confused…

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I think vetex knows his geography (ie. rivers and lakes supporting life in WoM)

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It is not just about geography.

ah, well idk what this post is about then

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my map?

this island kinda looks like a pancake… wonder how it was formed?

the island chain in the center seems to indicate a continental rift down the center of the island, but it doesn’t seem to continue to the ends.

nice river delta tho, it looks good and natural, that must’ve taken a good deal of effort.

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Thanks, I had imagined how the Island looked previously before making this. It indeed goes round but I had thought that it would not look natural, so I roughed the edges a bit.

I need some more understand on continental rifts so Ill try to make it look realistic.

And thank you, I would still prefer the one I made on Thebia last map but I will accept the compliment!

tl;dr, but take a like anyways since the map looked sick and I can tell you put a lot of time into it.

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Thank You!

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