Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

“I remember WoM”

its the wood part :+1:

Leap and double beam on E?

probably a typo, leap is likely on f

I’ll ignore the possibility of a typo and say he’s capping like a normal discord user would

bec it’s wood magic not tree magic

My whole point is the fact that it IS wood magic, which just feels to specific

Like how gold was changed to metal, wood should be changed to plant magic, that is my point

gold became metal magic because iron magic existed and they got fused.

last I checked there isn’t leaf magic

Your taking my reference too litterly, all I am saying, is that plant magic would be better then wood magic, because wood is too specific of a concept

i use C

sorry man i’ve been dead for a while
also i kinda agree with him plant magic would be better

Understandable, we all know how mondays are sometimes

it’s tuesday

not if i have anything to say about it

what do you even have to say about it
are you just gonna reverse the sun’s orbit for a bit or something

I could alternatively try to send both of us west at high speed to somewhere where it is still monday, although I doubt either of us actually want that.
In short: I don’t actually have anything to say about it

alright then

bruh of course its f

hot take: leaf magic

Leaf magic as a topic has been around for so long Gordon Ramsay would just accept it even if you microwaved it