Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

I know, but what I’m mainly saying is FS by itself when compared magic by itself, magic feels just better


i really dislike the idea of synergies all that what-not. it makes it so players have less freedom in making builds because some of the combinations are aids. like how some synergies will make you do 20% LESS damage. its just annoying. i really want to make a build that would look cool, and not suck for both PVE and PVP. its just unfair at this point how hard some combinations get nerfed. lets say I want to do a water-thermo fist, which sounds cool at first, until you realize there is a 30% DAMAGE DECREASE. and too bad! there’s nothing you can do! want a cool idea for a build! Nuh Uh! you don’t get to have fun! so you do 30% less damage now!


(full sentence)

holy fuck the wiki is more outdated than a person who’s been on a coma for 10 years , @sapsudz your attacks do NOT have negative interactions if YOU applied the status effects on your enemies. If you apply soaked on someone with water magic and then blast them with fire, your fire magic won’t do less damage

Also, water + thermo fist makes the fighting style turn into steam, which applies a different DoT and has the same stats as fire magic

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so am i dumbass? or is the wiki dumbass? :sob:

i dont do stat things very often (which is probably very obvious right now)

the wiki

im gonna add this new knowledge to the wiki to prevent people like me from further be acoustic

for one, negative synergies are removed if both statuses were applied by you, additionally most synergies were rebalanced to be no more than +/-10% for non removal syns and +/- 20% for removal syns with few execptions.

completely remove clashing
feels very rock-paper-scissors-esque because if one person has a stronger clashing magic they basically get a massive advantage

while it doesn’t make it do minus percentage, it’s still a thing that it does less damage, because it’s doesn’t do plus percentage (well water and thermo does, but some other combo prolly doesn’t)

it still does kinda force you into some builds, but definetly not too crazily. a synergy ain’t gonna be life or death

Iron/old Trident is the coolest weapon.

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Its freezing in here

if lightning attacks can turn sand into glass, then it should turn sailor fist into steam

the soundtrack kind of fucking sucks, besides the Tobi made ones, they’re just soulless and boring orchestra-esque themes, better than silence sure but i just wish they had more personality

i kinda agree with this, the only boss track i like is elius’

because it stands out and has this baroque, almost folkish feel to it, and it’s the only one in the game, it sucks

Honestly, the only themes I can remember are Iris’ and Maria’s. I think Maria’s might be my favorite so far.

I would say I’m surprised I don’t remember Calvus’ theme, but having to constantly hear rubble breaking and the Aether charge effect makes it harder to take in.