Arcane Odyssey now has a perk/trait system, what would they be?

For context, a perk is basically some sort of buff and a trait is a perk with a drawback which (tends) to change gameplay

use decaying winter traits

No Life

  • +1000 skill, power, defense, stat points and other buffs.
  • If you touch grass, you get jailed for 10 hours.

Perk: Buff all magic damage by 2.5x

Trait: Getting hit reduces multiplier to 0.01x

if we get trait systems in AO i’m going to quit this platform forever
this thread is giving me genuine uncontrollable rage through the sheer thought of it
Lich I am going to find and castrate you just for bringing this up


Nothing that can affect pvp.

Perk - Hunger goes down slower
Trait - Food gives less hunger in return

Perk - Gains rarer items
Trait - Gains less items

Perk - Gains more common items
Trait - Gains more items

I really hope AO does not have this system it does not fit the game in any way

I’d probably go 1 for 1 with how it’s done in Fallout: New Vegas (my favorite game). When you start the game you can pick your traits, only limited amount, and like you said they got some pros and cons.

Every 25~ levels you get to pick a perk. To pick a perk you must meet the requirements. If you want a perk that aids in magic you must have some points invested in magic, depending on the perk. Additionally I’d prefer if there were several mutually exclusive perks so you can’t just get all the ones you want, there should be opportunity cost. Ideally these could also be reset when you reset your stat points.

Some trait ideas for AO

Burn Bright - The candle that burns the brightest also burns out the quickest. You deal 33% extra damage while you consume 25% more stamina and take 25% more damage in return.
Shark - The sharks call out to them and you must join in their territory. You can hold your breath much longer under water, swim twice as fast, and do 15% more damage under water. However if you are not in water you recover stamina at half the rate and deal 25% less damage
Greedy - You love money! All sources of income are doubled as you’ve learned how to make the most of what’s given. However if you don’t make money you start to go insane, giving you an extra stage of insanity every 10 minutes you have not collected 100 galleons.

Some perk ideas for AO

Parry This Casual - After parrying so many attacks you’ve been able to benefit more from them. You launch a weak attack at your enemy after a successful parry. Requires a perfect block/parry rate percentage of 5% or more (can be raised or lowered idk if it’s good enough or not)
Glutton - Your body has learned to get more out of food now! Eating any source of food restores 2% of your health, fills 30% extra hunger, and it’s effects are increased. Requires the “Chef” profession.
Swordsmen - You’ve honed your edge with the countless bodies you have slain. Your bladed weapons deal an extra 10% damage and consume 10% less stamina. Requires weapons stat of 60.
Attention - Your observation skills are through the roof and you always notice when someone gets within 100 meters of you, after that period of time you got a vague idea of where they are. This has a short but noticeable cooldown
Maid - You are the maid. The stats you gained from maid items are doubled. This is not applied if the maid items are hidden via vanity.

Don’t like all of them, really just only like Greedy, but just some ideas for what they could look like. AO is not a game that needs traits/perks, doesn’t fit the game, but it’s a system I personally really enjoy in my games.

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I like the idea of the game giving you traits dependent on your progression. This would also compliment different builds. However, I think the traits should only give you buffs in combat in unique ways rather than just flat out making your attacks stronger if they do. Here’s some ideas I came up with.

Trait Ideas

Powder Monkey :
Your skills using cannons are sharpened. You have faster handling when using cannons manually and deal 11% more damage. You also take significantly less damage from enemy cannonballs. ( this only affects the player not their ship)

Hardy Heart : (for vitality builds)
Due to your body’s high constitution, you are less susceptible to injuries and illness.

Brandish : (for weapon builds)
Your expertise when using weapons is noticeably sharp. When you equip a weapon you have a parry
window. If you successfully parry an attack this way you receive a damage boost to that weapon for a small window. This skill has a noticeable window when procced.

Curse of the Shark God:
The Shark God has marked you as a meal for his children. You can see clearly underwater and can hold your breath for longer but sharks are more attracted your scent and deal more damage to you. You also have a higher chance of pulling an aggro shark when fishing.

