Arcane Odyssey PVP Is Horrible

why exactly was i dragged into this topic ? :sob:

Delete everything you wrote under and just write - High ping + Dashes + Destructive terrain = Vetex’s ideal mobility.

im talking about slow magic mages (magma, earth, etc.), shadow mage is very viable imo

I guess they wanted you to talk about how u were as a magma conjurer w/ the talk about slow magics before this entire thread went downhill…


Key was … wait how do I say this without also getting smited…

He was hyping you up.

Mods this video is strictly for entertainment purposes



he even made a soundtrack for it

Guhhh Idk why key always seem to not be able to keep his cool ever but whatever uhhh slow magic is fine Idk why people complain about it, if it’s usable as a conjurer, it’s usable as a mage you just can’t have the same approach as a fast magic shrug

He was on my hog Idk why, yeah I’m ok at the game but there are a lot of nightmare matchups for magma conj so I wouldn’t really say its meta or anything

I think the reason the thread went downhill is nothing I said was relatively controversial. no one really had anything to say about what I was actually saying

They’re mad they have to predict and time their blasts at once.

Also im surprised you guys didnt bring up the Balancing Disc or Doc…

I just got pinged sorry for late response of this one.

conjurer isn’t as affected by magic speed as mage is, with mage your blasts go 2mph gl hitting anyone with that lol

How does this affect Key’s legacy?

i personally disagree with some of the slow magic and mobility points you made

i’m cool with everything else, though.

why are you trying to use magma mage as if it’s a lightning mage

My brother in christ. You use a fucking heavy magic.

Use the placed explosions that arguably do the SAME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE

exactly my point, slow magic mage objectively worse than fast magic mage

not a bad document, I agree with most changes. as i said prior though, shadow needs to be nerfed. that needs to be on the document