Arcane Odyssey QnA

oh okay elaborate

most likely not (too op)

most likely not but you never know

wormhole magic winnin’

Will we ever get under water chests and will be there magic weapons? Love ur works guys keep it up :slight_smile:


How many islands?

Dawn Island, Redwake, Frostmill, Elm Island, Goso Jungle, Sandfall, Akursius Keep, Limestone key, Palo Town, Stepstone, Cirrus Island, Thorin’s Refugi, Forest of Cerununo, Harvets Island, Sailor’s Lodge, Fort Talos, Djin Ruins, Darkspine isle + 5 sky islands

18 + 5 = ±23


technically the seventh but its friday now

eh still 40 on release

Bruh, how many sky island do AO have?

no idea

will the vid be posted in the discord FAQ channel

can there be a gamepass or smth that allows you to change magic visual tiers (kinda a suggestion but eh)

  1. The saying: “there is no best magic.” — will that also apply to ships? Does the ship feature follow a linear path of replacing your ship with a completely better one, or will there be a variety of ships allowing for different playstyles? Meaning there is no best ship.

  2. Will there be additional islands, weapons, features, NPCs, that inflict the insanity effect? How much more do you plan on doing with insanity?

  3. How much content will take place beneath AO’s surface? Do you plan on doing more than just diving and sharks?

  4. How much effort do you plan on putting into the visual aspect of vanity/accessories for character customization? Will there be something like headgear having glowing parts, animated parts, and/or effects? Or will customization not go to that extent?

  5. Is AO’s current difficulty progression of fighting NPCs feel like they’ve only been powerscaled to be more difficult, or is there enough additional movesets and abilities used by progressively more powerful NPCs to make the player always feel as if they are fighting against something new?

  6. Are you always open to new ideas for side quests? Is this something people should always make suggestions about, you think?

  7. Will weapons for ships strictly be cannons? Or will there be other large-caliber weapons we can place on our boats?

  8. Are ships only able to fire their weapons broadside? Or will there later be boats which allow you to fire from the front and rear?

  9. Will there be any features that allow you to expend spare gear which you may have too much of? Not including selling gear for galleons, or trading them away.

  10. Will there be a good amount of non-ship based activities you can do in the Dark Sea, like the random islands and Mirage islands? If not, do you plan on any additions to this?

  11. Is diving possible in the Dark Sea? Can we fish in the Dark Sea?

  12. Are there going be any large or sizeable islands which will be found in the Dark Sea? Or will islands stay particularly small? Also, will sky islands or anything in the sky exist in the Dark Sea?

  13. Will there be additional ways to customize your ship in the future? Like cannon-skins and possibly furnishings? Will bigger ships allow you to go below deck?

  14. Will AO have some system of crafting or using materials? Basically different way to obtain gear, like exchanging: x500 Gold Bars - Receive - Trophy*

  15. What sorts of events would you like to feature after the release of AO?

  16. Will we be able to play musical instruments in AO?

  17. What about companions in AO, if there aren’t going to be companions fufilling a role in PvP, or giving the player some advantages, could there atleast still be a possibility of having visual-only companions?

  18. How creative will AO’s gear get with its stats and attributes? Like, a bracelet which turns a blast shot into a shotgun of 3 shots, a helmet giving 10% damage resistance and 15% damage reduction. Will it go to this extent? If so, then will there be a large amount of ways we can further customize our playstyles — in which we can expect?

  19. Will there be other storylines in AO? If so, then will some of these storylines be large?

  20. Is there going to be any large showcase of AO pre-release instead of the usual sneakpeeks?

  21. When it comes to large-scale wars in AO whether PvE or PVP, will we ever see something as large as: 25+ players vs 25+ players/NPCs? How big do you plan on making wars in AO?

  22. Is it possible for multiple people to spawn from the same camping tent, or does everyone have to individually place their own?

  23. Since we will be encountering hostile NPC fleets in AO, could you tell use how large can these naval fleets get?

  24. Will NPC ships, especially at higher levels, be able to use different ship-weapons, hull armor, sail materials, and rams, like to players do? Does this also include NPC ships using RNG to determine the customization of their ships?

  25. Will larger boats have stations? Making it possible to cook food, enchant items, regenerate hp. If not, then is there a possibility of this feature existing only on clanships?

  26. Will there be gear or clothing in AO affecting your temperature, or grant you protection to the environmental dangers? If so, then could there be situations where protective clothing for temperatures are supposed to be prioritized over stat-giving equipment?

  27. How much time do you think you will spend on playing AO after its release? Will you also be personally participating in clan wars, tournaments, etc?

  28. Is going to be any substantial additions to the fishing feature for AO in the future?

  29. While guilds in WOM has pre-determined five ranks and permissions: Leader, Co-Leader, High-Rank, Middle-Rank, Low-Rank. Could there be a clan function in AO at some point which would allow leaders to theoretically create as many ranks as they want, and also determine what permissions they have?

  30. Will WOM item hoarders have to worry about their AO inventories freezing when they open them?

  31. Since building will become a very large feature in AO, will building only be possible on islands claimed by clans? Or do you think building could be included into many other areas of AO?

  32. Can we expect exploration in AO to have players coming across mazes, secret rooms, puzzles, hidden lore, cryptic writing, etc?

  33. Will there be “guildhalls”, or any safe haven areas for clans in AO?

  34. Is it possible for players to PvP on a moving ship without having to worry about falling off? To clarify, this has nothing to do with ship combat.

  35. Will it be possible for players to change their magic within a single character file? Or will players have to make another character file to use a different magic?

  36. Which features in AO has you facing the most trouble coming up with ideas for?

  37. How does the size of the Bronze Sea in AO compare to the size of the other seas?

  38. How large can random-spawning enemy structures become? Will there be mini-bosses inside them similar to WOM? Will they be obstacles when it comes to Island Claiming for clans?

  39. What things are you planning to make affordable with the existence of clan banks in AO?

  40. Will players encounter random enemies using Fighting Styles?

  41. Is there going to be a global in-game player market in AO? Or is that basically the Auction House.

  42. Will AO’s release come with the function of being able to buy items in bulk?

  43. Will entering the Dark Sea from different regions of the War Seas send players to more dangerous or safer locations of the Dark Sea? Or will the Dark Sea not have any pre-determined location/region whatsoever, and will mainly become more dangerous based on how far you sail into it?

  44. What makes a good tester for AO?

  45. Will players be able to change professions? If so, then will they able to do so at the cost of losing all of their skill progression in their previous profession? Something like that?

  46. Are there going to be exclusive, limited, or hard-to-obtain professions in AO?

  47. Will it be possible to spawn on larger boats in AO? If so, could it also include clan members spawning on that ship?

  48. Do healing potions heal instantaneously or are they HoT? How powerful will the healing factor given by potions generally be? Will they heal percentage or base health?

  49. How many different types of potions will there be other than healing potions? And will player-alchemists produce potions with massive advantages compared to the buyable base potions?

  50. Do NPC ships only target player-vessels, or can they target players on islands? How close can NPC ships get to islands?

  51. What benefits will leaderboard players receive in AO? Will these benefits remain after, even if that player loses their rank in the leaderboard?

  52. Will there be ways to generate automatic income in AO?

  53. By your predictions, do you think AO will come out as free release or paid access?

  54. Will merchants in AO be able to sell up to rare-tier spices, materials, gear, foods, and high-quality potions? How large will the item selection be for merchant shops in AO? What are all of the types things merchants will be able to sell?

  55. Will the merchandise in wandering shops vary depending on what region/location the player encounters the merchants in?

  56. Will infamy only be earned through means of PvP? Could it be earned through PvE or in other ways?

  57. Do players have to buy more crew-members when they die? Will there be different types of crews you can purchase in the future? What benefits to combat will they bring?

  58. Will there be crew-members performing more than just firing and reloading cannons? If so, what other types of things will they do?

  59. Will high-tier ships have large costs to repair and maintain? Will it always only require galleons to repair ships, or could they eventually require materials?

  60. Are all ships going to be locked behind a level requirement, or will there be tasks and challenges to unlock certain ones?

  61. Are there going to be utility ships in AO? Like fishing boats for example.

  62. We have food in AO, but will there ever be beverages and drinks in AO?

  63. Will the day/night cycle in AO affect elements like more dangerous NPCs, unique events, quests, fishing, weather, etc?

  64. Are you planning to add more features to AO that’ll affect the game globally through-out all servers?

  65. Will AO ever have any supportive/defensive abilities and skills?

  66. Even after the release of the Bronze Sea and other seas in AO, will there be island additions and updates to expand the already existing seas, including the Bronze Sea?

  67. Will WoM hoarders have to worry about unoptimized inventory loading on AO’s release?

  68. How many fighting-styles will we get on AO’s release? Will there be lost fighting-styles included?

  69. Unsure of how up-to-date Enchantment Ideas are. Is there going to be different tiers for enchants? Are there also going to be unique enchants, like how we have lost and ancient fighting-styles and spell scrolls? Or will they remain similar to how they were in WoM?

  70. Do you think AO’s community will be great?


Will arcanium weapons be used like normal weapons (with magic-enhanced weapon skills or something) and as spell modifiers? (Although, that’s probably where the weapon + magic stat scaling comes from.)

Also, how will the level requirement work with hybrid weapons (since arcanium weapons can be used by pure mage/warrior)?

Will ultimate arts be the same after TGR or changed? Also, are fighting styles and weapons going to get similar ultimate arts?

How long has it been since you’ve touched grass? You’ve been really active on the game as evident through the trello.

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Well again, depends on your playstile.
Each ship has its own featrues: some is fastests, some have large cargo cappacity, some have ALOT of cannons.

Insanity is already done and if i remember correctly Akursius Keep gives 1 lvl of insanity when you enter it. And 100% some special weapons/armor will give you lvl of insanity in exchange for stats or power.

I highly doubt. But perhaps

Im not sure what you mean but, NPC’s move set depends on their level.

AA and Pirate Party had “Morta” ship. Which fired in skies, and then those cannos landed in certain area.

Well, Ketch cleary do have below-deck area

Well we 100% know about Clan minigames.
Clan Minigames - Minigames that take place in a separate universe between clans with a lot of infamy on the line, such as 10v10 ship battles, capture the flag, etc.

i think that’s a ship from ar lol
from what I know this is the only picture of the ketch we currently have


thats an ar frigate, which does not have a belowdeck

vetex also said at some point that belowdecks probably wouldn’t be a thing due to performance

Vetex said we have 26 islands so far, but there’s planned to be 40 on release

where is mimhere island