Bullet Cycle : You’ve garned a reputation for your deadly precise aim. Every successfully landed M1 shot from your guns adds a 2% damage bonus to your next shot. This caps at 20%. If you miss a shot this goes on cooldown for a bit before you can recieve the buff once more.

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(Permant) Trait- Prometheus magic (100% mage build)
Perk - your magic attacks do 100% more damage but have a 50% longer cool-down.

Trait- combination slash (100% weapons)
Perk- Every 10 minutes for one minute and 30 seconds you combine you two most powerful weapons.( both have to be range or both have to be melee) in this mode you gain a really strong ability with rather melee or ranged with a twenty second cool-down. Your damage is boosted by 60% and you have a increased cool-down of all your ability’s by 25% in that mode.

Trait- the deadliest punch (100% strength)
Perk- your training has led you to throwing super deadly punches (takes 10 mins to charge up by punching. Active for 3 mins). You gain one 1500 damaging punch which can be used three times during while it’s active (20 second cool-down) . All your attacks are boosted by 40% damage. Your speed is increased by 30%. Your Health is increased by 75%. your attacks have a extra 15% chance to stun and a 10% extra chance to Crit dealing 20% extra damage. All your attacks get a cool-down Increase of 25%. Your stamina is decreased by 50%.

Trait- iron BB gun ( 100% viatality)
Perk- every 2 minutes you gain a 50% increase to your health and 20% boost to all pvp/ fighting stats.

Trait -( iron oragans) (100% vitality)
Perk - Each time you solo a boss your level your level and deal at least 75% of its health your health is doubled. If you die anyway your health is halved until your orginal health.

( Permanent) (only allowed to do it for three weapons) Trait- magical attacks( 50% mage 50% weapons )
Perk version 1 melee- you enchant your weapon allowing you to inflict 2 random magic effects (50% chance to inflict 2 random magic effects each hit 70% chance to inflict at least one) on top of any already exsisting magic effects. This boosts that specific weapons damage by 50%.
Perk version 2 - same as perk version one but with a bigger projectile range of 75% as well.

( permnant) trait- magical forest (50% mage 50% strength )
Perk- your magic fists have showed you the the way to gain a ability which if it hits the target it takes 50% of their health and applys 5 random status effects which are permanent on the target till their death slowly killing them. The target also can’t regenerate any health after your attack. Has a cool down of 15 minutes.

(Permanent) Trait- blind eye no hand ( 50% weapons, 50 strength) every 10 minutes your attacks are boosted by 100% and you get a 25% chance to stun the enemy per attack after they are stunned they can’t be stunned for anthor miniute. Also applied to bosses.

( permanent) Trait- Karate veins ( 50% vitality, 50% strength)
Perk- damage increase 50%, speed increase 100%, health decrease 50%

(Permanent) trait - (50% viatality, 50% weapons) samurai veins every 1minute and 30 seconds for 25 seconds samurai veins 40% damage increase, 50% speed increase, health increase 50%.

(Permanent) Trait - glass cannon ( 25% strength, 25% weapons, 50 vitality)
Perk- reduce your health by how ever many hp points you choose and rather increase your weapons or fists damage overall by an half of that hp you chose.

Trait- vengeful spirits (50% vitality, 25% weapons, 25% magic)
Perk- every time your Health gets below 75% of its usual health get an 50% boost to magic and weapons as well as a knock back increase percent of 200% and speed increase of 50%.

( passive) Trait - frightening swinging and swaying (50% viatality, 25% magic, 25% strength)
Perk- crit chances are increased by 25% dealing a extra 25% magic and strength damage. Each crit gives the user invincibitly for 10 seconds.( can’t stack and only works on players)

(Permenat) Trait- raging attacks v1 (50% magic, 25 strength, 25 weapons)
Perk- increases damage of magic by 37.5% and other attacks by 20% increases speed of those attacks by 50% and decreases cool down of magic attacks by 40% and other attacks by 25.

Trait- raging attacks v2( 50% strength, 25% magic, weapons)
Perk same as v1 except magic and strength stats are switched.

