Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

Wish I had that button irl

why did you have to remind me of this… my gosh

-also, I use F leap and E multi leap.

guys am I weird for using Q beams


I use E leap too

and R blast

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I use G to brush my teeth and P to wipe after flushing


what does this mean?

legendary weapons should be weird as fuck

the stuff we have now is fine for where we are in the game so far but later down the line i wanna see vetex go completely off the fucking walls with them and im so deadass when i say that

true, we need some repetetive pattern breakers, i suppose.
Not sure if Vetex will be able to make something unique for legendary weapons, but one can hope.

it’s very easy. the question is whether or not the devs are bold enough to do it ^:]

for me q and e have basically the same similar feel and I can use both freely, I actually have my blast on q and my double beam on e but I use double beam way more so I’m more used to using e for my primary ranged spell

Q and E slots are for ranged attacks
R is for beam
F is for leap
Z X C V are for explosions/snares/auras/surge

I don’t understand how people manage to play this game with explosion on E
Explosions are obviously heavy attacks, and should therefore be below the movement keys
Anything above the movement keys is for lighter, faster attacks, like blasts, beams, javelins or pulsars
F is an extension of the movement keys, and should therefore be a leap
You don’t have to use Auras often, so they also go below the movement keys

Might actually do that, I keep accidentally pressing R sometimes so having that be something like a beam is better than a high end lag explosion

I have blast on q, double beam on e, javelin on r, leap on e, surge on v, pulsar on c, aura on x, and ult art explosion on z

I remember clubs being op in WoM

I think the concept of “Wood” Magic is a little goofy

It should just be changed to like plant magic or something, you don’t even have to change the stats, just change the name and add leaves to the wood or something. It is the only “biological” magic we have, and its specifically the bark and trunks of trees, but not even any other parts of the tree?
