Arcane Odyssey QnA

claws are not something for fighting styles, they’re a weapon weapon, they scale off weapons, not strength

In spite of magic sensing being added, will there be any way to remain stealthy?

self harm yourself to be at low hp and thus have a small aura to be harder to sense

Oh goodness I have so much to ask, but I don’t want to burden anyone, so here’s 1 question:

Are there going to be any lost/ancient magic scrolls when the early access releases?

Is there the possibility of a feature or game pass to make certain weapons on your character invisible

Would bronze sea story go up to 100 or 120? 120 is the planned max level (i think) on release, along with the level you attain first awakening. On the other hand, there’s only Ravenna left in storyline islands, meaning 20 levels of content if it follows the pattern of previous islands, along with the fact that the storyline is (supposedly) going to be up to lvl 100

How big do you plan the dark sea to be relative to that server’s main area?

What’s the technolgical era in Arcane Odyssey?

How much significance will current important story npcs such as Iris and Morden play in future seas?

the entire story will be included on release, pretty sure if ravenna isn’t the last island then there will be the next island, as this has happened so far with multiple islands, the trello doesn’t have it all

of course ravenna isnt gonna be in the bronze sea probably because it sounds later gamey

that wasn’t the question…

probably 120 because the entire story up to first awakening will be on release and 120 is when you would get it

mount olympus was in the war seas

will there be str weapons for most weapon types or just the large weapon types

(can we expect things like str weapon dual bladed, bladed, pistol, rapier, etc.)

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k but hear me out:

are we getting more clothing options in AO?

or facial expressions

and maybe eye colors?

(Im trying to put this back on track)

everything but eye color yes

clothing on a technicality

HOWEVER these are still things that could’ve been learned from looking at leaks


oh thats weird there was a really old suggestion someone made that got approved for this

we’re getting new clothing from pirates and sailors, not as base clothing though

is the lazy animation pack ever gonna release btw?

It’ll probably only be like that day one

If it wasn’t being added then it probably would’ve been said by now

Anyways another genuine question for the QnA

is the Ancient Language coming back?

Is it being replaced?
Will it still be used for easter eggs and the such?
Can we finally talk about it publically?

Haven’t read the trello outside of combat features so I’m unsure

is AO planning to have UGC