Arcane Odyssey | Help'n Questions Center (Read the bolded sentence on top before continuing)

Where can I find ship rams?

through sealed chests, they become rather common at high level

i can give you one if you need it

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No thanks I’m good,thanks for the tip!

should get a powerful cernyx amulet?

i recommend a hard one that’s what i use but idk your build or which file you are getting it for tho

Well I’m a warrior build (still tryna figure out what the best 3 weapons are to use, so far triasta has been the only one consistent enough for me to keep on my roster) and I kinda just want to have a good build with size/defense/power/attack speed but lean more on the power and size side

pretty much my build but instead i focus on power and defense

actually power and attack speed could be good to focus on as well

(what stats does calvus gear give?)

this is what i’m aiming to get, so you could edit it a bit to make it more your style but it might be a good template

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(what stats do calvus gear give)

uhhh let me check


i think they increased by like 2 on each stat when i got it to lvl 120

:eye: :eye:

I need these.

i’ve got nothing to do tomorrow so i’ll see if i can grind calvus and get another pair

you’d do that for meeeeEEE??? :face_holding_back_tears:

yeah man


Can both good rep players fight eachother?
I tried with my friend and it didint work we even went to the Garden arena and still couldn’t damage eachother.

If one of you is in the navy then no, you can’t. This is being changed in the next update so that gravy members can fight good reps if friendly fire is enabled in a party

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