Arcane Odyssey Riddle

There’s a whole clone army of Torrens everyone knows this, keep up

torren particles: we agree

This riddle is confirmed to be about Morden and the Player. But this may complicate things as this means the riddle has TWO answers, two ways to be interpreted. One is abt the Player, the other abt Morden.

If it helps though, Morden and the Player are confirmed to be character foils (or oppsites, per say), so if we figure out one answer, then the other may be the opposite of said answer.

Wait, hang on, if this riddle is linked to the first one, which is about… OH FUCK.


Hmm, so I got the feeling that my older theories abt the Furnace and the Sword were correct. Back then, I speculated that either one could abt Morden, and it seems both of them are…

But theyre also referring to the player.

Man, I knew it. Those two are truly the main characters of this story.

We need to create a Discord server. (It is being worked on rn)

I don’t have discord :sob:

But you can create discord account, right?

yeah but I’m lazy

idk maybe I’ll do It anyway

Okay so as I always assumed riddle 2 was about Aesir and AOMC I might need to rethink some stuff. We are Freedrock and Morden is Torren?
Is the whirlwind Morden?

Is Aesir unleashing Death?

Theory time

Golden Ichor

Either the MC/Morden is a decendent of a god, or their attacks/something about them consumes/dilutes “golden ichor of the past”. When this “Golden Ichor” is fully diluted/gone then the MC/Morden will be powerless.
(I don’t really know here)


The MC is firing the furnace of war through their actions in the storyline. War has been a large part of the War Seas’ history, implying that in the War Seas, war “Burns still”. This will make the MC known as the bringer of war, “inheriting its will”.


Morden “fired the furnace” of, activated, however you want to say it, the death curse by finding and absorbing it or “Inheriting its will” OR him finding the Death Curse he is causing something to stir in response that he will end up joining/inheriting

Based on these theories it seems like MC and Morden will be a metaphor for war sometime in the future. Added to the fact is Iris, symbolizing aggressiveness, and Neviro, symbolizing something like loss or revenge.

Sword of Time

Dispite the MC’s best efforts, it is inevitable that the Order will end up freeing/summoning/resurrecting the thing they’re trying to free/summon/resurrect


Despite Morden’s immortality due to the Death Curse, he will eventually end up dying, probably in the climax of the entire AO story


The Order wants war to break out among the kingdoms in order to further their goals. They are seeding seeds of war everywhere, such as the contract we find in Maria’s oversized brig, or they planned to sacrifice calvus or something. They are using the MC to activate the seeds


The order wanted Morden to get the Death Curse all along. In their eyes, Calvus, Argos, Julian, Elius, Carina, 9% of their power and influence, and however many people were in Fort Talos when it collapsed were expendable

Do I message/dm this to Tech or something

What if Elius is forshadowing.

“Cursed to outlive all those you love”

we know Morden’s main goal is to prevent his friends from being harmed.
Vetex has mentioned that Morden will have a love interest in the future.

Morden isn’t the one to die. Everyone else is.

Can’t wait for iris to be killed off so the simps finally stop


Almost done.

Sounds like Freedrock.

wait a sec

are we torren

Idk, maybe you are taking this too literal.

Okay guys, Tech recommended us to unite into more centric community, so here we are.


What else do you think they would do. move on?

but theres already tucker they don’t need another. and add in carina/maria if you chose merciless