Trait raging attacks v3 (50% weapons, 25% strength, 25% magic)
Perk same as v1 except magic and weapons stats are switched.

( permanent) Trait - last magic resort weapon (50% magic, 25% strength, 25% vitality)
Perk- your less reliable magic has told you to keep relying but not as much 100% faster magic casting. 10% boosted strength damage. 25% health, 25% speed, 25% knockback.

( permanent) Trait - sparks of magic ( 50% strength, 25% vitality, 25% magic)
Perk - you are very unique your fist spend magic attacks out of them. 100% increase to strength damage. Your two magic projectiles which deal damage every 25 attack. It scale swith your overall magic stat with each individual one dealing half of your magic stat overall. 10% increase to health and speed.

Permanent trait- sparks of magic v2( 50% weapons, 25% magic, 25% viatality)
Perk same as v1 but swapped strength with weapons stats.

Trait - kicking bad ass ( 50% weapons, 25% strength, 25% vitality)
Perk - gain the ability to throw punches as projectiles in your weapon attacks on with the punches damage is a half of a quarter of your strengh stat. (300% speed increase).

Trait- soldiers army ( 50% strength, 25% weapons, 25% viatality)
Perk- the soldier take your strongest weapon equipped and replicate it at 25% if your weapons overall damage state. They also have 25% of your health. You can spawn 1 very 5 mins for a total of 3 soldiers. They lock onto the ennmy you damage with your fists.

Trait - All rounder since that’s what you are( 25% viatality, 25% weapons, 25% magic, 25% strength)
Perk- 25% to all attack types and 25% boost to health and speed

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Random other skills
Speedster- 100% increase to speed, can run on water stamina drain for any action is doubled.

Shipper - your knowledge of the seas causes your boat to sail at double the speed.

Nocturnal- whenever it’s nighttime all your stats are boosted by 25%.

Dinuarnal - whenever it’s daytime all your stats are boosted by 25%

Boss slayer -2x damages to bosses

Impeccable chef- anybody else’s food who you eat gives you double effects from the food and you make amazing food with the best effect for 10 mins. With a cool-down of 3 hours.

Undetectable you ca become invisible for 10 mins which also ends if you enter combat. Has a 1 hour cool down and only works on npcs.

This has so much effort put into it holy

Grass toucher:

  • no pvp, therefore no pvp combat logging, player can leave whenever the fuck they want
  • garbage rng modifiers, discourage them from farming meta items since they have better shit to do

Came up with a few more:

Tracker Knife:

If you hit an enemy you are currently hunting with a throwing knife, they will be highlighted for 15-30 minutes ( not sure what would be a reasonable time) making it near impossible for them to run away.

Money Shot:

If you defeat a hunted enemy with a gun m1 or gun skill you recieve bonus galleons and bounty.

Danger Sense:

If a player currently hunting you comes close to you you’ll get an exclamation point above your head. The radius of this skill would slightly increase the more you use it, but would reset whenever your bounty was successfully collected.

Generous Glutton:
Buffs you received from food would be applied to nearby allies, and would also stack if they already had buffs.

Sea Chant:
Party buffs from instruments are more effective when used on boats

Sea Ballad: ( requires Sea Chant trait)
When playing instruments on a ship, buff effectiveness and duration is increased when other players are also playing instruments.

Fishmonger :
Selling fish gives you bonus galleons.

Bloodthirsty Raider :
If you are the first to attack an enemy on an enemy ship you recieve an attack speed buff.

+1 damage but npcs wont talk to you
(you haven’t showered in 3 months)

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a perk that grants specific anthropomorphic traits such as cat ears, horns, tails, etc, to the player depending on their magic, and increases speed, and lowers endlag. the only downside being you are now a furry.

everytime you say uwu in chat your character does a little dance and makes a :3 face

no. just no


deal +5% damage whenever you use the same ability multiple times in a row (max +20%)

deal -10% damage when you use a different ability (includes utility/movement) (max -40%)

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Tell me
you’re hecto, right?
I got to put somebody on KOS for making furries look bad with that dance :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: