Arcane Odyssey QnA

is copper magic variant official?

Do you have any plans on what the trailer for AO is gonna be at this stage of development or do you want to plan that later when more features are done?


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miracles do come true :scream: :face_holding_back_tears:

  1. How big will the biggest weapons be

  2. How big is AO Envisioned to be, beyond it’s supposed grand story, how big will the overall world be? (This question is poorly worded idk how else to word it though)

  3. How many years of development is expected for AO

also, how many islands are planned to be added for early release? last time i heard there was like 24 islands or something complete.

will there be cutscenes in ao? like fully animated snippets before boss battles or other important story moments?

do in game codes still exist? like vastira500?

speaking of vastira what will happen to all boss drops from WoM? will they still be obtainable somehow or are they going to be deleted?

how many players can fit in a server?

will AO have any animal enemies? like wolf packs or maybe some other kind of dangerous land animal? or just any kind of animal hostile or not in general?

how are fighting styles and magic scrolls obtained? from chests in the sea or from storyline quests or both? or some other method, same question with curses

will there be any kind of weapon customizations? like patterns or colors?

will there be magic taunts? or small little animations that change depending on magic?

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will there be battle passes or some kind of seasonal pass thing with quests that provide unique cosmetics? i know vetex mentioned something about this

How long will Arcane Odyssey’s development, story, and additions continue on for? And once it ends, do you have plans for other games, or what?

Will phoenix come as a lost magic? And if so will it be abel to fly?

Will promethen fire come as a acient magic?

Will dmg nerf on opposite magics be removed??

Will we be abel to customize sky ships?

Will ships be abel to dropp an anchor to make sharp turns and quick stopps?

How many cannons will the biggest ship type have??

What will insanity do and it what way will it affect the game play??

oh yeah good question what does insanity actually do?

And can I become a drugdealer in AO?

these could be repeats i haven’t read any other replies

  1. How will strength weapons be different from standard weapons besides being large

  2. How will fighting style imbuement work

  3. How many islands are left in the bronze sea storyline

  4. Do cultural items such as the merchant coat that have an equivalent in ao still get deleted on release

  5. Grand navy color scheme?

these questions are also likely unplanned or just dumb questions ik


how well optimized is AO and will there be mobile compatibility?


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Question for Vetex. In a hypothetical situation that Roblox is gone and you can’t develop using their tools at all anymore, what would be your first choice in development tools in this situation?

so it’s just a negative status effect with no flipside?

Will the old legendary weapons come back?

Is there plan for arcanium armors?

yes cutscenes, maybe gamecodes, how do you not know about boss drops yet, yes taunts.

Insanity can be given with powerful armor and powerful spells, as well as spending too much time in the dark sea (which is potentially very rewarding). Basically, it comes with the OP stuff to stop you from becoming too stacked

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How much more magically advanced are the war seas compared to the seven seas? Also if the War seas survived until the time that World Of Magic is set how advanced would they be then?